How Illegal Immigrants harm America in Ways You Never Considered

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Corps and JINO sitting in a tree, j-e-r-k-I-n-g!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Corps and JINO sitting in a tree, j-e-r-k-I-n-g! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
More homo-erotic fantasies from the dumb-fuck golem reprobate!!!

That's one of the reasons its dumb golem ass was elected to be:

jbravo_123's Avatar
My own personal observations is that far too many Americans choose to be a recipient of welfare INSTEAD of doing low paying manual labor. I certainly don't fault illegal immigrants...I fault the lazy ass Americans that choose not to do hard work and earn they own way! I totally disagree with Jewish Lawyer.
BigLouie's Avatar
Right now you are paying an American to sit on his/her ass and not paying taxes while s/he burdens social services with his/her needs (educating his/her children, healthcare, unemployment insurance, food stamps, etc.). Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Actually most of the people on the various social serves are the working poor. People working for companies such as Wal-Mart that increase their profit margin by treating their employees badly. Low pay, no benefits, less than full time employees. Right now in a number of states Wal-Mart employees are the largest single group receiving social services. Add to the fact that Wal-Mart frequently receives tax breaks for locating, plus the fact that Wal-Mart in smaller communities kills off the local eco-system of small businesses.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually most of the people on the various social serves are the working poor. People working for companies such as Wal-Mart that increase their profit margin by treating their employees badly. Low pay, no benefits, less than full time employees. Right now in a number of states Wal-Mart employees are the largest single group receiving social services. Add to the fact that Wal-Mart frequently receives tax breaks for locating, plus the fact that Wal-Mart in smaller communities kills off the local eco-system of small businesses. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Hooray, BL!!! You've touched on one the Dimotards' major policy disconnects!!! Check your economics, BL, anytime there exist a surfeit of any commodity, including labor, its costs are driven down. Check your history, BL, 19th century labor movements, e.g., Samuel Gompers, etc., lobbied for very restrictive immigration policies to prevent the impoverished wages associated with the surfeit of labor. You, BL, cannot legitimately claim you support the interests of low wage earning citizens in the U.S. and simultaneously champion unrestricted immigration policies.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
My own personal observations is that far too many Americans choose to be a recipient of welfare INSTEAD of doing low paying manual labor. I certainly don't fault illegal immigrants...I fault the lazy ass Americans that choose not to do hard work and earn they own way! I totally disagree with Jewish Lawyer. Originally Posted by txrancher1
My own personal observation of people who inherited the land they ranch on is that they wish everyone would work 80 hours a week for grub and a shitty trailer to sleep in! That way, they can sit on the veranda with their fancy women and sip mint juleps while the straw boss whips the indentured servants, and rake in huge profits.
My own personal observation of people who inherited the land they ranch on is that they wish everyone would work 80 hours a week for grub and a shitty trailer to sleep in! That way, they can sit on the veranda with their fancy women and sip mint juleps while the straw boss whips the indentured servants, and rake in huge profits. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
What country are you living in?

Mint juleps on the veranda? Stereotype much?

Ground zero for exploiting illegal aliens is California - where they pick the fruits and veggies.

I don't think they sip too many mint juleps in California. Or sit on verandas.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Actually most of the people on the various social serves are the working poor. People working for companies such as Wal-Mart that increase their profit margin by treating their employees badly. Low pay, no benefits, less than full time employees. Right now in a number of states Wal-Mart employees are the largest single group receiving social services. Add to the fact that Wal-Mart frequently receives tax breaks for locating, plus the fact that Wal-Mart in smaller communities kills off the local eco-system of small businesses. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Gee, if Wal Mart is THAT bad...why would anyone ever work for them? You know they are the largest private sector employer in the US, 2.1 Million people right? And I'll further bet there are not many illegals working there with E-Verify underway.
BigLouie's Avatar
Read about it here.

From the article:

"In state after state, the largest group of Medicaid recipients is Walmart employees. I'm sure that the same thing is true of food stamp recipients. Each Walmart ‘associate’ costs the taxpayers an average of more than $1,000 in public assistance," Grayson wrote in a Huffington Post column on Nov. 24, 2012.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
I have a problem with unfettered immigration. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Oh, like the first 450 years of our history (150 as a country) when there were no passports (except for diplomats) visas or fences and anybody could come into the country and eventually become a citizen like 90% or more of the people on this board's ancestors?

Turns out there was no such things as "illegal" immigration unless you were Chinese or from an "undesirable" race or country.

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Gee, if Wal Mart is THAT bad...why would anyone ever work for them? You know they are the largest private sector employer in the US, 2.1 Million people right? And I'll further bet there are not many illegals working there with E-Verify underway. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
They are sometimes that bad but people work for them even so because in many cases they have put many other employers out off business. They employ a lot of undocumented workers because a lot of those workers have false documents that pass (or aren't looked at closely enough) and also by outsourcing cleaning and other tasks in the store.

There have been several suits about Walmart forcing workers to work overtime and not paying, as well as engaging in illegal bribery in foreign countries among other allegations about the way they do business unethically or illegally. I try not to do business with Walmart myself, but they do have the best prices on oil and bullets! Any organization that large is going to have lapses and I do have to credit them with responding to trends in the market and the law courts by addressing these concerns in most cases and even starting initiatives for lessening their dependence on Chinese goods, building eco friendly stores and carrying organic produce to name a few.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What country are you living in?

Mint juleps on the veranda? Stereotype much?

Ground zero for exploiting illegal aliens is California - where they pick the fruits and veggies.

I don't think they sip too many mint juleps in California. Or sit on verandas. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Unfortunately, the USA. You will note his handle is TxRancher, and his offensive pro immigration of low wage workers comment.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Oh, like the first 450 years of our history (150 as a country) when there were no passports (except for diplomats) visas or fences and anybody could come into the country and eventually become a citizen like 90% or more of the people on this board's ancestors?

Turns out there was no such things as "illegal" immigration unless you were Chinese or from an "undesirable" race or country.

Originally Posted by austxjr
I think we have treated the Indians really well - I wish I had reservation land I could slap a casino on - I'd add a whorehouse, too!
Really? ever read the American Holocaust???