AOC says the 22nd amendment keep fdr from being reelected...HE WAS ALREADY DEAD!!

  • grean
  • 04-01-2019, 03:58 PM
So the real story here is that of all msm, only fox is carrying the story.

Unless this story was twisted a great deal and she didn't say that or immediately correct herself, there should be no reason why cnn nbc wapo abc and the new york times & wall street journal should not be running this.

The voters need to know who they are voting for on the ballot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So the real story here is that of all msm, only fox is carrying the story.

Unless this story was twisted a great deal and she didn't say that or immediately correct herself, there should be no reason why cnn nbc wapo abc and the new york times & wall street journal should not be running this.

The voters need to know who they are voting for on the ballot. Originally Posted by grean
She said it on MSNBC. It's documented on video.
She said it on MSNBC. It's documented on video. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Which one of these girls is dumber the more we hear them speak...?

Hoda the ISIS bride.....?

AOC....the future coming-to-your-neighborhood pole dancer….?

Or the pink tutu-wearing darling of the Rio Grande, Beta....?....who's already promising idiotic EO's the day "he's sworn in"....?

bamscram's Avatar
Which one of these girls is dumber the more we hear them speak...?

Hoda the ISIS bride.....?

AOC....the future coming-to-your-neighborhood pole dancer….?

Or the pink tutu-wearing darling of the Rio Grande, Beta....?....who's already promising idiotic EO's the day "he's sworn in"....?

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

bamscram's Avatar
Which one of these girls is dumber the more we hear them speak...?

Hoda the ISIS bride.....?

AOC....the future coming-to-your-neighborhood pole dancer….?

Or the pink tutu-wearing darling of the Rio Grande, Beta....?....who's already promising idiotic EO's the day "he's sworn in"....?

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

You can't out dumb this guy.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
  • grean
  • 04-01-2019, 05:02 PM
She said it on MSNBC. It's documented on video. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And MSNBC let it stand without correcting her. That's pathetic.
  • grean
  • 04-01-2019, 05:04 PM
And MSNBC let it stand without correcting her. That's pathetic. Originally Posted by grean

When they didn't, others should have.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And MSNBC let it stand without correcting her. That's pathetic. Originally Posted by grean
Journalist says NBC and MSNBC boss used ‘menacing tone’ to advocate for DNC

March 30, 2019

An NBC News managing editor attempted to “bully” a freelance journalist into delaying a story as a favor to the Democratic National Committee, the reporter claims.

Yashar Ali alleged in a series of tweets that Dafna Linzer, who oversees political coverage at NBC and MSNBC, pushed him — “in a menacing tone,” he claimed — to hold off on publishing an item about the dates of the DNC’s first presidential debates, asking him to give the party time to notify its state committees.

“The head of all political coverage for NBC News and MSNBC wasn’t calling to advocate for her network, she was calling to advocate the DNC’s position,” Ali tweeted Friday....

“This incident is going to be twisted by some with an agenda to discredit the media and say they collude with political parties,” Ali wrote. “But … what Dafna did was unethical.

(New York Post)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And MSNBC let it stand without correcting her. That's pathetic. Originally Posted by grean

Think of it as a "the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor" moment..


the MSM has created a Frankenstein's Monster, they don't dare question their newly minted goddess. Beyond the fact this woman is stupider than a sack of rocks, she's really just a bad actress reading Saikat Chakrabarti's Socialist manifesto. she's not smart enough to be a true believer in the cause (sic).
Lol. Go ahead and bareback her Brother. Ill take care of the kid. Im a humanitarian like that Originally Posted by themystic
Thanks for having my back bro!