Stupid Fuckers Falling for Minimum Wage

Apparently, you supported Lt. Kerry while he lied to Congress. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I proudly support our decorated war veterans. All of 'em! Do you?

While on the subject, you never did answer whether you served or not.

We anxiously await your response!
LexusLover's Avatar
I proudly support our decorated war veterans. All of 'em! Do you?

While on the subject, you never did answer whether you served or not.

We anxiously await your response! Originally Posted by bigtex
Supporting veterans is not the same as supporting someone who lied to Congress, and who literally fraternized with the enemy while still in the service of his country. (According to John Kerry's own statements.) Don't attempt to paint me as unpatriotic or anti-military with your lame-ass, sour attitude on a hooker board.

As for my personal life off this hooker board, past, present, and future that is none of your business or anyone else's. My posting on this hooker board and a past hooker board are consistent. I don't ask for personal information, do not attempt to use personal information known to me to intimidate or make others feel uncomfortable about posting, and/or use their desire to remain anonymous as a ploy to quash their comments. If you or anyone else dumbly volunteers personal information, which can be used to identify someone and/or confirm their identity, then that is their independent decision. That is the issue. And the only issue. And that includes civilian AND noncivilian activities.

Fortunately, in this country one's privilege to comment about the integrity of our public officials and those who seek office is not based on military service ... or service to one's country in any capacity.

Since you have now supported 2 Presidents, and apparently another candidate without military service, it seems highly hypocritical for you to establish a litmus paper test of announced military service as a sign of credibility.

By the way, do you know any service members who have NOT been "decorated"? I know a lot who have refrained from mentioning it. How about you?

Does the use of "WE" give YOU more credibility?
Budman's Avatar
It takes about half an hour, if that, for Daddy Warbucks to flex his muscles and recoup his expenses for raising a minimum wage. Fire a few folks, raise a few prices and by lunch the accountants will be at a three martini blowjob lunch, celebrating their continued prosperity.

It takes much longer for the sucker at minimum wage to realize the raise made no difference in an ability to pay the bills.

A minimum wage is ineffective without a corresponding maximum wage.

Maximum wage! Start picketing for a maximum wage! Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
First of all, I called the minimum wage supporters the stupid fuckers, not Daddy. Didn't attack him just yet. What about the franchise owner? He's already bought into Daddy's plan by buying a franchise. So he's fucked regardless. And then it seems like you're arguing against minimum wage, which is what I started the thread doing, which might indicate while I'm still in business class, you're stuck in remedial reading, but that's only using your analogy. What fucking good is business class anyway?

The small franchises are dying.

A minimum wage will not work. Bring on a maximum! Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Yep. so why are you doing it? ahhhh, because you're really fucking stupid. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You are completely clueless. You either can't remember what you have read or you are to lazy to read the thread. You just like to throw shit on the wall and see what sticks. Kind of like in the Dan Patrick thread you made claims of employee mistreatment. When I asked for some sort of back up you disappear. You are a coward and a fool.

How's your treatment going in the nut house? Are you still the best hall monitor they have ever had? I know that must be an award you are so proud of.
Supporting veterans is not the same as supporting someone who lied to Congress.................Does the use of "WE" give YOU more credibility? Originally Posted by LexusLover
So, it is apparent from the above mindless rant that LexiLiar Idiot is listed among those who never served but is critical of those who did.

Your lack of appreciation for those brave men and women who served their country on the battlefield is apparent.

Wear your (lack of) medals proudly, Asshole!
LexusLover's Avatar
So, it is apparent from the above mindless rant that LexiLiar Idiot is listed among those who never served but is critical of those who did.

Your lack of appreciation for those brave men and women who served their country on the battlefield is apparent.
Originally Posted by bigtex
You are the one who "concluded" that Bush announced the "Iraq War" was over, when he stood on the deck of a carrier with a "Mission Accomplished" banner behind him, also. You are also one who claims to have known before the 2003 invasion that there were no WMDs in Iraq. So what is "apparent" to you is what is "convenient" for you to post at the time.

I'm not so certain I would put Kerry in the list of ....

.."brave men and women".... but, as I said, you "conclude" what is "convenient" at the moment. In fact I don't. He lied to Congress, negotiated with the enemy while still commissioned, and took his ticket home as soon as he could find someone to sign off on it. He tried to wrap himself with the flag against your favorite President, and lost, and he is still a loser.

What I have gotten from your "apparentness" is you don't know me, because if you did you wouldn't ask and you wouldn't need to ask, because an all knowing asshole like you with 20-20 x-ray vision that allows you to scan buildings and sand dunes at 7,000+ miles .... would be easily able to review my military records from your recliner.

Like I said, my personal life is none of your business, and trying to push the issue by your insults is not working out for you, asshole.
Yet another arrogant, condescending rant coming from the Proud Patriarch of the Idiot Family.

You should lay off of the booze this early in the morning. It's really not a very good way to start your day.

LexusLover's Avatar
Yet another arrogant, condescending rant coming from the Proud Patriarch of the Idiot Family.

You should lay off of the booze this early in the morning. It's really not a very good way to start your day. Originally Posted by bigtex

By each post you demonstrate further how little you know about me, even when you are engaging in your "apparentness" ... with your x-ray vision.

The first thing to come to your "mind" is drinking? Or is it sucking dick with your buddy "iva-a-little-one" who reflexively "assumes" guys want to suck his dick? "Utterly" amazing ... both of you.

Kerry is actually preaching "patriotism" to the world?

Your "man" ..... "reporting for duty" ... unless it's a "river boat"!!!!

