Got to love Bernie...

Nope, they paid me good money for the holes. Don't you worry, I'm a moving on up, just like that black family the Jeffersons

I got me enough scratch to move on up to Alamo Heights. Lookout motherfucker, you don't know nothing bout that shit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I know that you're lying AGAIN after your comments about San Antonio a few days back. And IF you did move to Alamo Heights, I'd ask my friend , the Chief of Police, to keep an eye on your lying liberal ass. He does that for his friends that contribute to his election campaigns... like ME. So, pobrecita pendejo puta, I DO know something about that shit ! A least I won't have to worry about your swishy walking lying ass moving to where I'm at. You swishy walkers find another new home real quick once you're swishy walking ways are found out ! But nice "story" about your 'holes, even if you couldn't give them away ! And a move so soon after you got Big Sir to move to Arkansas with you in your Momma / SEEster's basement ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, everyone gets a pay raise, and prices remain level. Hmmm . . . Wormby, explain how that works, please.
lustylad's Avatar
Everything I do regarding you, has a purpose. I confound you. That delights me to no end. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Keep trying, sewer rat. You're about as confounding as a 3rd grade math quiz.

Here you go, pretty boy:

Still feel pretty? Which pretty boy is you?

lustylad's Avatar
Here's another chance for you to tell us what constitutes a living wage? Put a number on it. Originally Posted by Budman

You're wasting your time, budman. Don't you get it? You'll never get a number for something like that out of a libtard. Just like you can never pin them down on what top tax rate is "fair" Or how big government should be as a % of GDP. They want to keep their options open to move the goalposts again later. If sewer rat were to go on record saying "we're good at $15 an hour" - then once this minimum wage was enacted, he couldn't beat us up anymore as greedy, stonehearted SOBs who want to keep everyone in poverty.Then life wouldn't be any fun!

So remember - Libtards have an unceasing need to keep pretending they're fighting for social justice. The last thing they want to do is define it or achieve it.

How do you expect to raise the minimum wage to a yet undetermined "living wage" without it affecting the COL? Do you honestly think businesses are going to absorb the added expense of doing business? It doesn't work that way. Businesses are there to make money. Period. If the government decides to increase the cost of doing business then that increase get past on to the consumer. Thus an increase in the COL. You can't legislate the end of poverty. There will always be those that are in poverty. It sucks, I've been there. However there is something called hard work and determination that can overcome many obstacles. You seem to think that anyone that shows up for work 40 hours per week is underpaid if they are living in poverty. That is absurd. Many of these people live way above their means. They buy shit they don't need. Many are overpaid for the actual contribution they make to a company. Please tell me what the fuck a "living wage" is? You can't because there is no such thing. You are a fucking socialist and when I am talking to you the solution you always have is more government. Typical socialist agenda. If you think socialism is so great then move your wetback ass to a socialist country of your choosing. Quit trying to turn the USA into a socialist country. The left is destroying this great country and it's pin heads like you that are to blame. Originally Posted by Budman
Who absorbs the cost of a CEO getting a $25 million bonus... they seem to always have money for things like that.

And then you go on to the usual bullshit; living above their means, couldn't possibly be that they aren't paid enough. It's always the people's problem, never the employer, right? What about the ones who are underpaid in relation to the contribution they make to the company? Your insisting on a number is bullshit and you know it. I'm trying to turn this country into what it once was, which is FOR the working man. When this country was great, taxes were high. Figure it out, dipshit.
You're wasting your time, budman. Don't you get it? You'll never get a number for something like that out of a libtard. Just like you can never pin them down on what top tax rate is "fair" Or how big government should be as a % of GDP. They want to keep their options open to move the goalposts again later. If sewer rat were to go on record saying "we're good at $15 an hour" - then once this minimum wage was enacted, he couldn't beat us up anymore as greedy, stonehearted SOBs who want to keep everyone in poverty.Then life wouldn't be any fun!

So remember - Libtards have an unceasing need to keep pretending they're fighting for social justice. The last thing they want to do is define it or achieve it.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
So what you're saying is that once it's at a certain number it should never be moved again? What a fucking moron. As for top tax rate, 70 percent seems fair. That's what the effective rate was the last time we were really doing well as a country.

The problem with you, and capitalism, is that you're assuming things are determined in a free and open market where all those participating are equal. So from the jump you're predicating the entire thing on bullshit, because we both know that not everyone is participating on equal footing. This leads to a biased distribution which leads to income inequality.

