Vanessa DDD response to review

This thread grabbed the attention of all of the eccie big shots.... tree bark, fat Paulie, Loki.... throw Iggy in and we have the A/HV Mount Rushmore!
gateswarm's Avatar
I don't often chime in on these conversations but I felt compelled to this time. It's too bad that this kind of thing happened. I would never start calling anyone names for their actions as I don't know any of you from Adam.....only what I see posted here. I do know Vanessa however and I found her to be a very friendly, accommodating provider who treated this old guy to a very nice time. I hope that this all gets worked out in the end. I hate to see this animosity here. We are all here and in the hobby for many different reasons and I for one appreciate providers like Vanessa and other ladies on here who I believe try very hard to treat us well. Be safe my friends....enjoy each other.
DDarkness's Avatar
Keep it on track folks. This is the only warning!

TreeBark's Avatar
Don't forget Mtnliving!! He's a big shot too!!

This thread grabbed the attention of all of the eccie big shots.... tree bark, fat Paulie, Loki.... throw Iggy in and we have the A/HV Mount Rushmore! Originally Posted by Duckduckgoose1977
I only brought this discussion to coed as I was told i needed to make a public rebuttal by administration. My rebuttal has been made, and my side heard. Originally Posted by VanessaDDD
Your rebuttal is clear. This review will not influence my opinion in any way. I look forward to seeing you again.
I think the community is pretty heavily behind you, I wouldn't worry about one guy with 2 reviews that isn't friendly with anyone or overall involved with the community, won't hurt your business at all. Tens of glowing reviews will always outshine a couple bad ones, even if the bad one gets the most press.

As for threats, if they ever came to fruition (hopefully they don't), yes you can call the police. You just be careful about it. Let's just say buying gifts for a girl isn't unheard of, and if he is truly unhinged then it won't be a problem. However, I think this is kind of how pimps were created, mutually beneficial relationship. It's a tough situation to be in and I hope you never have cause to call the police.

If you are forced to contact someone and they give you a hard time or if you ever get in trouble in general let me know and I can help. This goes for any of the girls on this board, can help you navigate the legal system if, god forbid, it's ever an issue for you. I'm already doing it on another matter for a more UTR provider. Good luck and be safe.
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Vanessa girl, it's awesome connecting with the guys it really is, but as soon as they feel like a little mad at something they will slander you. Just try to be careful
Jon Colden's Avatar
Vanessa girl, it's awesome connecting with the guys it really is, but as soon as they feel like a little mad at something they will slander you. Just try to be careful Originally Posted by Vivi Boyt
I'm sorry, but is your caveat really being fair and accurate? You don't feel that you're painting with way too wide a brush there?

It strikes me as going so far as to directly contradict your prefatory statement.
Vanessa was my first visit in a very long time. She treated me well and was completely understanding of me being nervous. Since then I have tried getting in contact several times it's usually a last minute thing for me and she has always been very understanding, actually last time I tried getting in touch with her it was late, I had just gotten home after having guys night out and I was in the mood. I couldn't have gotten to get if I wanted to, little impaired. I'm hoping I can see her again sometime soon. I don't think the slandering comment holds much weight.
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
I'm sorry, but is your caveat really being fair and accurate? You don't feel that you're painting with way too wide a brush there?

It strikes me as going so far as to directly contradict your prefatory statement. Originally Posted by Jon Colden
No, not really you can be super cool to someone who wants to try and be your friend but taking it slow is being careful
Jon Colden's Avatar
No, not really you can be super cool to someone who wants to try and be your friend but taking it slow is being careful Originally Posted by Vivi Boyt
Ok. Have it your way.
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Lol thank you
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
I am so sorry that happened to you Vanessa. I think at one point or another all ladies have dealt with guys that flip the script on us and it is never a good experience. Usually the good guys and great clients can see through the bullshit and it all just passes in time but it does truly suck. I hope that the mods remove the crappy review for you since rebuttals to such garbage reviews are not allowed and this type of rebuttal is in no way attached to the actual review.

You mentioned being scared to go home. This makes me very sad. I've survived some pretty horrible stuff throughout my life and if you need a lady to talk to or ideas on how to stay safe then please text me so I can give you a call or we can email, honey.

Hope it blows over for you soon! *sending sexy kisses your way*