Baby, it's too cold in here! "Baby it's cold outside" banned

rexdutchman's Avatar
Well this is a rocky road , tons of song have "issues " that the snowflake could attack
  • grean
  • 12-12-2018, 08:39 AM
Kids have the right to bear arms? They can't be deprived of their liberty without due process? Well holy shit. My childhood would have been so much easier if I'd known I could shoot my parents in the face for trying to ground me.

Clearly constitutional rights don't apply to minors. If they have the right to free speech, which I by no means concede, it comes from somewhere other than the Constitution. Originally Posted by dgc92

All of that is non-sense.

If a kid is picked up by the cops, he cannot be compelled to speak. He or she has a right to remain silent, an attorney...yadayadayada....

As far as 2A it's state to state. There is no minimum age in Texas to possess a firearm, just to buy one.

A child can talk shit about the government all day without fear of persecution.

Well you are correct they aren't derived from the Constitution. The above are inalienable rights. The constitution just restricts the government from infringing upon them.

Snowflakes have a right to complain about and believe a song promotes date rape. The rest of us have a right to laugh our asses off about it.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 12-12-2018, 09:55 AM
  • dgc92
  • 12-12-2018, 10:05 AM
As far as 2A it's state to state. There is no minimum age in Texas to possess a firearm, just to buy one. Originally Posted by grean
Now THAT is nonsense. There are specific laws in Texas against leaving a firearm where a minor can get to it. Even in this state full of gun nuts, nobody wants kids to have guns.

But I finally broke down and looked into it. Apparently kids do have constitutional rights, except in some cases where there's an age of majority. Which makes that gun issue I brought up a little sticky. I'm sure there's answers to it if I cared to find them. But to the main point, the Supreme Court has ruled numerous times that free speech can absolutely be curtailed in school. Checkmate, gin, and yahtzee. I win. The school only backed down because they didn't want the hassle. The principal was legally within her rights to ban candy canes. But this is a classic case of "just because you can doesn't mean you should."
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 12-12-2018, 10:08 AM
Now THAT is nonsense. There are specific laws in Texas against leaving a firearm where a minor can get to it. Even in this state full of gun nuts, nobody wants kids to have guns.

But I finally broke down and looked into it. Apparently kids do have constitutional rights, except in some cases where there's an age of majority. Which makes that gun issue I brought up a little sticky. I'm sure there's answers to it if I cared to find them. But to the main point, the Supreme Court has ruled numerous times that free speech can absolutely be curtailed in school. Checkmate, gin, and yahtzee. I win. The school only backed down because they didn't want the hassle. The principal was legally within her rights to ban candy canes. But this is a classic case of "just because you can doesn't mean you should." Originally Posted by dgc92
Uh, my kid got his first .22 when he was 6. He was shooting in competitions at age 12.
txexetoo's Avatar
Uh, my kid got his first .22 when he was 6. He was shooting in competitions at age 12. Originally Posted by Crock
Why are you guys hijacking this thread?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Now THAT is nonsense. There are specific laws in Texas against leaving a firearm where a minor can get to it. Even in this state full of gun nuts, nobody wants kids to have guns.

But I finally broke down and looked into it. Apparently kids do have constitutional rights, except in some cases where there's an age of majority. Which makes that gun issue I brought up a little sticky. I'm sure there's answers to it if I cared to find them. But to the main point, the Supreme Court has ruled numerous times that free speech can absolutely be curtailed in school. Checkmate, gin, and yahtzee. I win. The school only backed down because they didn't want the hassle. The principal was legally within her rights to ban candy canes. But this is a classic case of "just because you can doesn't mean you should." Originally Posted by dgc92
I take it you didn’t do well in law school.

