Georgia Election Problems - Continued...

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... A GREAT piece by Liz Harrington - which certainly explains
the 2020 Georgia Election Fraud and Corruption in Great Detail.
You can read it over at the Gateway Pundit website.

... It surely validates what I've been telling you lads for
the last two years here. ....

##### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Using the Gateway Pundit as a reliable source of information???

"The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website.[1] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories."

"Gateway Pundit files for bankruptcy after election conspiracy defamation lawsuits"

"The Gateway Pundit publishes extremely right-biased news and commentary that promotes conspiracy theories and the routine publication of falsehoods (see analysis)."
Precious_b's Avatar
... No, what I mentioned is that Ken there MISSED the mis-count.
How is that possible? ... Joe Rossi found it - he simply added
the numbers and totals - AND - they did NOT match up correctly.

And Raffensperger (Sec. of State) doing the forward? ... Ken Block
surely found the right fellow to agree on "NO voter fraud"
the onley people Mr. Raffensperger wants to target with claims
of illegal voting are "his fellow" Republicans. ...

But Raffensperger will no doubt have A LOT of explaining to do
Next Year - when a new AG takes a long look at the GA voting fraud.
And the great LACK of investigation by Kemp and Raffensperger.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Thanks *AGAIN* NaCl-y 1 for proving what I have always stated: The repubs eat their own.
... I surely trys me best there, mate...

And while you lads are moaning and bemoaning about Gateway Pundit
- at least go there and READ the piece. ... Then you can pass judgement.

What could be more fair than that? ...

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... I surely trys me best there, mate...

And while you lads are moaning and bemoaning about Gateway Pundit
- at least go there and READ the piece. ... Then you can pass judgement.

What could be more fair than that? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I am not going to go through all the crap Harrington claims in her article. A waste of my time. I investigated one of her ridiculous claims though:

"Post spreads misleading claim about 'missing' ballot images in Fulton County | Fact check"

"The claim: More than 380,000 ballot images missing from 2020 presidential election in Fulton County"

" Our rating: False

It's inaccurate to describe ballot images as "missing" since ballot images weren't required to be kept under state law at the time. Ballot images scanned on Election Day were indeed not retained, but the state retained ballot images from a recount in addition to the original hard-copy ballots. The ballots from the 2020 election have been recounted several times in Georgia, and the results have been confirmed to be accurate."

"Posts misrepresent impact of missing ballot images in Georgia"

"CLAIM: The fact that some Georgia counties cannot produce the original electronic ballot images from the 2020 election indicates that election fraud took place. Now the state has no way to verify that the ballots are legitimate reflections of what went through the machines.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: Missing context. It’s true some Georgia counties violated state law by failing to preserve electronic images from the original count of ballots from the 2020 election, but this does not prove fraud or affect the election outcome. Georgia counties still have all the paper ballots cast in the election, according to the Secretary of State’s office. The results of the presidential race in Georgia were counted three times, and all three tallies showed Democrat Joe Biden prevailing over Republican incumbent Donald Trump."

If you do some research, you will find many more articles on the subject, all rejecting her claims.
... But the Georgia Board of Elections didn't reject the claims.
Especially the vote tabulations claims - which you didn't mention.

The Georgia countys that are NOT in question still have their
paper ballots, yes they do - nice of The Sec. of State's office
to point that out. ... ... EVER county should still
have all the paper ballots. ... And yet - Fulton County don't.

And does Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger have anything new to say
about the "tabulations" revelation?? ... Or is "no comment" enough?

See, mate? ... Some of those on the GA Elections Board are surely
searching for the "off-ramp" - as questions continue to swirl.

Then it won't bother you when there's a Federal Investigation
of all this next year, yes?

#### Salty