I ordered pickup from Pizza Hut. Arrived at my promised time and they forgot my order. Pizza Hut is a billion dollar organization.
It happens.
I'll order from them again because it's never happened before and they don't have a history of dropping other customer's orders.
If it becomes a pattern, then I won't.
Same principle here.
Originally Posted by bkfantasy
Along these same lines, about a month ago I ordered a pizza and crazy bread from Little Caesar's. I hadn't had one in months because there aren't any close to me anymore. Never had any problems with them, the pizza, or crazy bread and always enjoyed them.
Long story short, it was the worse pizza I've had it recent history. It was nothing like I had before and the crazy bread was bad too because for whatever reason it wasn't fluffy but hard and dry.
The big kicker was I was sick the entire next day from eating it.
Now, am I going to try it again, probably. However, it's not going to be any time soon. The experience and the distance involved isn't going to make a very appealing idea.
Now imagine, if this was the first time I had ever been there. If it was, it's likely it would turn me away permanently because in my mind that may be "just how it is" or that's "how it's become". As a customer, it doesn't make sense to me to support that way of thinking. In particular, first time there, no prior experience or knowledge of what it is like any other time.
If there is a make up agreement/session thats great. It shows effort to make things right. But that doesn't change the circumstances of how it happened the first time and brushing it off as "to be expected" or it's "part of the hobby" doesn't quite cover for it. Also, with more of the want for references and providing personal background information I think it is worth wanting more than that.
Yes, accidents happen. Emergencies happen. Misunderstandings happen. Appointments get forgot about.
But none of this is reason to except that a simple phone call cant keep the damage control to a minimum.