No right is absolute. Rights must be tailored to the circumstances. And you are (finally) correct that students in school dint have the full panoply of free speech rights. Just like you don’t have the right to falsely shout “Fire!” In a crowded theater or to defame me.
  • dgc92
  • 12-12-2018, 03:05 PM
Uh, my kid got his first .22 when he was 6. He was shooting in competitions at age 12. Originally Posted by Crock
Okay, let me rephrase. Even in this state full of gun nuts, nobody wants kids to have unsupervised access to guns.

If you're about to tell me your kid of 6 got to go play with his gun without adults around, please don't, because I'm happier thinking nobody's that stupid.

And you are (finally) correct that students in school dint have the full panoply of free speech rights. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Finally? That's all I ever said, until I got distracted arguing my gun example. My main point, first, last, and always, was that the teachers and students don't have free speech rights. Because if you add a lot of ifs, ands, and buts to it, it's not really a right to free speech, is it?

I agree they have free speech within certain parameters, but how does that qualify as free speech? Some parameters are more restrictive than others. And the principal had the right to add a modifier to their restricted freedom. The modifier she added was stupid, and she was almost immediately smacked down by her superiors, but she definitely had the authority to add it. And THAT was my main point.

The whole gun thing.... I don't care, the gun laws in this country are stupid anyway, it just seemed like a convenient example.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Memory problems, too, I see.

What you actually said, that occasioned my quote from Tinker v. Des Moins was “I'm not sure constitutional rights apply to minors. Now that I think about it, I'm certain they don't.
  • dgc92
  • 12-13-2018, 04:38 AM
I think you may be mentally challenged, so I'm not gonna say anything insulting. Nobody can say I pick on the less fortunate.

The question was free speech. That is not a right students or teachers have in schools. While it isn't officially revoked, once you add more than a couple qualifiers, it's not free. You can't say things that will cause actual, demonstrable harm to people? That's reasonable. I'm on board. It's still free speech. After a few more rules, I don't care if you call it "bald eagle Chevrolet apple pie baseball speech," it's not.

Same concept applies to the constitutional rights of children. If you say "they have constitutional rights, but not this one, this one, that one over there, certainly not that one, and.... Okay, let them have that one, let's see how it goes," then do they REALLY have constitutional rights? Or do they have separate, more restrictive rights that you're just pretending are the same thing?

By the words of the law, you're technically correct, and congratulations. I capitulate to the better man, consider my cap doffed. But any idiot can see the contradictions here, and technicalities aside, I'm right. Kids don't have REAL constitutional rights, and nobody has REAL free speech in a school.

Can we talk about Christmas songs some more now?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Can we talk about Christmas songs some more now? Originally Posted by dgc92
please do.. I'll try to steer my thread back on course.

this may be my favorite Christmas song, as performed by the Ronettes.. the lead singer, Veronica Spector is sexy as Hell
Now I need a warm, wet, "Safe Space" to slide into
..AND I want you all to pay for it. Or you're all misogynistic, racist, cleptophobes with antipathy for those of us seeking "social justice"... Oh and "True Socialism has never really been tried" so pay up.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^Good song Chung , Still if a song pushes you over the edge "Your a snowflake and are reading TO MUCH into things" Just saying
  • grean
  • 12-13-2018, 02:37 PM

I think Shatner nailed it. Especially if you look at the original choreography.

Everyone these days seem to make something out of nothing.
CG2014's Avatar
You said it, Bill.

Now zap those ignorant SNOWFLAKES idiots with Phasers set on Kill!

Then finish them off with a full spread of Photon Torpedoes!!

I can't believe the ^^^ FOX article mentioned he was in T J Hooker.

Most folks don't know about that show.

I Love that show especially when he calls the bad guys SCUM and MAGGOT.

at 1:23

I still have every episode on VHS, recorded from TV as they were being broadcast from 1982-1986, first on Saturdays at 7 pm on ABC and then when ABC cancelled it, on late night at 11 pm on CBS, with the commercials left out, in the exact chronological order they were broadcast, 7 episodes per each T-120 VHS tape.