Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Now all,
Let's stay with RTM,

Which all staff see, thus certain member handles are well known to all of us.
NordicJag's Avatar
Now all,
Let's stay with RTM,

Which all staff see, thus certain member handles are well known to all of us. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Right. Isn't that an old band? No, wait. That's REM.
Now I remember. It's a sleep cycle. No, that's REM also. That's strange.
Now I remember, RTM Speedwagon. Damn, screwed up again, that's REO.

Sorry, UC. Sometimes I just can't help myself.
Michael8219's Avatar
Samcro84's Avatar
Ask and answered! Close it and move on.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Thanks for the humor.
However there's a thread drift hijack guideline.
Closing thread