so now we have Jan. 6 seditionist Jim Jordan angling for the House Speakership..

  • pxmcc
  • 10-25-2023, 09:21 AM
here's what the Dems should do. let Johnson go down in flames. then they should pick a moderate Republican that they can get along with who is willing to shut down the silly impeachment inquiry; that was McCarthy's fatal mistake. hash it out in the Problem Solvers Caucus. change the rules so it's almost impossible to kick the Speaker out, absent criminal conduct. then moderate Republicans and the entire Democratic Caucus can elect the moderate Republican for Speaker. and Dems save the day; and the Republic..
  • pxmcc
  • 10-26-2023, 05:20 AM
well, so much for that plan lol..

now we have a MAGA House Speaker. but a MAGA House Speaker is probably better than no Speaker at all.

McCarthy was his own undoing.
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As I previously mentioned, if there's issues arising within political commentary in this local forum. I'd end it.
In that the National board has a specific forum for political whatnot, from now on, post in that forum.

Closing thread.