News Item for Those Who Like to Discuss Political Issues

My Benghazi threads were based on individual news/commentary reporting and involved multiple issues under the Benghazi fiasco - the You Tube video, the testimony, the funeral, the cover ups, the Congressional hearings.............

The liberals just want to shut discussion of Benghazi down !

It is what liberals do when they are losing an argument; they try to silence the opposition.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some subjects are too big for one thread. A decision made in the White House or the state house may have financial problem, social problems, foreign problems, etc. Now if you really want to try to encompass everything in one big release (ahhhhhhh!) then you will have to start writing better threads. I can remember a few times when a couple of you just posted *snick* and that was all you wrote. If you want to count that as one...and done.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Benghazi threads have been eye-opening to say the least. They confirm that this is the most corrupt administration in history.

The ones that don't like hearing the truth are proving Leno's point:

My Benghazi threads were based on individual news/commentary reporting and involved multiple issues under the Benghazi fiasco - Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Everything you've posted on the Benghazi matter could have fit within one thread. Do you seriously think it's appropriate to start a new thread every time there's a new piece of Benghazi-related news. Jeeeeee-zus!

All the thread-creation promiscuity just turns people off and causes many who might otherwise listen to what you have to say to tune you out.

Seriously, do you really not get that?

Your attempt to hog the forum is not serving you well.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-13-2013, 10:12 AM
The Benghazi threads have been eye-opening to say the least. They confirm that this is the most corrupt administration in history.

The ones that don't like hearing the truth are proving Leno's point:

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

theyre eye opening alright, too damn bad youre blind
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Limiting the thread count on Benghazi, Cap'n, undermines the importance of the subject. If you don't want to read what Whirly, or anybody else, posts, don't.

Yes, it is that simple.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-13-2013, 10:15 AM
To say the libs want to limit discussion is a flat out lie. There is no need for ten threads on the exact samesubject. My guess Iis the owners and moderators are as sick of that type of thread overload as the members who do not abuse the forum are.
Only in a liberal's mindset is placing a cap on threads NOT limiting discussion...................

To say the libs want to limit discussion is a flat out lie. There is no need for ten threads on the exact samesubject. My guess Iis the owners and moderators are as sick of that type of thread overload as the members who do not abuse the forum are. Originally Posted by WTF
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
To say the libs want to limit discussion is a flat out lie. There is no need for ten threads on the exact samesubject. My guess Iis the owners and moderators are as sick of that type of thread overload as the members who do not abuse the forum are. Originally Posted by WTF
Truth is a lie. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

I've read that somewhere.
Limiting the thread count on Benghazi, Cap'n, undermines the importance of the subject. If you don't want to read what Whirly, or anybody else, posts, don't.

Yes, it is that simple. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, it really isn't.

Junking up the forum with countless threads on the same subject makes it far less attractive to those who might enjoy discussing something else, and I suspect that quite a few people fall into that category. Those who want to read what Whirlaway (or anyone else, for that matter) posts on the subject will do so whether he confines his posts to just a few threads, or starts a slew of 'em.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the large number of threads on the same subject causes people to tune out, or simply get disgusted with the forum and not step back in again.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-13-2013, 10:36 AM
Limiting the thread count on Benghazi, Cap'n, undermines the importance of the subject. If you don't want to read what Whirly, or anybody else, posts, don't.

Yes, it is that simple. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
if you, whiirlie,Jd,and 1 other moron post several Benghazi threads, other threads get buried and bypassed ... unless youre whirlie and he bumps his on thread back to the top..

nobody form where I sit, Libs included,, want anything banned, But its kinda obvious some of you aren't capable of managing your shit and need assistance
I B Hankering's Avatar
if you, whiirlie,Jd,and 1 other moron post several Benghazi threads, other threads get buried and bypassed ... unless youre whirlie and he bumps his on thread back to the top..

nobody form where I sit, Libs included,, want anything banned, But its kinda obvious some of you aren't capable of managing your shit and need assistance Originally Posted by CJ7
Just an FYI, CBJ7. You, and a couple of others that you did not enumerate, have started a few of Benghazi related threads, and you've been the one most guilty of posting fallacious, libertard deflections that scream out for rebuttal. BTW, did you catch the thread on Rome and the plague?
JCM800's Avatar
but then they'd be missing out on all the fun.
I think a rule - for every political thread started you have to post some taint - would make it easier reading.

I'm trying to post a pic of an athletic Venus W with thighs wide open for joe bloe to enjoy....
We'll see what happens. I can't see a company that runs a forum not wanting more threads though. Hopefully, they are looking at this very thread and creating a new forum that get's rid of the name calling and childish behavior so the adults have somewhere to participate.