New rules for Individuals or will this recent "Spam" Tactic be used in similar situations?

Still Looking's Avatar
JJ needs an assistant LOL
another piece of meat's Avatar
Staff Edit JJ. Spam.
Precious_b's Avatar
Because he's a social activist who wants to right all of the wrongs and bring peace and harmony to the planet. He also believes he knows better than the owners how the site should be managed. Originally Posted by Louigi

Are you saying he's a Democrat?

Well, strike CG4U off the list
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 02-28-2014, 09:40 AM
Why would either of these topics matter or be important to you? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
an opportunity to tweak the powers that be comes to mind.
dearhunter's Avatar
You retards crack me up........JJ will get to it when he gets to it.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
You retards crack me up ... Originally Posted by dearhunter
Find the Irony in this Comment.

Cash Prize Awarded to the Best Answer.
Whispers's Avatar
Why would either of these topics matter or be important to you? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Really? You have to ask? Maybe this is all getting old for you?


because if a single Mod starts off on a crusade to right the wrongs of an individual... as JJ is doing here (I don't see others joining in with him).

It's rather hypocritical if he breaks the rules and guidelines that are set down for him in doing so......

Eventually he gets tired.... he is certainly not perfect.... and he makes a mistake and it is not one of Rick's handles that are banned and posts vanished.....

Then he has made a bit of a mockery of what St Christopher has had to say in regards to preserving what IS posted here.....

The only real argument for NOT doing so is the time it would take...... So what happens in regards to OTHER Mods pressed for time that remove a post and if asked cite the example being laid down here by JJ and I assume supported by you? ....

I have no problems with people enforcing rules..... guidelines..... They exist for a reason.... Going OUTSIDE the rules and guidelines... well.... that kinds makes the one doing so no better than the one he's trying to deal with.....

If JJ is not following the rules.... guidelines... set down for the Mods he is simply a hypocrite and not much better than Rocker Rick..... and the rest of those that support the action after singing St Chris's song for so long are barely a step above him....

At least step up and say none of you give a fuck and are doing what you want in this particular case and let's not hear anymore talk about "guidelines".... or "rules" in the future....

I'll RTM this post for you.... Someone please bump it up for St C to read.....

I just want to know if we've reached that point where people can say...

I'm the Mod..... or...

I'm the Admin.... or

I'm the Owner ....

and I'll do what the fuck I want to do....

It would at least be honest..... We get that kind of honesty from Dearhunter right?

as well as acceptable....

Is that where we are?
Whispers's Avatar
JJ needs an assistant LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking

Actually..... if it pans out that JJ is no longer following standard procedures for Mods and admins are supporting him......

I think Rocker Rick is the one that may need as well as deserve some assistant/assistance.....

Rules/guidelines mean nothing when those that are charged with enforcing them set them aside...

Rebels all over the world are supported for a good cause at times....

Up till now I have not condoned RRs actions..... I am not condoning them at the moment... IF the rules and guidelines for a Mod are being set aside by JJ in this quest.....

well.... It's hard not want to see the "little guy" drive the man crazy!
Whispers's Avatar
an opportunity to tweak the powers that be comes to mind. Originally Posted by savak
I have always respected what St Cris has done here with ECCIE.....

as well as the ones he has chosen to run the place as Admins..... I do not always agree with everything but I try to work within the guidelines that exist when making a point....

That respect does not fall down to every Mod however as I believe that St C has no time for the Mod selections and leaves that to others.....

The place is getting pretty big and busy and there is obviously not as much time as there are assholes that need attention....

I'm asked what this is about for me?

It's about basic principles for me in this particular case.... Are we seeing something that reflects those principles being set aside by the very people that are charged with being the keepers of the peace?....

When I push someone's buttons to the point they lose it... curse me out... take a few points or a warning or even get banned..... that's a "win"... that is a man that gave control up to me.... he let ME decide the outcome and take him where I wanted to go.....



If JJ has set aside the guidelines a Mod is supposed to operate by.....

If Chica has blessed it or is looking in a different direction....


Then I submit to all that you got to give credit to Rocker Rick for taking them over the edge to where their principles and guidelines mean less to them than trying to win a silly post war with him.....and they stepped over the very line that their position in ECCIEland is meant to protect......

If that is the case.... RR has "owned" them .

and is the FAR BETTER MAN.......

In his rebellious actions he has stayed true and predictable and never tried to hide anything.....

I may not like what he is doing but IF those guidelines have been set aside than I respect JJ and anyone supporting him even less....

Now of course... if the typical guidelines that have existed....... have been followed by JJ in a true fashion.... If he has made a copy of every post prior to editing the one in the public view... and maintained a copy of that post in a staff area..... Well.. Then Kudos for JJ for the tireless effort....

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Why would you think a single mod has made any decisions on what you are seeing now? You've seen what happens when a rogue mod goes off reservation before. Do you think no one is watching what goes on here? To use your own words

Really? You have to ask? Originally Posted by Whispers
Why do you care so much to discuss staff internal policies in public? Come to think of it, how do you know what happens behind the scenes, or if something happens even does happen behind the scenes?
Whispers's Avatar
Why would you think a single mod has made any decisions on what you are seeing now?

I don't. You've posted and are obviously aware... I have no doubt that others are as well. And although it may be something discussed and blessed.... It may have been discussed by those with a single mind not necessarily thinking it through all the way. There is a potential for it to get out of hand. Unless you are all flawless.
We've seen more than once over the years that a good man in the position makes all the right decisions...... right up to the wrong one he makes..... right?

