The Colonics Experience

MacTheKnife's Avatar
I am surprised Grip has not weighed in on this thread.

After all, the topic could be construed as being related to his favorite subject - "starfish."

I still remember the thread on the P when he called everyone that had posted on the thread, "butthole bandits."
  • sadie
  • 04-06-2010, 09:09 AM
LOL. Grip is the butthole bandit. Last I heard from him, he was sailing the virgin islands with a boat load of naked hotties. (AND SAID HE WOULD INVITE ME TO THE PARTY) I have decided Grip will my test run colonics session.
Can't wait to hear Grip's take on this one . . . assuming he survives his Gulligan's Island adventure. lol

I almost forgot. For those in need of flatulance humor, you need to review Eddie Murphy's Colon Cleansing segment in his movie, The Nutty Professor! LMAO, just thinking about it.
One thing about this funny subject people are talking about,
it made me to have to open an office to see all the clients that want this service..
I have seen some newbies and now they are true fans~
I have been doing hydrotherapy for over three years and will be going to a hydro convention in Chicago the end of this month to learn new techniques for safety and satisfaction~
I have been doing hydrotherapy for over three years Originally Posted by kittyblu
Does this require a snorkel and goggles???

will be going to a hydro conviction in Chicago Originally Posted by kittyblu
Do you suppose this is a Freudian slip?
Are you okay Charles?..
figure_artist's Avatar
i think he meant something about conviction versus convention. my students always mix up allusion and illusion. bugs the crap out of me but this is a digression.

i have a couple of questions about the process but they're a bit gross. i'll save it for the next time i visit my old sawbones.
i think he meant something about conviction versus convention. my students always mix up allusion and illusion. bugs the crap out of me but this is a digression. Originally Posted by figure_artist
Yeah, the ones that really bug me are nucular for nuclear and orientated for oriented.
GneissGuy's Avatar
It used to be fairly common to have a "colonic." The idea was that it was cleansing for you and got the poisons and "bad humors" out of you. Sort of like the beliefs about the benefits of bloodletting. It's still done by some people. Most of the traditional medicine practitioners will tell you it's mostly useless, and potentially harmful.

There's something of a "holistic" or "naturalistic" aura about the practitioners.

I believe that done correctly, it's a lot less traumatic than the pre-colonoscopy procedure. Also, a lot less thorough.

I remember seeing a travel agency somewhere that had rented half of an old house that had been converted to rental business space. Someone rented the other half of the house and put up a sign with 20 inch letters saying "COLONICS." I bet they were REAL happy about that.
  • sadie
  • 04-07-2010, 05:56 AM
It used to be fairly common to have a "colonic." The idea was that it was cleansing for you and got the poisons and "bad humors" out of you. Sort of like the beliefs about the benefits of bloodletting. It's still done by some people. Most of the traditional medicine practitioners will tell you it's mostly useless, and potentially harmful. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
I can completely understand its purpose for cleansing and detoxifying the body. I have been to some retreats that suggested fasting and doing a homeopathic colonic a few days prior.

Why it would make one "feel randy" is what I can't wrap my head around. Hehe
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Why it would make one "feel randy" is what I can't wrap my head around. Hehe Originally Posted by sadie
In a nutshell: anything that can be sexualized will be sexualized (see, e.g., Rule (of the Internet) Thirty-four: And you'd be surprised at the number of people who'll be sexually turned on by [name random off-putting object/activity].

ETA: I forgot (the article on Rule 34 reminded me); my original comment ("Anything that can be sexualized...", etc.) is basically a restatement of Rule 36: "If you can think of it, someone will make a fetish out of it. No exceptions."

There Is Much Weirdness Out There, my children.


I can completely understand its purpose for cleansing and detoxifying the body. I have been to some retreats that suggested fasting and doing a homeopathic colonic a few days prior.

Why it would make one "feel randy" is what I can't wrap my head around. Hehe Originally Posted by sadie
Considering how "out there" fetishes can get, it really doesn't surprise me that colonics can be arousing for some men. Have you ever heard of "SPH"? It stands for small penis humiliation. I had a client once who was extremely turned on by my making comments during intercourse about how small his penis was and how I could barely feel it. Every time I said something I thought he'd explode. And that goes completely against what we know about male sexuality. So yeah, the colonics thing isn't surprising at all.
Is it not comforting that our darkest desires and deepest shame could bore some people to death?
MacTheKnife's Avatar
Have you ever heard of "SPH"? It stands for small penis humiliation. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
I coulda swore SPH stood for "Strange Pussy Hunter."

Thanks for the info.