
Grace Preston's Avatar
Hummmmmm now I like that! Well said! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Y'know... there are many intelligent, skilled ladies who could do anything they wanted in the civilian world if they so chose..... and then there are some that may struggle with asking if you'd like fries with that. Providing is the great equalizer.... you don't HAVE to be smart or stunning or graceful to make a very comfortable living-- but you do have to be willing to accept the risks and hazards.
This doesn’t sound right at all.

First you should verify if she's even pregnant to me seems like that was just a way to scar the crap out of you and possible extort. And who know she could have a boyfriend, or husband outside the hobby and try to put the blame on you.

Also, when things like this happens they do sell the morning after pill you can get from the pharmacy if she knew if broke she should have gone the next day to get the pill instead of waiting weeks them find out she was pregnant.
Because she is supposed to be the fucking professional.. and should have the presence of mind to take the precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancy-- why is that hard to understand? There are professional hazards that we are faced with all the damned time.. and this is one of the MANY reasons why we are compensated well beyond the earning potential many of us might have in the civilian world. Originally Posted by GracePreston
If he offered to pay all of it by all means, pay all of it, but she helped herself get into this situatation and she should damn sure be willing to help get herself out. Not to mention, she very well could be making more than him! who knows?!
Also, if you go to the ultra sound with her, even if its for an abortion visit, they will be able to tell you about how many weeks she is by length. then back track. I got my due date and counted back to the 'supposed' conception date and I remember that day clearly, it was DEFINITELY the day I got pregnant. Obviously they could be off a day or two but that would at least tell you if you're in the ballpark
BBWrider's Avatar
This is supposed to be a professional business on her part. This is one of the risks of doing business in this profession. A professional should have had a contingency plan already in place for this. A supply of plan-B pills and a Z-pack on hand, or an emergency plan-B and STD testing fund at a minimum for just such an emergency, condoms do break. Her approaching this as though you picked her up at a bar and had this little rendevouz as consenting adults without money being exchanged now that the transaction didn't go her way is BS.

Frankly this whole story makes me want to approach the screening process in the future in such a way that my anonymity is priority number one. The entire hobby being able to be done safely and discreetly is damaged by providers doing what this one is doing right now.
empire_song's Avatar
thank you all for your earnest replies. More facts:

1) I told her when this happened to go to CVS in the morning and get the morning after pill. In fact she had 3 days to get his done
2) It occurred to me WTF are you not on the pill. She has been act this game for several years that I know off under at least 2 names
3) Yes Ive had an STD check and Im clean. So I assume she is
4) its the first time we've met (and the last)
5) At the time she seemed quite a matter o fact about the whole condom splitting thing, but said she is due to ovulate that day or the next. It was like oh just call me to find out if am or not pregnant.
6) She knows i have a job ( a good one)
7) I can see the point about paying for her 2/3 weeks off and the medical expenses as she would be out of action for that period of time after an abortion. seems fair to me
8) Im sure the vast majority of guys would just say. 'It's your problem now F off - part of the job risk!
9) if she carries thru with a pregnancy full term I can see me asking for legally binding paperwork to get me out of any responsibility down the line.
10) If this is true and is not a scam. She will have to admit one day to being a hooker either to the kid or her family. Or she just got fuck drunk behind a bar one night I suppose.
11) have not seen definitive proof of pregnancy or indeed its mine yet

Will keep you all up to date

BBWrider's Avatar
You can forget about #9 on your list. Even if you managed to pay her a huge lump sum to get such a document, any judge in Texas would tear it up in your face if she changed her mind.
Y'know... there are many intelligent, skilled ladies who could do anything they wanted in the civilian world if they so chose..... and then there are some that may struggle with asking if you'd like fries with that. Providing is the great equalizer.... you don't HAVE to be smart or stunning or graceful to make a very comfortable living-- but you do have to be willing to accept the risks and hazards. Originally Posted by GracePreston
While I understand what you are saying, I would argue that to be successful at this business does require intelligence, grace, and, well, decent looks never hurt. In the words of Meatloaf, "TWO out of THREE ain't bad."

