George Zimmerman to be Charged......

joe bloe's Avatar

How are you going to feel when the jury finds him not guilty. I'm guessing a lot of blacks are suddenly going have an overwhelming urge to start stealing flat screen TV's. That's the usual response when they're displeased with the criminal justice system.

Just because the special prosecutor was intimidated by the threat of mob violence doesn't mean that the jury will be. I just hope the jury is able to maintain their anomymity, otherwise a not guilty verdict is suicide for them.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-12-2012, 01:57 PM
Im soooooooooo feakin sick of this horseshit taking up space in the world I could puke blood

if it wouldnt fuck up my keyboard I'd barf all over this desk
joe bloe's Avatar
Im soooooooooo feakin sick of this horseshit taking up space in the world I could puke blood

if it wouldnt fuck up my keyboard I'd barf all over this desk Originally Posted by CJ7
Hang on it's going to be a bumpy ride. Racial tension is getting worse every day. If Zimmerman had been a white conservative and the special prosecutor had not filed charges, we would have had serious rioting. The Black Panthers and the race hustlers are just looking for an excuse to riot.

Eric Holder expressed his admiration and respect for Al Sharpton a few days ago. Sharpton is a complete lowlife who should have gone to jail for his participation in the Tawana Brawley scam. Eric Holder refused to prosecute Black Panthers that had obviously committed voter intimidation, a federal crime. I think Obama wants to fan the flames of racial tension for some reason. Why else would he say that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon?
How are you going to feel when the jury finds him not guilty. I'm guessing a lot of blacks are suddenly going have an overwhelming urge to start stealing flat screen TV's. That's the usual response when they're displeased with the criminal justice system.

Just because the special prosecutor was intimidated by the threat of mob violence doesn't mean that the jury will be. I just hope the jury is able to maintain their anomymity, otherwise a not guilty verdict is suicide for them. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You act like black people are the only race who start riots, at least black ppl riot over social issues- white people riot over hockey games and shit. Every race has its groups of greedy criminals who exploit social situations.
joe bloe's Avatar
You act like black people are the only race who start riots, at least black ppl riot over social issues- white people riot over hockey games and shit. Every race has its groups of greedy criminals who exploit social situations. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

Yes rioting is largely a black problem.
Whites might occasionally get drunk and do something stupid like turn over a car or set fire to a trash can. It's hardly the same thing. The don't try to burn down cities.
Yes rioting is largely a black problem.
Whites might occasionally get drunk and do something stupid like turn over a car or set fire to a trash can. It's hardly the same thing. The don't try to burn down cities. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Can you supply the wiki link you got this from. It would be a shame for all this research to go to waste without some footnotes, thanks. Also I don't see anything that signifies that blacks cause more riots than whites, just a list of race related riots.
You act like black people are the only race who start riots, at least black ppl riot over social issues- white people riot over hockey games and shit. Every race has its groups of greedy criminals who exploit social situations. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Now that's something to think about, eh? All those pampered white kids turning over cars and setting shit on fire a couple of weeks ago because their college basketball team lost in the Final Four. Skylar makes an excellent point (in addition to having a really nice ass): if you're going to riot, at least make it about something that matters.

As much as it pisses the conservatives and repukes off, the reality is that this kid would almost certainly still be alive if he were white and not wearing a hoodie. The whole thing was precipitated by Zimmerman making assumptions based on race. All of us make those assumptions, usually without consequence. Here, a kid ended up dead.

It's just beyond me that there are people who think that it's inappropriate for these charges to be brought and a jury to decide. A human being is dead. This Zimmerman guy should just get a walk on it?