You've seen what happens when a rogue mod goes off reservation before. Do you think no one is watching what goes on here? To use your own words

Some are watching and afraid to say anything..... But would the one that ultimately cares be watching? I don't know. I would imagine he trusts in his admins to watch as the mods watch.... It's not to say that a mistake does not get made. The place is growing...... I can't imagine any of you have the time to watch JJ chasing Rick around....

Why do you care so much to discuss staff internal policies in public? Is there a rule against it? As a community are we not allowed to know what the procedures are that Admins and Mods work under? If it is a fair and just system why would you or anyone have any issue with discussing it in public? In this case I am bringing it because I believe that JJ does not have the time in the day to be following procedure, if that procedure still exists, and still be editing the posts.

Come to think of it, how do you know what happens behind the scenes, or if something happens even does happen behind the scenes? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Did I call it right?

I do not know what is happening behind the scenes at this particular time in this particular instance. My last statement explains why I believe that what SHOULD be happening is not happening.

How do I know? Really? Come on man. You are so much smarter than the questions you are asking. For the sake of others that do NOT know...... I've been a member of this community since close to the beginning. I joined it 7 and a half months before you and I was a member of ASPD since 2000. I am very social and have met people in Houston, San Antonio , Austin and Dallas and I know many guys that used to be mods and admins. Over the years I've tried to stay abreast of how things are done.

I assume it is not proper for them to discuss decisions or specifics but are there rules against them discussing HOW things are done? Some procedures have been explained in threads over the years. My memory is not the greatest.....maybe I've seen a post on this particular "practice" sometime in the past

Yes. I also know some Mods currently. I consider a few of them good friends and if you want to go digging feel free to read my PMs and you will find that the first contact I had with ANY Mods regarding this or any situation in weeks was a few hours ago right after these posts...... when I PMd 3 Mods and asked them to read my posts in this thread as well as the thread I started elsewhere and to feel free to tell me if they thought I was out of line or off base in any way. I value their opinions and when they tell me I'm out of line... I get back IN line....

If you were fishing in your last comment to see if maybe someone currently is sharing anything with me....or insinuating such..... Sorry. No....

I would not ask... they would not tell.... Ethics do not allow for it.

It was not long ago that JJ commented on having other things to do, being busy away from the board.... What happens when he misses something more important and no one else was looking.....

"Oh geeh... I'm sorry.. I should have removed that post where you were outed Bob... But give me a break... I've been busy playing Where's Ricky!"

I know ECCIE is not meant to function like real life...... but thankfully in the real world..... there is a system in place to place checks and balances on those that enforce the rules as well as those that break them..... I have always believed there was something similar here.
Whispers's Avatar
Because he's a social activist who wants to right all of the wrongs and bring peace and harmony to the planet.

Not remotely close.... I enjoy the anarchy and mud slinging that occurs here....

He also believes he knows better than the owners how the site should be managed. Originally Posted by Louigi
Also not remotely close..... I think the owners do quite well...... over time though what owners want can be diluted by those between them and their audience/clientele..... things get off track....

You talk out of your ass a lot Louigi either without thinking or lacking the ability to reason....where in this thread have I made any suggestions regarding managing this site or this particular issue?..... Is there anything you ever say that you can post something that will back it up?

I have made no suggestions whatsoever as to how this should be done..... I have no idea what would be effective in regards to Rocker Rick. I am asking these questions because it lays down acceptable "censrship" and may be a "celebration" by some that are setting aside guidelines and principles in their effort.

How often do people comment on the police running a speed trap involving 8 or 10 officers and while they are busy writing tickets a bank is being robbed or a someone is getting mugged, raped or murdered?

This could grow into something else and if I am right then what is occurring is the setting aside of guidelines by those that hold US accountable for the purpose of censorship.
Hey Whispers,

JJ has not set aside any guidelines. He's working well within the established guidelines. Nothing new, and nothing targeting a particular member. There's actually a precedence for this going back to ASPD.

You may not recall that because this is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a common occurrence.

About once every couple of years, someone for whatever reason they've come up with, decides to make it their life's ambition to distract everyone around them. Sort of like the class clown in elementary school. (I was one of those, by the way)

In the case we are dealing with now, it appears this member has turned himself into spam. We didn't do it to him, he did it....and the staff is simply following established protocol in how we handle spam posts and handles. ALL operators of bulletin-board type forums have the privilege of dealing with spam. There's just plenty of people in this world with nothing at all better to occupy their time.

Staff has nothing against this guy. There's no vendetta. I certainly don't know him from Adam. If he ever decides to let it go and take care of the penalty he evidently has earned, then he will be welcomed back to participate here as a contributing member.

Also, to answer one other question you asked, yes every bit of any content ever removed from any post on this entire site is preserved in its original form. Anyone who has been here for any length of time probably knows how I feel about censorship and I will always reserve the right to restore any content that a moderator has removed from public view if I feel the judgement used conflicts with the vision and guidelines set for this site.

So, yes, every post this guy has made, along with every other spam post, along with any other content that's been removed (with one exclusion regarding forbidden topics that we will not allow to sit anywhere on our servers) is all there for review, although admittedly I haven't bothered to look at it and don't plan to. I have way more important things to do with my time and someone will let me know if there's something in there that I need to look over.

Hope that helps clarify some of your concerns.
break stuff's Avatar
Get. A. Fucking. Life.