Truth - Will Set Ya Free

berryberry's Avatar
Do you understand that far left folks want to seize the means of production and distribute it evenly amongst the people? Which positions of mine are far left? Keep in mind that being against hate of transgender people is not a far left position.

The first presidential election I voted in was 2000. Since then, McCain is the only republican I've liked in the general presidential election, but I liked Obama better. I'd have voted for McCain over Biden. Maybe you consider McCain to be a leftist. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
So I was correct as usual. You have NEVER voted for a republican for President

So again, who are you trying to fool with the bullshit you posted pretending to be some middle of the road guy and not a partisan leftist

And in terms of leftist positions - hell you just need to look at your posts here. A few recent ones that come to mind include

1. Defending deranged tranny rights over women's rights
2. Wanting to destroy women's sports to benefit deranged trannys
3. Advocating for scumbag illegals who are invading our country
4. Bashing hugely popular conservative media figures
5. All your lies about President Trump
6. Defending the out of control officer who murdered Ashley Babbit
bambino's Avatar
July now?😂🤣😂🤣😂
I’ll keep an eye out 😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Originally Posted by Rege69
I’ll be sure to explain it to you when it rolls out.
July now?😂🤣😂🤣😂
I’ll keep an eye out 😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Originally Posted by Rege69
I wouldn't hold your breath! The dates he gave for the election being overturned came and went a long time ago.

Another guy I know told me that everyone who took the vaccine would be dead within three years. My days are numbered! I don't have long!
Well, you have to look to history 1P. Eisenhower said the greatest threat to America will come from within. The Military Industrial Complex. They make their money creating wars. That’s why there have been endless wars. Prescott Bush was doing business with the Nazis during WW2. The central banks fund both sides. They don’t care who “wins”. Funny how Trump is the only modern POTUS not to get us into a war. But he’s evil right? He led the historic Abraham peace accords in the Middle East. But the Globalists couldn’t have that. They want the Middle East in a constant state of war. So Joey Bribes put an end to the peace accords. But Trump is evil. JFK was going to eliminate the Military Industrial Complex, CIA and the Fed. The Globalists blew his head off, in public. I was sitting in my second grade classroom when our teacher informed us JFK was assassinated. She told us to go home. That stuck with me. I’ve posted his speech here that got him killed. Google it. Listen to it. It seems like you’re younger than most here. Do your own research. Start with the Act of 1871. We were bankrupt after the Civil War. We signed over our sovereignty then. The Fed and the IRS were created in 1913. We’ve been slaves ever since. Originally Posted by bambino

Just as I suspected, you would not be able to give me a specific detailed explanation of who/what the globalists are. It's a vague boogey man term.
... Hmmm... Interesting...

More LIES have been told ABOUT Trump than He's told.
We see it every day.
I've already mentioned some of them.

And you just dismiss those lies as Biden and the rest
just trying to discredit Trump.

Crikey! ... THAT'S what YOU considour fair play - is it?
Must be - as I've never seen you address any of Biden's lies.

Not in a box - not with a fox... Not on a boat
- Not in a moat - Not here or there - Not Anywhere!

You don't mention Joe's lies - or the lies of the Democrats.

... And just to satisfy me-own curiosity - please be so kind
to explain what "EVILS" Trump did while President.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

The man has told thousands of lies to the public since 2016. Thousands of lies have not been told about him.

I don't care too much about Biden one way or the other. He's just a guy that I had to vote for.

Trump pours fuel on the flames of irrational fear and hate. Uses his words to divide the country like no president I've ever seen in my lifetime. On top of that, he lies at a rate that I've never seen. Those things culminated with a historic storming of the Capitol by a bunch of angry irrational idiots.
bambino's Avatar
Just as I suspected, you would not be able to give me a specific detailed explanation of who/what the globalists are. It's a vague boogey man term. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
It’s not my responsibility to educate you. It’s a fools errand anyways. You have enough from my post.
So I was correct as usual. You have NEVER voted for a republican for President

So again, who are you trying to fool with the bullshit you posted pretending to be some middle of the road guy and not a partisan leftist

And in terms of leftist positions - hell you just need to look at your posts here. A few recent ones that come to mind include

1. Defending deranged tranny rights over women's rights
2. Wanting to destroy women's sports to benefit deranged trannys
3. Advocating for scumbag illegals who are invading our country
4. Bashing hugely popular conservative media figures
5. All your lies about President Trump
6. Defending the out of control officer who murdered Ashley Babbit Originally Posted by berryberry

Not voting for a republican president makes me far left? LOL

In the rational world, the mainstream democrats are middle of the road.

