DAMAGE CONTROL before the s*** hits the fan

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
ok well i didnt use aspd so how am i supposed to know what some "hated provider" said on there??? gimmie a break!
as bad as i would like to name names pissed does not come close to expressing my feelings about the situation, but I was adviced by a owner that if I named her in an alert then i would be subject to being banned and while right now it might be worth a banning. in days to come i would probably change my mind. But by outing her then i would lose the respect of the entire community, a high price to pay for a few moments of petty madness. If you want more details then you can PM me and then I might tell you but not on a public board. Originally Posted by chelsea simms

I am really sorry for your loss, I have not met you (yet), but I am looking forward to hopefully seeing you soon. I also understand your hesitancy in outing an individual for something they did and you feel you were wronged, and yes, it is true you will lose respect of the community here as I know first hand how that is.
StJames's Avatar
Christy Jones, humm, are you sure that's all she took?
yohollyrock's Avatar
Why would anybody want to do any harm to someone as sweet as Chelsea? You are a sweetheart to all of us who know you, so don't let this situation sway your personality. This girl should be ashamed for what she did, not to mention the loss of business she might have to face up to. We're all on your side Chelsea!!
Guest091314's Avatar
Chelsea I am so sorry that this happened to you. I guess a person can never change old ways...
Sorry this happened to you, Chelsea. Events like this are the reason I associate with very, very few other ladies, and I am picky about who I associate with. You have to be! This is your business! It's incredibly difficult to maintain friendships with other providers, and you never really know who you are dealing with or what their "issues" might be. The faster you learn to take care of #1 (YOURSELF!), the happier you will be.

I saw a few of her reviews and there was some speculation as to her recreational activities...there's no way in Hell I would have let her take over my place while I was away! Furthermore, I'd never put my name on the line for someone like that. I'm really sorry for your losses, Chelsea, I truly am. But you have to watch out for yourself! You are only as good as the company you keep...you are a very sweet girl...so keep better company!

ok well i didnt use aspd so how am i supposed to know what some "hated provider" said on there??? gimmie a break! Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
POW, BISHES! Heh heh...I've been dyin' to use that just once
Damn shame. Hope you get your car back and some sense of peace once this all clears out. I know being burglarized isn't the same thing that happened here, but I know how upsetting it is to walk into your home and find it "different" than when you last saw it.
Listen to THE DANNIE she is wise.
All things are not as dark and gloomy as they seem at times
One of the metroplex police depts found my auto, contacted me and have since released it to me. By some stroke of luck it wasn't wrecked, stripped, or shipped out of country. The perps ran it out of gas and left it in a low rent motel lot complete with their trash and left over crap they were smoking
No sarcasm intended, all yall who pointed out my stupid mistakes, Thanks I know every once in a while I forget just how bad some folk,s can be, and yall yanking my feet back on the ground I do appreciate. For all who offered their best wishes Thanks very much to yall also.
OK update over, everybody get back to work and have a happy hobby day
Can I borrow the car tonight??
Glad u got it back!
Guest091314's Avatar
Better yet, I hope she makes it up to you. I doubt she will but can always dream.
Sorry this happened to you, Chelsea. Events like this are the reason I associate with very, very few other ladies, and I am picky about who I associate with. You have to be! This is your business! It's incredibly difficult to maintain friendships with other providers, and you never really know who you are dealing with or what their "issues" might be. The faster you learn to take care of #1 (YOURSELF!), the happier you will be.

I saw a few of her reviews and there was some speculation as to her recreational activities...there's no way in Hell I would have let her take over my place while I was away! Furthermore, I'd never put my name on the line for someone like that. I'm really sorry for your losses, Chelsea, I truly am. But you have to watch out for yourself! You are only as good as the company you keep...you are a very sweet girl...so keep better company!
Originally Posted by Dannie
Chelsea- I have not seen you- but do not worry about things here. You have many followers and reviews; BS like that will not hurt your biz. Smart hobbyists will see right through it. Take care- and sorry that happened to you.
But please, do not allow a sob story on her behalf to sway you into dropping any charges. Grand theft auto is a serious offense.

Hope that you will follow up and do the right thing.

The Colonel
snowking2010's Avatar
Chelsea, we only met once, but i found you to be such a nice person. Sorry this happened. Hang in there.