Simone Biles Hero Worship

Just an FYI.

Joe Rogan was interviewing someone who was familiar with Biles. She said Biles could not take her ADHD meds because they were basically outlawed in Japan. That Simone had an exemption to take them from the Olympic committee (true, I had seen that the day after she pulled out) but she couldn't in Japan. So, FWIW.
Russ38's Avatar
It actually speaks volumes….although the specific topic is forbidden on this board, I could see in her case where the ADHD medications in question would be considered “performance enhancing”……
boardman's Avatar
Gabby Thomas is another one for women to look up to.
Harvard grad in some kind of bio science and world health and now working on her masters at UT in Epidemiology. In her spare time she brings home the bronze in the 200M
Oh yeah. She is Hot. As. Fuck.
Sorry for going over the top, but if 10 criticise her, I need to shout 10 times more loudly to compensate. I see nobody else is defending her. Why? Because they will be jumped on?

dear_john, I thought you were always the one who had disdain for eccie membership and complained about how it has gone downhill?

I am also aware how a large proportion of the US society has a disdain for individual choice - witness the 'taking the knee', whereas, for example, the entire GB football team takes the knee at every match.

Biles has a right to decline a competition, and she has a right to do that without being criticised. She is not there purely for our entertainment, she is there because she wants to be. If her sponsors do not complain, why should members of the public complain?

I understand your viewpoint, but I was getting my retailiation in first against all those who pile in and try to throw dirt. I am also very aware of the abuse she and other members of the team have suffered, so am not very sympathetic to any 'core, wow, what a body' etc. comments about any athletes (although a mature admiration of the elegance of the best human bodies is what it is, an artistic admiration).

So sorry for Katrina Johnson Thomson, broke down in 200m.
Don't believe everything you read. Lies abound everywhere.
boardman's Avatar
Sorry for going over the top, but if 10 criticise her, I need to shout 10 times more loudly to compensate. I see nobody else is defending her. Why? Because they will be jumped on?

dear_john, I thought you were always the one who had disdain for eccie membership and complained about how it has gone downhill?

I am also aware how a large proportion of the US society has a disdain for individual choice - witness the 'taking the knee', whereas, for example, the entire GB football team takes the knee at every match.

Biles has a right to decline a competition, and she has a right to do that without being criticised. She is not there purely for our entertainment, she is there because she wants to be. If her sponsors do not complain, why should members of the public complain?

I understand your viewpoint, but I was getting my retailiation in first against all those who pile in and try to throw dirt. I am also very aware of the abuse she and other members of the team have suffered, so am not very sympathetic to any 'core, wow, what a body' etc. comments about any athletes (although a mature admiration of the elegance of the best human bodies is what it is, an artistic admiration).

So sorry for Katrina Johnson Thomson, broke down in 200m. Originally Posted by essence

Biles could have declined the competition before going to Tokyo. She could have declined the competition the day before around the same time she tweeted that she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. She could have declined during warmups when she obviously had to have known she had a problem. Hell, she could have declined before she stepped on the mat as I understand it and an alternate could have filled in. She did none of those. Instead she went our there knowing she wasn't in a good mental state and put the medal hopes on the line for the rest of the team because she couldn't admit she had the twisty's or whatever the fuck she had.

I get it. I've said it many times about athletes past their prime. Joe Montana, Dan Marino and Emmett Smith are all great examples. The same drive that made them great and at the pinnacle of their sport is the same drive that made it hard to admit they were physically limited. It can't be turned off like a light switch. But you know what? None of those guys walked off the field in the middle of the game, as much as I would have loved watching Montana walk off instead of handing the Oilers their asses in the playoffs.

However. Biles wasn't physically limited. She was fucked up in the head, and she knew it based on her tweets. She deserves criticism for not doing the right thing when it would have meant the most to her team. Instead she selfishly went out knowing she was having mental problems and failed to "man up" and do her best. She didn't have to put on a Biles like show. Fuck just go do a warm up vault and call it good. That would have been better than quitting.

Fucking woke ass, excuse making mentality makes me sick. Why don't we just give them all a gold medal for participating. That way no one has to cry.
It's this kind of comment which makes me mad. Untrue, uninformed, unsympahetic, unreal.

Plus strawmen, argument by analogy, and just a wild rant.

[btw, are you talking about baseball, that silly game played in pyjamas? What about a man's game like cricket?]

The West Indies team were a bit annoyed because somebody said they should grovel.
BTW, moderators, note the comment in the video:

learn about this fearless pomey bastard

In English (not US) English, bastard is a term of affection and admiration. Same as wanker or plonker or tosser. But twat is not normally used affectionally.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
BTW, moderators, note the comment in the video:

learn about this fearless pomey bastard

In English (not US) English, bastard is a term of affection and admiration. Same as wanker or plonker or tosser. But twat is not normally used affectionally. Originally Posted by essence

Bullshit, that's not in the context you used it for. You got your 'wittle feelwings hert' and called us bastards.
Bollocks, I'm two steps ahead of you, stop crying, i was quoting The Return Of The Streets, as i already said.

No, where are all those bitches supporting Biles and commending her bravery?
Russ38's Avatar
If our soccer team, headed by a radical group of Leftist Maniacs, wasn’t woke, they would have won the Gold Medal instead of the Bronze.

Note. Canada, whose team have spent much of the last week showing support for their non-binary and trans midfielder Quinn, are in the gold medal match.

Woke means you lose, everything that is woke goes bad, and our soccer team certainly has. There were, however, a few Patriots standing. Unfortunately, they need more than that respecting our Country and National Anthem,

Note. The team stood for the National Anthem.

The woman with the purple hair played terribly and spends too much time thinking about Radical Left politics and not doing her job.

Note. The woman with purple hair scored twice in victory over Australia.

Trump (for it is he) said he could have been a professional baseball player.

Note. His batting average at high school was 0.138. He couldn't effing hit.

Some of the posters here are taking lessons from that fool.
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck that kneeling woke purple headed bull dyke!

If thats some folks champion, so be it!

Id rather cheer winners!
Don't believe everything you read. Lies abound everywhere. Originally Posted by essence
Especially Snopes.

Snopes basically said they could not find any information that Biles was NOT taking her ADHD med. They even asked Biles people if she was taking said medication and they didn't respond.

I would rate it "unknown."

Like I said FWIW.