Kudos to SMI. I'll make sure the word gets spread board wide.
It's a very easy concept. If you try to bring info out of the ML in private tags it introduces the potential that someone will quote that material and possibly reveal it to the general public. Aside from that, if I put myself in the shoes of a member who posts something in the Men's Lounge and then find out later it was exposed to the wrong people because some member decided to take my words and transfer them outside the Men's Lounge into a Coed thread and fucked it up somehow, or it got fucked up down the line, I'm gonna be pissed the guy did that.
It's happened before. We have documented cases of it.
Warhead, thank you for starting the thread. The outcome may not have been what you wanted, but since I happened upon your thread I brought it to the whole staff who discussed it, and now the correct way, which SMI was already doing, will be implemented in every forum.
You need to understand that every forum has it's own moderation crew, many of which have never actually met each other or spoken on the phone, and all trying to interpret things the best way they can to offer the best experience to the users. We get it right a lot of times, and we fuck up a lot too, but the fuck up's get brought to light, discussed, debated over, and corrected in the long run too.
I would also like to mention this too. Warhead, don't speak in such away about a member of the mod staff again. It's insulting and disrespectful. You won't be allowed to insult or disrespect other members here either, and while SMI is a moderator, ultimately he's a member here too.
My standing deal with you is this: In exchange for showing basic human decency and respect towards the other members who participate here as you do, I will always show respect towards you and your membership here, and you will stay golden in my book. Should you not feel inclined or capable of keeping your end of the bargain for whatever reason, then I wouldn't feel obligated to keep mine.
Hopefully you and I will have a mutual agreement in that respect and choose not to go down that road. Been down it so many times it's sorta lost it's thrill....
And I'll go a step further on it and make a commitment to you and to everyone that our mod staff is getting ready to step up our game. Currently the ratio is 10,000 members for each mod on the site. I'm all over em and the members are too. I'll be the first to say that in some cases they deserve all the crap they get, but sometimes we should cut em some slack. It's a tough fucking thankless job.
Thank you, let's carry on, and hope you can see the logic on the private tags. It was pretty one-sided on how it should be enforced in the staff discussion so I'm betting you can see the rationale too.
Good day to all,
St. C
Originally Posted by St.Christopher
its not in guidelines as I see it
blue button in quote should take one to St.C post and so then the thread in main