As for beating you republishits up, that never ends. You're fucking morons. It's just fun.
So, everyone gets a pay raise, and prices remain level. Hmmm . . . Wormby, explain how that works, please. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Maybe we don't pay CEOs 475 to 1? Maybe you only make $30 Billion in profit versus $35.
You're wasting your time, budman. Don't you get it? You'll never get a number for something like that out of a libtard. Just like you can never pin them down on what top tax rate is "fair" Or how big government should be as a % of GDP. They want to keep their options open to move the goalposts again later. If sewer rat were to go on record saying "we're good at $15 an hour" - then once this minimum wage was enacted, he couldn't beat us up anymore as greedy, stonehearted SOBs who want to keep everyone in poverty.Then life wouldn't be any fun!

So remember - Libtards have an unceasing need to keep pretending they're fighting for social justice. The last thing they want to do is define it or achieve it.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Or EARN it for themselves like the rest of us do !
Or EARN it for themselves like the rest of us do ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Simple Jack, ladies and gentlemen. Keeping it real for the retards.

Keep watching those 'head movies' you gay dwarf.
So, everyone gets a pay raise, and prices remain level. Hmmm . . . Wormby, explain how that works, please. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Must be one of those " social 'democracy' ' things that the rest of us working-to-support-a-lying-liberal-REAL-working-people-can't-understand-and-have-to-have a " freelance writer for travel brochures " ' splain to the rest of us ! Hope he can do it with his trombone ! IJS !!
Must be one of those " social 'democracy' ' things that the rest of us working-to-support-a-lying-liberal-REAL-working-people-can't-understand-and-have-to-have a " freelance writer for travel brochures " ' splain to the rest of us ! Hope he can do it with his trombone ! IJS !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
The fact that you continue to vote republican is fucking hilarious. If only you knew. Ah, Simple Jack. Keep watching those 'head movies', you gay fucking dwarf.
So what you're saying is that once it's at a certain number it should never be moved again? What a fucking moron. As for top tax rate, 70 percent seems fair. That's what the effective rate was the last time we were really doing well as a country.

The problem with you, and capitalism, is that you're assuming things are determined in a free and open market where all those participating are equal. So from the jump you're predicating the entire thing on bullshit, because we both know that not everyone is participating on equal footing. This leads to a biased distribution which leads to income inequality.

As for beating you republishits up, that never ends. You're fucking morons. It's just fun. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So when are YOU gonna go " public" and sell shares for your 'holes expansion, woomby ? Or go on that show " Shark Tank" and get them to back your play in the " community service of the therapeutic arts " ? You decry the capital system, yet crow about but buying futures in the SAME stock market in oil a few weeks back ! Hypocrite wetback mentirosa ! Trying to be " down with the working man" , just like the Arkansas' Clintons, while still trying to profit of the same " cattle futures" system that YOU decry ! Stick to what you and Tu Famiiia KNOW, GLORYHOLING and FLATBACKING !!!!!! EUNUCH CHAPETE !!! You could go on "America Loves Talent" with your trombone playing, woomby !
So when are YOU gonna go " public" and sell shares for your 'holes expansion, woomby ? Or go on that show " Shark Tank" and get them to back your play in the " community service of the therapeutic arts " ? You decry the capital system, yet crow about but buying futures in the SAME stock market in oil a few weeks back ! Hypocrite wetback mentirosa ! Trying to be " down with the working man" , just like the Arkansas' Clintons, while still trying to profit of the same " cattle futures" system that YOU decry ! Stick to what you and Tu Famiiia KNOW, GLORYHOLING and FLATBACKING !!!!!! EUNUCH CHAPETE !!! You could go on "America Loves Talent" with your trombone playing, woomby ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I don't decry capitalism. What we have now is not capitalism. Get a clue.

As for my futures position, oil is due a big bounce and I have every confidence my 12-months will be just fine.
Simple Jack, ladies and gentlemen. Keeping it real for the retards.

Keep watching those 'head movies' you gay dwarf. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Pobre Burro ! Once AGAIN you ASSume that you know how I vote. So how can you expect us to accept ANY statement of clueless, denying-of-being-a fag-and-a-EUNUCH Gloryhole Guru here about anything you say and , in Arkansas hillbilly-speak, "REKON" you MIGHT know who I'm voting for ( multiple times, like you lying libs do and digging up the dead for those last minute " absentee " cemetery-bound ) DOTY ( and lobbying hard for other votes ) Pobre pinche puta !? Not ALL of us where spoon fed that ONLY through Government intervention could we achieve our dreams !
So how 'bout them Razorbacks ? !!! Keep 'em out of Texas if you don't want MORE hurt put on them !! Suey ? Ya, pendejo, es CHOP Suey para aqui !