I don't care if he gets convicted or acquitted. Let a jury hear the evidence and make the decision. That's what our system is about, let it work.
If Zimmerman was on the ground, if he had been punched in the face/nose, if the kid had his head in his hands and was slamming the back of his head into the ground, then he may well have been scared for his life. Yeah, he probably should not have followed the kid, but he was neighborhood watch, and there had been multiple break ends in the neighborhood, and he may have thought it was his duty to observe who goes where. We don't know what led the the altercation, but we do know an altercation did occur. Yeah the kid was 17, but are the pictures we have seen on the media current. How big was the kid really? Big enough and strong enough to punch Zimmerman out and get him on the ground. Based on the facts that Zimmerman was punched in the nose, was on the ground getting the back of his head pounded into the ground there is reasonable doubt that this was murder II or even manslaughter. When are you justified in defending yourself with a gun? The legal system will sort it out eventually, but the result will probably leave Zimmerman broke financially for life, even if he is not found guilty, and his life may not be a long lived one in or out of jail with a bounty on his head.
joe bloe's Avatar
If Zimmerman was on the ground, if he had been punched in the face/nose, if the kid had his head in his hands and was slamming the back of his head into the ground, then he may well have been scared for his life. Yeah, he probably should not have followed the kid, but he was neighborhood watch, and there had been multiple break ends in the neighborhood, and he may have thought it was his duty to observe who goes where. We don't know what led the the altercation, but we do know an altercation did occur. Yeah the kid was 17, but are the pictures we have seen on the media current. How big was the kid really? Big enough and strong enough to punch Zimmerman out and get him on the ground. Based on the facts that Zimmerman was punched in the nose, was on the ground getting the back of his head pounded into the ground there is reasonable doubt that this was murder II or even manslaughter. When are you justified in defending yourself with a gun? The legal system will sort it out eventually, but the result will probably leave Zimmerman broke financially for life, even if he is not found guilty, and his life may not be a long lived one in or out of jail with a bounty on his head. Originally Posted by Jdriller
Zimmerman is the victim. All he did was defend himself. He is being scapegoated. The special prosecutor is running for reelection. She's a politician. The case wasn't sent to a grand jury because they knew it was likely they would have no billed. The special prosecutor is just like that slime bag district attorney, also a politician, that tried to prosecute the Duke lacrosse team for rape when he knew the defendant was lying.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-18-2012, 09:02 AM
Normally after a few days I would have let your stupidity quietly sink away on page 15—or wherever it was. But you are such a blind, lying, obnoxious person I have to reply even if briefly to your swill in post 30. Since the thread isn’t 30 days old I’ll go for it. (PS: I didn’t respond sooner since I was spending a few thoroughly delightful days on vacation with a very lovely young lady—and I didn’t let a single thought of you ruin my time!)

First, you cannot accept that a person might actually think about issues, form hypotheses, voice opinions, and evolve them as more facts become known. It is called many things: logic, scientific method, etc. I know it is beyond your pitiful comprehension, but trust me, most the bright folks in the world do it.

Second, I stated most the things you object to as my OPINIONS. But you don’t believe anyone should have opinions unless you approve. Stalinesque as always. You must really hate yourself a lot of days, realizing you emulate so much of the Communist mindset you supposedly despise.

Third, when my hypotheses are wrong I admit them. As in the case of Zimmerman being arrested. I was wrong. The feds did the right thing (note: as I have always said he should be tried because he shot someone dead; I have repeatedly NOT said if it was murder, etc., but in your myopic, bigoted brain you can’t distinguish those two points. Or won’t.) But before you take too much credit for the Good Ol’ Boys doing the right thing—THEY DIDN’T. It was the local LE that botched evidence and let a guy who admitted to shooting another man dead walk away. They didn't d’ the most basic evidence collection. I wonder why? Can YOU guess? I can.

So, if you want to accuse me of prejudging THE LE SYSTEM, yep, I did. Did I prejudge Zimmerman? In the issue of overstepping his bounds as a neighborhood watch guy—yes. And I referenced my experiences very clearly. YOU prejudge based upon your not very well disguised bigotry.

Speaking of bigotry, why are you so focused on who is a minority and who is not? OF COURSE A MEMBER OF A MINORITY CAN BE BIGOTED AGAINST ANOTHER MINORITY! Do some reading about Japanese/Chinese, Black/Latino, Hatfield/McCoy, Jewish/Arab, etc. It’s all around you if you open your eyes.

So I’ll make you an offer (I really doubt you will take me up on it, but I’ll try):
--You have shown your true colors (word choice not accidental).
--I responded to your latest drivel and we don’t seem to be bringing up much new; you remain blind to any argument or question that doesn’t follow your right wing wacko views.
--Therefore I suggest we call this one dormant until the trial is done. You can feel free to delude yourself that you “won” in your war of words with a vile nasty heathen degenerate anti-American infidel commie bastard (which you are convinced I am, though none of it is true).

============================== ========

Originally Posted by Old-T
Another non-answer by IB. Why is no one surprised? You are a lying goober, Old-goaT. Your claims of being 'nonjudgmental' have been revealed as a fraud.

So you have been reduced to this: you cannot defend yourself with facts or logic, so you repeat over and over "you lie"? You sound like a little child "Oh yea?" and thinks that is a defense.
Rattle, rattle, like the lying goober you are.

Why don't you try to address some of the questions I have asked you in the last few days? I'll answer it for you since you seem uninterested, unable, or unwilling to respond to them: because you know any answer will expose you as either a fraud or an idiot, with a healthy dose of bigotry tossed in for good measure.
Bigoted how? In the Zimmerman-Martin case, both parties are minorities. Your multiple, disparaging posts about Zimmerman are evidence of your bigotry (see below).

