Typical. Slam the leader and then offer no advice. Rummy is about the same as some of you numbnut Tea tards...

LexusLover's Avatar

Yes, you are a moron and like all morons have reading comprehension and a conclusion drawing problems (among other things). Again, you are making shit up...your MO.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
That just about sums him up ... lock, stock, and barrel....

.... . a blunder buster of a mouth for sure!

He's the classic definition of a fart .....

...loud, hot, stinky air with no substance.
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  • 09-05-2013, 11:48 AM
More deflection. A question was asked, I answered it.

You answered it wrong but I guess you think that counts...

Yes, you are a moron and like all morons have reading comprehension and a conclusion drawing problems (among other things). Again, you are making shit up...your MO.

I could say the same about you, in fact I will .. Yes, you are a moron and like all morons have reading comprehension and a conclusion drawing problems (among other things). Again, you are making shit up...your MO.

They are killing each other everyday and will continue to kill each other long after we are gone. That wasn't the issue. The issue is Obama wrote a check that he couldn't cash and you Dimtards are trying to extricate him from another self-imposed blunder. I'm waiting for him to use the "Hey, I'm always good for a beer!" excuse.

He can cash it, he is just playing political football and getting his critics on the record with a vote. Smart move IMHO.

...like delusions of grandeur. Originally Posted by gnadfly
wipe your mouth and move along.
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  • 09-05-2013, 11:50 AM
That just about sums him up ... lock, stock, and barrel....

.... . a blunder buster of a mouth for sure!

He's the classic definition of a fart .....

...loud, hot, stinky air with no substance. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL called me a fart...how original. Come pull my finger LL.
wipe your mouth and move along. Originally Posted by WTF
Game, set and match! Rule #7 of arguing with WTF, the moronic buffoon.
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  • 09-06-2013, 07:13 AM
Game, set and match! Rule #7 of arguing with WTF, the moronic buffoon. Originally Posted by gnadfly
This from the buffoon who at first thought cops killing a 95 year old man was a bit excessive .... to "Let us gather more facts".

You could not wait to rush into Iraq , despite their being UN inspectors there. Syria...Obama is president so gassing civilians is ok with you. No wonder you are confused with your sexuality.

A clear case of excessive force needs further review. What further review is going to reveal?... that the 95 year old man was really 20?

Now pull my finger and move along.
...More examples of poor reading comprehension and conclusion gathering...along with "Making Shit Up."...

Now pull my finger and move along. Originally Posted by WTF
Go pull your own "finger" you moronic buffoon.
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  • 09-06-2013, 08:12 AM
Go pull your own "finger" you moronic buffoon. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Have you figured out yet if the cops killing a 95 year old man that used a walker was excessive or not?

The man was white btw and a war veteran. We all know had he been black, you'd given the cops a medal.

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  • 09-06-2013, 08:15 AM
So tell us WTF; what is the name of this pro western, secular anti-Assad faction that we should be supporting...........you claim it exists, then what is the name?

....... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Have you forgotten to thank me?

Must I do all your research?


Western-backed opposition fighters and a faction of al Qaeda-linked rebels turned their guns on each other Saturday in Syria’s largest city, battling for control of a key checkpoint in the latest eruption of infighting among the forces trying to topple President Bashar Assad’s regime, activists said.
The clashes between rebels affiliated with the Free Syrian Army and fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant underscored the growing phenomenon of rebel-on-rebel violence that has sapped strength from the broader anti-Assad movement. It also underscores the rebels’ inability more than two years into the conflict to unite around a unified command, as well as the deepening rift between more secular opposition fighters and Islamic extremists in the rebel ranks Originally Posted by WTF
It is amusing that you believe that the FSA represents a secular force for change within Syria; you believe the bullshit being peddled by the most corrupt lying administration in our history. That is funny.

Just as you believed Benghazi was caused by a You Tube Video; you need to learn from your mistakes.

The FSA exists for the purpose of over throwing Assad; it does NOT exist for the purpose of bring secularism to Syria. Where did you get these crazy ideas from ? Just because a newspaper calls it secular isn't of any substance.
According to Reuters, the organization's military command is "Islamist dominated". The Associated Press says that "Many of the participating groups (in the FSA) have strong Islamists agendas, and some have fought in ways that could scare away Western backers. They include the Tawheed Brigade, whose ideology is similar to that of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Falcons of Damascus, an ultraconservative Islamist group." [3]

The Wall Street Journal reports that Brig. Gen. Mithkal Albtaish, an FSA leader, says that the organization is "dominated by Islamist groups that are in close coordination with al Nusra," [4] the al-Qaeda aligned terrorist group. The idea, then, that the FSA is secular is mistaken.