Intelligence can keep you out of trouble. While I understand the limitations & side effects of birth control, I adhere to the belt & suspenders approach. If you are engaging in high risk activities such as this hobby, there are risks involved. From the lady's standpoint, she never knows when some john is going to force BBFS on her, she might be raped, an inadvertent premature ejaculation during a stripper slide, or the damn condom busting. She is higher volume, no matter what level of volume, than any statistics for condom failure might use. BC drugs and a condom should be used, unless every guy you see can show you his CV (certificate of vasectomy) or you have your own CTT (certificate of tubes tied) or CH (certificate of hysterectomy). Intelleigence will also keep you out of the hands of LE hopefully.

Grace can make you more successful. (And in the case of the quoted lady here, her name is quite fitting from what I have seen.) It can diffuse difficult situations, it is why some ladies are successful, and the lack of grace is why some ladies fail.

Looks never hurt. For the guys looking for a quick pop, it may be all that matters. For those of us seeking a bit more, Intelligence and grace can far outweigh the looks.

All of that said, having buried a grandchild who died just a few weeks before birth, I cannot support the abortion camp. I would much rather see this child brought into the world and handed to some loving parents who would take the child in and provide an environment for the child to flourish. Perhaps, just perhaps, that child might one day solve one or more of the great dilemmas facing our country today.
agreed a provider that doesnt have a back up is ill prepared and personally even though I am a girl and I have kids it is her problem, in this business were not looking for love or baby daddys, we know the risks and its our job to make sure were safe from EVERYTHING, were not babys and its not up to anyone to take care of us, I would have to tell her " Listen I am sorry this has happened but I really dont know what to tell you" And cut off all communication there. If shes in this profession I would have to tell her "you make enough to go get the abortion pill its like 300, come on thats like 2 sessions". I am sorry but I am blunt and just cause shes a girl doesnt mean I am taking sides, I agree that she was careless and should have been more prepared.
whitechocolate's Avatar
What is she proposing at this point? You havent said much about her ideas on handling the issue. You might want to open up some serious ongoing communication with her that is not hostile but geared to problem solve.
tia travels's Avatar
Obviously you need to see for certain she is pregnant, then you just have to wait for a DNA test. ... Originally Posted by LittleMiss
Yeah. Just because pregnancy test might prove positive, do the DNA test first before chucking out money. Not to say she isn't honest when she says you are the father, but...she might have had a couple or more incidents where something similar might have happened (either she went BB with some gents or another condom broke or maybe her boyfriend (if she has one) did the deed and they want an abortion and boyfriend doesn't want to pay for it so asks her to blackmail someone into giving money.) In other words, make sure she's not giving the same story to 2 other guys at the same time.

I wonder how old she is. Like in her 20s? I only ask because she must be fertile Mertile. I've had incidents/accidents happen with raincoats over the past 2 decades and have yet to become preggers. If she's not super young, I would be super suspicious....or at least cautious.

... in this business... we know the risks and its our job to make sure were safe from EVERYTHING,... Originally Posted by shayla84
I would agree with this also. We know the risks with this occupation: le, murder/rape/kidnap, pregnancy, disease, pimps, etc. Although no one can be safe from everything or predict what will happen, ladies need to exercise caution and preparedness (this includes money and a plan). I try to keep an eye on the condition and whereabouts of the raincoats so they don't disappear or get too dry and break.
You can forget about #9 on your list. Even if you managed to pay her a huge lump sum to get such a document, any judge in Texas would tear it up in your face if she changed her mind. Originally Posted by BBWrider
You can sign your rights away free and clear and walk away. No child support, no visitation, zero rights- ever.
BBWrider's Avatar
You can sign your rights away free and clear and walk away. No child support, no visitation, zero rights- ever. Originally Posted by LittleMiss
What usually happens in this instance though is the mother wanting the father to give up his rights so husband number 2 can adopt the child. In the case of her not having daddy number 2 lined up and the father being the one trying to buy his way out of his rights, even if he pulls it off, she can come back and fuck it all up.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-08-2013, 10:38 AM
My guess is she will ask for money to vac the bastard out her gut. After that you won't here from her, I doubt the chick is knocked up. Had this happen once, morning after pill flushed little trey down the toilet. Took her there and I paid for that shit.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Use the old Reagan line--- "Dovi no provi"; Trust but verify. Take her to a clinic and confirm pregnancy first. Insist on being in the room when test is done. If she is not pregnant, all is good. If she is pregnant, do the DNA test (which ever method you want) while again insisting to be present when done. If it is yours, then you have to figure out your next move. Don't forget, she's going to have to make the final decision. Just hope it is a scam.