Did I do something wrong?

enjoydaty's Avatar
FK, first, one piece of advice for you, calm the heck down. Originally Posted by LNK
Noctua's Avatar
Wow that's a lot of feedback I really appreciate it! Awesome community you guys are ok in my book.
Noctua's Avatar
FK I did not out you but now that you have made it public... "Knock yourself out" is an expression not litteral. Maybe there is a slight communication barrier? I talked to Gina she assured me you are full of it. And if you would go behind my back to get my personal info I wouldn't see you anyway so what's the point? You can drag this out if you wish but I am done and moving on. Best of luck to you

He called me bring RUDE!! I asked him 3 times NAME, PHONE, I advised to see an ID for a newbies FIRST VISIT>

He gave my run around and said he is a P411 and he had a hard time paying with his CC and He just finally got his P411.

But he is not provide me with his P411 info

I said I'm done asking and I will ask GINA directly about him if he is legit or not

He said I was rude! and to knock myself out!!!

I've been here 29 months I must had KNOCKED OUT myself a lot of time!!!

HE is RUDE!!! Fuck this shit and he is not worth dealing with!!!!

Ok I'm in trouble so, Punch me! Originally Posted by Feisty Kat
Well i can def say he DOES indeed have P411. With that id probably ask same info as Sami since you dont have okays... but im still stuck as to why anyone needs your REAL number and not hobby number...
I can also say hes been very sweet and respectful via PM. I think if he was going to TRULY be an ass.. he would had named the provider.. but he didnt. I just see a newbie who was trying to figure out how things work as far as screening and then wondering what he did wrong.
I suggest finding a newbie friendly girl that will screen you and teach you the way of the hobby. I think Redleg505 has a great list of girls that might meet your needs.
I also suggest paying for PA access and then asking the gents in the Mens area which will equal no drama usually....lol that i know of.

Id screen you.. but i require all the info you need to file taxes and a blood sample. LOL
Noctua's Avatar
Will a needle work or do you need to slash my wrists lol
Thanks for the assist Devon. Like I said to you I believe we just had a misunderstanding that went too far, no hard feelings and no wish to go on about it.
thank you to the lady that answered my question.. now i know lol
mr mushroom's Avatar
I'm a very good friend of Feisty and see her on a regular basis and have for over a year and a half. She is a very loving and caring person and i hate to see people bash her or make fun of accent! I for one think its sexy as hell! That being said I think everyone should be able to screen to their own comfort level. I can't see how knowing who the person before you risk your life to see them! She is very discrete and I've never had a privacy issue with her! If you don't want her to know who you are then don't see her. But for crying out loud stop ganging up on her to bash her! GROW UP!
P411 will not give out the personal info. I contacted P411 customer service and ask of why a member who CLAIMED to have a P411 account but failed to contact me via P411 email system and then now all of this!

That's fine. FOR DD, stop being so damn rude to me. I got nothing on you , with you or anything to associate with you. So, knock yourself out!
Don't make me come down there!! This whole thing sounds like a big misunderstanding. We have a newbie that is trying to learn the right thing to do - and we have a Fiesty Kat that was trying to be very careful. Both are admirable and hopefully, both will learn from the experience.

Let's move on people....and stop sniping at each other....geeeeez!!!
Don't make me come down there!! This whole thing sounds like a big misunderstanding. We have a newbie that is trying to learn the right thing to do - and we have a Fiesty Kat that was trying to be very careful. Both are admirable and hopefully, both will learn from the experience.

Let's move on people....and stop sniping at each other....geeeeez!!!
Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Thank you!

Lets play!
He called me bring RUDE!! I asked him 3 times NAME, PHONE, I advised to see an ID for a newbies FIRST VISIT>

He gave my run around and said he is a P411 and he had a hard time paying with his CC and He just finally got his P411.

But he is not provide me with his P411 info

I said I'm done asking and I will ask GINA directly about him if he is legit or not

He said I was rude! and to knock myself out!!!

I've been here 29 months I must had KNOCKED OUT myself a lot of time!!!

HE is RUDE!!! Fuck this shit and he is not worth dealing with!!!!

Ok I'm in trouble so, Punch me! Originally Posted by Feisty Kat
this makes me so hot for you!! I cant wait for you to make it to kc or for the weather to break so I can ride my bike to where ever you are!! screen me see me just don't bleed me!!!!
this makes me so hot for you!! I cant wait for you to make it to kc or for the weather to break so I can ride my bike to where ever you are!! screen me see me just don't bleed me!!!! Originally Posted by lookintoo1

I'm sorry I already grown up!
FK, first, one piece of advice for you, calm the heck down.

You've been here a relatively long time, you have an unbroken string of Yes reviews here.

A newbie bitching about your screening isn't going to adversely affect you, or I'd be amazed if it did.

I don't believe he mentioned your name anywhere. If you hadn't posted, I, and anyone else who read this thread would have no clue who he was talking about.

Many times the best thing to do is ignore the whack-a-doodles.

He won't give you his P411 ID? Ignore.
He won't give you other screening information? Ignore.
He posts complaining you won't communicate with him? Ignore.

Eventually, he'll grow up and realize there is other pussy for sale, and the fact that you won't talk to him is not the end of the world.

Unless he's Fast Gunn. Originally Posted by LNK
Don't put two cents into what he said Kat, like LNK said, you know what your doing, I've turned down people with 20 OK's on P411 because nobody would contact me. Sometimes they get mad, but usually they will keep trying and keep trying and finally go get an updated ref, then I'll see them. They will go find another provider just to prove they are legit if it comes down to that and they really want to see you. That's ONE guy in what THOUSANDS, literally. He is a drop in the GIANT ocean of sperm in here! HEE! BE safe!
Everyone is different. Her asking for your information isn't anything new BUT requesting to do something differently, could have been taken bitterly with her. My advice? Next time, either, just go along with it OR don't reply. As stated, move on to the next person. No reason to make enemies!