Neither does the FSA have a political program committed to democracy. "Eliminate Assad" does not necessarily mean "create democracy." It could mean "create theocracy" or "create a US-puppet regime." Hence, what the FSA wants to replace Assad with, is not defined, but given that the organization is backed, armed, supported and guided by the United States, its European satellites, and Arab royalist dictators (an iconoclast has dubbed the loose alliance of rebel groups the Foreign Supplied Army) we can guess that the answer is: whatever the FSA's backers, prime among them Washington, say.

And let's be clear. The FSA's goal isn't to eliminate Assad per se, but the policies Assad and his allies are committed to: economic nationalism; anti-colonialism; alliance with Iran; and so on, about which more in a moment. It is inconceivable that the United States and its FSA marionette would tolerate a successor to Assad who maintained Assad's foreign and economic policies.
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  • 09-06-2013, 12:52 PM
Neither does the FSA have a political program committed to democracy. "Eliminate Assad" does not necessarily mean "create democracy." It could mean "create theocracy" or "create a US-puppet regime." Hence, what the FSA wants to replace Assad with, is not defined, but given that the organization is backed, armed, supported and guided by the United States, its European satellites, and Arab royalist dictators (an iconoclast has dubbed the loose alliance of rebel groups the Foreign Supplied Army) we can guess that the answer is: whatever the FSA's backers, prime among them Washington, say.

And let's be clear. The FSA's goal isn't to eliminate Assad per se, but the policies Assad and his allies are committed to: economic nationalism; anti-colonialism; alliance with Iran; and so on, about which more in a moment. It is inconceivable that the United States and its FSA marionette would tolerate a successor to Assad who maintained Assad's foreign and economic policies.[/INDENT][/QUOTE] Do you even read/comprehend your own post? It will do wtf we want it to do.
You can blindly (on good faith) believe that the FSA represents a secular force, hoping that if they prevail they will embrace secularism; I don't. There is no proof that the FSA will embrace secularism if Assad goes; all of the evidence (Iraq, Libya, Egypt) tells us otherwise. And the reporting by the WSJ, Reuters, and AP tells us that the FSA isn't a single minded entity but a coalition of ideologies from moderate to the most extreme of Islamists. Once Assad goes; the FSA will dissolve and Sharia fundamentalism will be the rule of law in Syria !

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  • 09-06-2013, 02:06 PM
You can blindly (on good faith) believe that the FSA represents a secular force, hoping that if they prevail they will embrace secularism; I don't. There is no proof that the FSA will embrace secularism if Assad goes; all of the evidence (Iraq, Libya, Egypt) tells us otherwise. And the reporting by the WSJ, Reuters, and AP tells us that the FSA isn't a single minded entity but a coalition of ideologies from moderate to the most extreme of Islamists. Once Assad goes; the FSA will dissolve and Sharia fundamentalism will be the rule of law in Syria !

FACT JACK ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

It is all supposition, there are no FACT JACK in politics. All political groups have varying ideologies from moderate to the most extreme...you have that in both the GOP and Democrat party here in the States.

Here is a fact. I am not for going into Syria, I was not for going into Iraq either time. The only thing I supported was the invasion of Afgan.

Can you tell me why you supported the invasion of Iraq and not Syria. Neither were a threat to this country. In fact Afgan was not a threat, I just thought Osama should have been hunted down and shot. I really did not give a fuck about nation building in any of those countries. Why do you pick and choose which war to support??? , is it based on who is President.? Because that sure the fuc is what it appears like to me.
I wrongly supported the invasion of Iraq; and I think the American policy of nation building in Afghanistan was a waste.....that said, we should stay out of Syria.

The case for going to war in Iraq was certainly more compelling; Regime change in Iraq was our national policy - The Iraq Liberation Act, signed into law by Bill Clinton. Also the 18 UN violations and condemnations, as well as the UN vote authorizing regime change in Iraq. To compare Iraq and Syria is sophomoric...the situations on the ground and in the political world are not the same. But no doubt Syria ( like Iraq) has many factions vying for power; none of which is pro western moderate secular.

And the FSA is not a force for secular democracy in Syria; and you have not yet offered any proof to back up your claim that it is.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
Just what we need, another war!!

Until we have a commander in chief who knows what he is doing... let Allah sort it out!” -Sarah Palin
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  • 09-06-2013, 04:16 PM
Whirly you do realize that I am an isolationist. I'm not for this military intervention nor any others. If they attacked Israel I would not be for helping them with boots on the ground. What I am is consistent. I do not sway with the person in office. Much like you tea guys