Sweet N Little's Avatar
God knows, if Oprah said it, it must be gospel.

(But look at her followers...all manipulators.) Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yes a smart women with a net worth of 2.7 billion by giving advise, I'm sure she manipulated everyone

speaking of advise, Tiff I think you missed your calling lol , words of wisdom as always
For most of my life, I've believed that women had basically one goal in life: to manipulate men. As a consequence, I see ulterior motives in most of what women do. We don't always know what the motives are, but they are there.

Guys, when you are feeling pressured to change, just try and see the motives and why the pressure is there.

[Note: No woman ever married a man for the way he was. She got married thinking all the ways she was going to change him.] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
While I find your statement to be way too broad and general and all-encompassing of the worst stereotypes of women, I can't also help but agree with you in some ways being a woman myself. I am far too damn honest to manipulate any man, and maybe that's why I'm not married LOL. I could have been far richer if I played my 'cards' right with some of the wealthiest men I have been with, but there's also a thing called karma: It WILL come back to haunt you in ways you can't imagine.

That being said, the thing I envy about men is that they have a brotherhood and fraternity that women never will. I have many more male friends and always have because of the general cattiness, backstabbing, jealous nature of women. Some are like snakes in the grass. Men can get into a fistfight and then shake hands afterwards and it's all good, but women just smile and stab you in the back.

So as I said, while I find your statement to be a bit broad and certainly negative, there IS a big core of truth to what you are saying.
That is why I love this hobby. I love the dichotomy. It makes everything PERFECT! Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)

I've known many a client who was ripped off or manipulated by an escort. Just like in real life
I've known many a client who was ripped off or manipulated by an escort. Just like in real life Originally Posted by alluringava
Not what this hobby is about...and BTW, don't fuckin fall in love and shit with me when we meet. Long-distance relationships just don't work. Can't wait to meet you.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I just read your Sig line. Please pre-book me for 2 hours. First day. Thank you. In March. Thancks. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Lol..... date is set. Will pm you in a few .

where have you been hiding
Does manipulating go on on hooker boards? You put the money down, I fuck you and you leave. Some of us are forgetting what this board is truly about -- FUCKING. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Lol..... date is set. Will pm you in a few .

Z Originally Posted by ZarahAdams

OMG, Gawd. I am going to oh so divulge and indulge in you. I am going to enjoy and relish in the moments. This is going to be spectacular!
speaking of advise, Tiff I think you missed your calling lol , words of wisdom as always Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Girl, I'm just over-analytical. I've learned to see the good and bad in all situations.

@Zarah. I've been doing well. I'm PMing you...
bojulay's Avatar
Some people try and manipulate as a kind of test,
whether it be a conscious or subconscious act on
their part, and without being gender specific.

If you don't allow it, you pass the test.

For some it has just become an intrinsic part of their
nature to try and manipulate others.

Some people seem to enjoy being manipulated,
even though they complain about it. Why else
would they put up with it. No law that says you
have to.

Why complicate the simple. If someone is trying
to manipulate you don't allow it. There, problem

All that being said there is one more thing.

If you don't read and agree with my post, I wont
like you anymore. LOL
On the other hand, it's kind of like the old Adam and Eve legend, and all the other legends about say, the sirens and mermaids who 'lured men' to their doom. ( Manipulation is just a part of the story, the men 'couldn't help themselves'). You could look at it this way: Eve was smart enough to get Adam to eat the apple, and he was too stupid to say no. And with the sirens, mermaids, and lorelei legends, you could say that was one dumb ass sailor who let himself get 'charmed' by her song. Just take a look at POTC 4.