"Secretary of State John Kerry escalated his criticism of Edward Snowden, calling him a “coward” and a “traitor,” and saying that the NSA document leaker should return to the United States from Russia and “make his case.” "

Another "line" in the sand .... moment. You are bragging you voted for him?

And you voted for Obaminable ... and soon Hillarious?

Needs repeating ... often:

"Like I said, my personal life is none of your business, and trying to push the issue by your insults is not working out for you, asshole."

Now back to the OP topic .... dear to your heart and wallet ..

"minimum wage"!
Does anybody believe in free market economics anymore? All of these lame social engineering schemes end up in ruin. Nobody is forced to buy anything except government health insurance, and that may not last long. America is not the Soviet Union. You have total free will to buy or not buy overpriced goods. No one is smart enough to run an economy. A long string of Soviet leaders and their henchmen proved it. Trying to establish a "living wage" minimum wage is a slippery slope towards a command-and-control economy that is beyond anybody's ability to manage. The market can be cruel and displace outmoded labor and businesses, but free market capitalism far surpasses socialist/progressive driven schemes. They all eventually fall of their own mis-managed weight.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Gee, thanks. Originally Posted by Doove
Touché. I more meant the specific persons picketing because they don't realize they're just creating an expense their employer will recoup. I assume...but do not're in the group using the minimum as a carrot to lead the ass, an economic placebo if you will. That group isn't stupid.

What's really fucking stupid is calling for a maximum wage. Originally Posted by Budman
Because it's different? Because it isn't laissez-faire? I'm all for no minimum as an alternative, let's all fight it out and let the chips fall. But I assert that one is fighting the natural order of things to say, okay, you can make all you want, but to be fair we're going to set a minimum too. Life doesn't work that way. Neither, or both.
Budman's Avatar
Neither. Don't tell me as a business owner how much I can make. I have invested my money in my business and if I am successful then I should reap the rewards. If I fail the employees may be out of a job but they are not out any investment. I ran a construction company for 25 + years and I never started anyone at minimum wage. I could spot an employee that had potential fairly soon and they would be given wage increases as they earned them. However, I could also spot employees that were only worth what I was currently paying them and most likely would never be worth any more. What most people don't understand is that the reason they are hired is to make the company money. I don't hire you because I like you or I want a friend. I hire you to do a job that will benefit me as the owner. I don't owe you anything except a paycheck and when you are costing me more than you are making me you can get the fuck out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Neither. Don't tell me as a business owner how much I can make. I have invested my money in my business and if I am successful then I should reap the rewards. If I fail the employees may be out of a job but they are not out any investment. I ran a construction company for 25 + years and I never started anyone at minimum wage. I could spot an employee that had potential fairly soon and they would be given wage increases as they earned them. However, I could also spot employees that were only worth what I was currently paying them and most likely would never be worth any more. What most people don't understand is that the reason they are hired is to make the company money. I don't hire you because I like you or I want a friend. I hire you to do a job that will benefit me as the owner. I don't owe you anything except a paycheck and when you are costing me more than you are making me you can get the fuck out. Originally Posted by Budman
The Dan Patrick mistreatment of his restaurant employees was brought up by another person, dipshit. If you can't find it, tough shit. But at least you continue to fling feces and lie.

You are beyond clueless. You're just frothing, as you are want to do. Plus, you probably need to seek some kind of anger management. Must be frustrating for you to see all those "other" people trying g to get by in our country.
The Dan Patrick mistreatment of his restaurant employees was brought up by another person, dipshit. If you can't find it, tough shit. But at least you continue to fling feces and lie.

You are beyond clueless. You're just frothing, as you are want to do. Plus, you probably need to seek some kind of anger management. Must be frustrating for you to see all those "other" people trying g to get by in our country. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Good "Shit Eater" ....Good Boy...

Budman's Avatar
The Dan Patrick mistreatment of his restaurant employees was brought up by another person, dipshit. If you can't find it, tough shit. But at least you continue to fling feces and lie.

You are beyond clueless. You're just frothing, as you are want to do. Plus, you probably need to seek some kind of anger management. Must be frustrating for you to see all those "other" people trying g to get by in our country. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Talking to you is like talking to a 2 year old. You can't back up anything you say and when asked for some clarification you completely change the subject and start throwing a tantrum. In the DP thread I was not originally responding to you. I only asked for some type of proof. You are the one that decided to call me out for giving him a pass. I did no such thing. In this thread the OP called for a maximum wage. I said it was stupid. You then accused me of calling for a maximum wage. Either you have trouble comprehending what you read or you just like to throw shit out there hoping no one will expect any back up from you. Maybe both. It's people like you that make this Political Forum pretty much useless.
By each post you demonstrate further how little you know about me Originally Posted by LexusLover
I know just enough about you to know that you are a pure, 100% certified, arrogant, condescending Asshole. And that's on your better days. It's all downhill, after that.

Over and above that, you are LexiLiar, the Proud Patriarch of the Idiot Family.

That's a pretty damn good start, isn't it?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Neither. Don't tell me as a business owner how much I can make. I have invested my money in my business and if I am successful then I should reap the rewards. If I fail the employees may be out of a job but they are not out any investment. I ran a construction company for 25 + years and I never started anyone at minimum wage. I could spot an employee that had potential fairly soon and they would be given wage increases as they earned them. However, I could also spot employees that were only worth what I was currently paying them and most likely would never be worth any more. What most people don't understand is that the reason they are hired is to make the company money. I don't hire you because I like you or I want a friend. I hire you to do a job that will benefit me as the owner. I don't owe you anything except a paycheck and when you are costing me more than you are making me you can get the fuck out. Originally Posted by Budman
Well said. +1