Son in law Jared Kushner under investigation

Another $ 3 million in campaign money just disappeared. That is neither left leaning or right leaning. That is a fact.

Plenty of research reports available if you can find the time, instead of spending time on a silly hooker board which you stated several times you don't have time for. Originally Posted by VitaMan

You are the one making the accusations so a little proof is expected instead of just your opinion.
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To return to the Original Topic . . .
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Additional Food For Thought . . .
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems team Demonicrat is overly concerned that the kid might cause a flair up of World Peace to break out after he left the WH and they simply can't stand for that, as observed by the WSJ:

Jared Kushner’s New Fund Plans to Invest Saudi Money in Israel
Saudi Arabia’s sovereign-wealth fund committed $2 billion to Mr. Kushner’s Affinity Partners, agreeing to allow investment in Israeli firms for the first time
By Dion Nissenbaum and Rory Jones
Updated May 8, 2022

Dey seem bad mad.