You are frustrated and in a blind rage because I've repeatedly pointed out that you act just like the communists you claim to despise, and that you are hypocritical in how you form opinions but you claim any opinion that is contrary to yours is an evil lie.
But you lie, so your words carry no import.
PS: One of these days I'll understand what a "goober" is.
FYI, you ignorant moron, it's a small, insignificant nut that rattles in its shell when shaken: that's you in a nutshell! Your every post has been like a small nut rattling inside an otherwise hollow shell.
Rattle, rattle, you goober you!!! Must be a southern thing. Like Good Ol' Boys and pointy white sheets

I B Hankering's Avatar
Normally after a few days I would have let your stupidity quietly sink away on page 15—or wherever it was. But you are such a blind, lying, obnoxious person I have to reply even if briefly to your swill in post 30. Since the thread isn’t 30 days old I’ll go for it. (PS: I didn’t respond sooner since I was spending a few thoroughly delightful days on vacation with a very lovely young lady—and I didn’t let a single thought of you ruin my time!)

First, you cannot accept that a person might actually think about issues, form hypotheses, voice opinions, and evolve them as more facts become known. It is called many things: logic, scientific method, etc. I know it is beyond your pitiful comprehension, but trust me, most the bright folks in the world do it.

Second, I stated most the things you object to as my OPINIONS. But you don’t believe anyone should have opinions unless you approve. Stalinesque as always. You must really hate yourself a lot of days, realizing you emulate so much of the Communist mindset you supposedly despise.

Third, when my hypotheses are wrong I admit them. As in the case of Zimmerman being arrested. I was wrong. The feds did the right thing (note: as I have always said he should be tried because he shot someone dead; I have repeatedly NOT said if it was murder, etc., but in your myopic, bigoted brain you can’t distinguish those two points. Or won’t.) But before you take too much credit for the Good Ol’ Boys doing the right thing—THEY DIDN’T. It was the local LE that botched evidence and let a guy who admitted to shooting another man dead walk away. They didn't d’ the most basic evidence collection. I wonder why? Can YOU guess? I can.

So, if you want to accuse me of prejudging THE LE SYSTEM, yep, I did. Did I prejudge Zimmerman? In the issue of overstepping his bounds as a neighborhood watch guy—yes. And I referenced my experiences very clearly. YOU prejudge based upon your not very well disguised bigotry.

Speaking of bigotry, why are you so focused on who is a minority and who is not? OF COURSE A MEMBER OF A MINORITY CAN BE BIGOTED AGAINST ANOTHER MINORITY! Do some reading about Japanese/Chinese, Black/Latino, Hatfield/McCoy, Jewish/Arab, etc. It’s all around you if you open your eyes. Your bigotry against the Hispanic Zimmerman is very obvious.

So I’ll make you an offer (I really doubt you will take me up on it, but I’ll try):
--You have shown your true colors (word choice not accidental).
--I responded to your latest drivel and we don’t seem to be bringing up much new; you remain blind to any argument or question that doesn’t follow your right wing wacko views.
--Therefore I suggest we call this one dormant until the trial is done. You can feel free to delude yourself that you “won” in your war of words with a vile nasty heathen degenerate anti-American infidel commie bastard (which you are convinced I am, though none of it is true).

============================== ========

Originally Posted by Old-T
Another non-answer by IB. Why is no one surprised? You are a lying goober, Old-goaT. Your claims of being 'nonjudgmental' have been revealed as a fraud.

So you have been reduced to this: you cannot defend yourself with facts or logic, so you repeat over and over "you lie"? You sound like a little child "Oh yea?" and thinks that is a defense.
Rattle, rattle, like the lying goober you are.

Why don't you try to address some of the questions I have asked you in the last few days? I'll answer it for you since you seem uninterested, unable, or unwilling to respond to them: because you know any answer will expose you as either a fraud or an idiot, with a healthy dose of bigotry tossed in for good measure.
Bigoted how? In the Zimmerman-Martin case, both parties are minorities. Your multiple, disparaging posts about Zimmerman are evidence of your bigotry (see below).

You are frustrated and in a blind rage because I've repeatedly pointed out that you act just like the communists you claim to despise, and that you are hypocritical in how you form opinions but you claim any opinion that is contrary to yours is an evil lie.
But you lie, so your words carry no import.
PS: One of these days I'll understand what a "goober" is.
FYI, you ignorant moron, it's a small, insignificant nut that rattles in its shell when shaken: that's you in a nutshell! Your every post has been like a small nut rattling inside an otherwise hollow shell.
Rattle, rattle, you goober you!!! Must be a southern thing. Like Good Ol' Boys and pointy white sheets
Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-goaT, you claimed you were being 'nonjudgmental', but you were judgmental and admit as much in your post. So you lied!!!