1. I just point out that you couldn't care less about women's sports. You just use it as an excuse to display your hate for transsexuals. Not a far left position.

2. I don't want to destroy women's sports but I don't see how that would be a far left position.
3. Advocating for sensible immigration policies and saying that immigrants are not scumbags isn't a far left position.
4. Bashing fear mongering pathological liars is not a far left position.

5. I don't lie about Trump
6. Defending a patriot who shot someone as they were in the act of breaking into the US Capitol building is obviously not far left.

Your political spectrum meter needs re calibrated. You could benefit quite a bit from unplugging for a while. You'd be better off if you stopped letting people like Tucker inside your head, causing you to think that mainstream democrats are far left.
It’s not my responsibility to educate you. It’s a fools errand anyways. You have enough from my post. Originally Posted by bambino
You have 38,000 posts in here. If you had an actual detailed, specific explanation in your own words as to what a "globalist" is, you would post it, but you don't, because "globalist" is just some Alex Jones nonsense.
bambino's Avatar
You have 38,000 posts in here. If you had an actual detailed, specific explanation in your own words as to what a "globalist" is, you would post it, but you don't, because "globalist" is just some Alex Jones nonsense. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
If you had any common sense, you wouldn’t need a detailed definition. Run along now.
If you had any common sense, you wouldn’t need a detailed definition. Run along now. Originally Posted by bambino

Ah, you can't explain in your own words what a globalist is, so instead of sticking to the topic you decide to resort to personal insults.
bambino's Avatar
Ah, you can't explain in your own words what a globalist is, so instead of sticking to the topic you decide to resort to personal insults. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
No insult. Like I said, my post said enough. It’s you that can’t figure it out. It’s not rock science, it’s common sense. You’re in no position to demand anything from anybody here anyway.
No insult. Like I said, my post said enough. It’s you that can’t figure it out. It’s not rock science, it’s common sense. You’re in no position to demand anything from anybody here anyway. Originally Posted by bambino

Telling someone that they don't have any common sense is an insult, as is telling them to "run along now."

I'm not demanding anything. I'm just pointing out that 'globalist" is a meaningless term that was made popular by the scumbag Alex Jones.
bambino's Avatar
Telling someone that they don't have any common sense is an insult, as is telling them to "run along now."

I'm not demanding anything. I'm just pointing out that 'globalist" is a meaningless term that was made popular by the scumbag Alex Jones. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Actually, some people with high IQs lack common sense. Saying someone lacks common sense isn’t an insult. You asked for a “detailed, specific definition”. Like, who the hell are you? But, I wasted time with a fairly lengthy post with enough information for anyone to connect the dots. BTW, the term Globalist has been around longer than Alex Jones. Here’s your definition

noun: globalist; plural noun: globalists
a person who advocates the interpretation or planning of economic and foreign policy in relation to events and developments throughout the world.
a person or organization advocating or practicing operations across national divisions.
adjective: globalist
relating to or advocating the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.

All you had to do was google it.
The man has told thousands of lies to the public since 2016. Thousands of lies have not been told about him.

I don't care too much about Biden one way or the other. He's just a guy that I had to vote for.

Trump pours fuel on the flames of irrational fear and hate. Uses his words to divide the country like no president I've ever seen in my lifetime. On top of that, he lies at a rate that I've never seen. Those things culminated with a historic storming of the Capitol by a bunch of angry irrational idiots. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
... Again, NOTHING from you concerning Biden's lies.

Or anything of the lies told about Trump.

"The Truth will set ya free" - but truth - and the
ability to actually see it - is what you lack.

As I pointed out early in this thread, YOU and others
who surely champion the liberals HAVE TO hate Trump -
because He has exposed all the liberal lies.

... You and the others have "Abandoned Ship"
from Joe Biden's sinking vessel.

#### Salty
I don't care too much about Biden one way or the other. He's just a guy that I had to vote for.

Trump pours fuel on the flames of irrational fear and hate. Uses his words to divide the country like no president I've ever seen in my lifetime. On top of that, he lies at a rate that I've never seen. Those things culminated with a historic storming of the Capitol by a bunch of angry irrational idiots. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Amen. trump is a serial liar and his people are willfully blind and actively spreading misinformation on his behalf. They have no evidence of anything they're talking about but just keep spouting off because they're incapable of admitting they were duped. And they were duped. Boy howdy.