You're in your home browsing Eccie and all things adult/escort related when someone violently breaks in your home..

I have to wonder .. because I still have the genetic entity tgat can do that...why EVERY SINGLE thing I say throughout my water boarded anti espianage day has to be re stated, carboned, and slyng back in my path no matter what... and has for AN annoyingly long time.

Code command center says.. incidently, that , protecting yourself would indicate that you yourself are in a safe sta-lusionary state.. .. and its your jb to protect your high life.... ;AND that , to me is completely irrational and totally selfish. Especially when t the more outthere and delusionally drugged and street beat they are, the less pain, more energy you yourself have. WHATS to protect ?


cracks me up.
happybanana's Avatar
Those gas station dick pills...they do strange things to your brain... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Quote of the month... In the running for the quote of the year...

OP, if you are that concerned, have a security system installed, USE it (so many don't) when home, buy a gun and get trained in fire arm use... And if all else, stop surfing porn and hoogar sites...