Keep rattling in your hollow shell, goober.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-18-2012, 09:43 AM
Old-goaT, you claimed you were being 'nonjudgmental', but you were judgmental and admit as much in your post. So you lied!!! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Thanks IB, I won the bet!! I bet the lady I was with this weeekend that your ego and stupidity would REQUIRE you to respond with some brainless drivel in less than an hour. She thought you wouldbe too preocupied with other goofey opinions of your and wouldn't go back to a three day old topic. But I knew you better.

You just earned me a free overnight with a pretty lady so we can laugh at you together.

Bye! Thanks again!

Man, you're even dumber than I suspected--and I was setting a VERY low bar for you.

You obviously have no desire to stop embarrasing yourself in public so I will feel no guilt in continuing to assault your bigotry.

I plead guilty to "judging" that Zimmerman should be arrested. Looks like the Feds agree with me.

I plead guilty to forming my opinions which--thank god--don't agree with yours.

I plead guilty to thinking you are one of the most hypocritical lying posters on this board.

I plead guilty to claiming they only reason you are so blind to reality in this case is Zimmerman was a legally gun toting guy who was lighter skinned than Martin and thus the lesser of two evils in your mind.

So there--I've given you more things you can quote out of context. Go right ahead. I gave up thinking I could actually reason with you long ago and now I'm just reminding all who come bye here that your kind of hate and bias is infectious. Oh, and it's fun to rattle your cage. But that's the evil side of me, taunting the helpless at times.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Thanks IB, I won the bet!! I bet the lady I was with this weeekend that your ego and stupidity would REQUIRE you to respond with some brainless drivel in less than an hour. She thought you wouldbe too preocupied with other goofey opinions of your and wouldn't go back to a three day old topic. But I knew you better. So you lied again, because you previously stated: "PS: I didn’t respond sooner since I was spending a few thoroughly delightful days on vacation with a very lovely young lady—and I didn’t let a single thought of you ruin my time!" Now you say your peevishness so consumed you that you made a bet with the same lady you before claimed was too entertaining to be distracted from! So you lied again. You're one, seriously funny goober, Old-goaT.

You just earned me a free overnight with a pretty lady so we can laugh at you together.

Bye! Thanks again!

Man, you're even dumber than I suspected--and I was setting a VERY low bar for you.

You obviously have no desire to stop embarrasing yourself in public so I will feel no guilt in continuing to assault your bigotry.

I plead guilty to "judging" that Zimmerman should be arrested. Looks like the Feds agree with me.

I plead guilty to forming my opinions which--thank god--don't agree with yours.

I plead guilty to thinking you are one of the most hypocritical lying posters on this board.

I plead guilty to claiming they only reason you are so blind to reality in this case is Zimmerman was a legally gun toting guy who was lighter skinned than Martin and thus the lesser of two evils in your mind.

So there--I've given you more things you can quote out of context. Go right ahead. I gave up thinking I could actually reason with you long ago and now I'm just reminding all who come bye here that your kind of hate and bias is infectious. Oh, and it's fun to rattle your cage. But that's the evil side of me, taunting the helpless at times.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-goaT, nothing you posted here erases your previous, prejudiced posts against an Hispanic, or the fact that you lied. Rattle, rattle, you goober, you.
joe bloe's Avatar
Now that's something to think about, eh? All those pampered white kids turning over cars and setting shit on fire a couple of weeks ago because their college basketball team lost in the Final Four. Skylar makes an excellent point (in addition to having a really nice ass): if you're going to riot, at least make it about something that matters.

As much as it pisses the conservatives and repukes off, the reality is that this kid would almost certainly still be alive if he were white and not wearing a hoodie. The whole thing was precipitated by Zimmerman making assumptions based on race. All of us make those assumptions, usually without consequence. Here, a kid ended up dead.

It's just beyond me that there are people who think that it's inappropriate for these charges to be brought and a jury to decide. A human being is dead. This Zimmerman guy should just get a walk on it?

I don't care if he gets convicted or acquitted. Let a jury hear the evidence and make the decision. That's what our system is about, let it work. Originally Posted by timpage
In cases of clear self defence, even in cases where someone dies. It's not appropriate to let a jury decide anything. If a police officer is forced to kill someone in the line of duty, they don't go to trial.

It's appropriate to let Zimmerman get on with his life, period. Homicide is by definition taking a human life, it isn't always a crime. Zimmerman took a life because he had no other choice, he was being severely beaten. In that circumstance the law allows for killing in self defence. To answer your question, yes, Zimmerman should absolutely "get a walk on it".
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-18-2012, 07:18 PM
Homicide is by definition taking a human life, it isn't always a crime. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Agree, but the whole question in this case is was he justified. He may well have been--some evidence suggests he was but some says he wasn't. And a neighborhood watch member is not a police officer.