Joe Biden.....”Running for the United States Senate”....LOL

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No Dumbass...that’s Trumps spelling. Are you just stupid thru practice or does it come natural to you ? I’m just quoting verbatim inc HIS spelling....via Twitter.

Seeing that I do option trading on a regular basis I think I know a thing or two about the markets. But I got out when the shit was going to hit the fan over this virus.

I must admit though, I’d love to see Trump freaking out after the DOW dropped another 1100 points. And guess’s going to plunge more. That’s why you don’t judge an economy on the markets. Trumps ain’t bragging now Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

i'm sitting on 21k in my money market account. from my dividend stocks of course. oh they dropped about 20k butt they will come back .. in the meantime do yous think i should buy tomorrow after it's bottomed out?

how much skin in the game do yous have? in dollars not pound sterling we don't accept that shit here.
No Dumbass...that’s Trumps spelling. Are you just stupid thru practice or does it come natural to you ? I’m just quoting verbatim inc HIS spelling....via Twitter.

Seeing that I do option trading on a regular basis I think I know a thing or two about the markets. But I got out when the shit was going to hit the fan over this virus.

I must admit though, I’d love to see Trump freaking out after the DOW dropped another 1100 points. And guess’s going to plunge more. That’s why you don’t judge an economy on the markets. Trumps ain’t bragging now Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Post the Twitter Feed dumb fuck.