Do you know anyone who packs a gun while visiting

jedin8's Avatar
a provider, especially someone new, like from BP. (Granted they have a CH license of course) Originally Posted by wickerman1
If you are carrying and engaged in criminal activity, then you can be charged with Felony possession of a weapon.
LexusLover's Avatar
ok did you get your attention fix yet... Originally Posted by poppy71
Get over yourself....I'm not the one running my head about "packing"!!

Or is "strapping" the "bad-boy" terminology, now?*

The guy wanted an opinion about carrying a firearm to see a hooker.

"Do you know anyone who packs a gun while visiting
a provider, especially someone new, like from BP. (Granted they have a CH license of course)."

"I wonder if any of the ladies carry."

Do you even know who this guy is? He's "baiting"!

And you say I have "comprehension" issues?

*With some of these ladies on here, no offense Fancy, a referencing to "strapping" might get a surprise visit from a "strap on" instead of a back rub, as the unintended consequence of a language barrier!
poppy71's Avatar
Get over yourself....I'm not the one running my head about "packing"!!

Or is "strapping" the "bad-boy" terminology, now?*

The guy wanted an opinion about carrying a firearm to see a hooker.

"Do you know anyone who packs a gun while visiting
a provider, especially someone new, like from BP. (Granted they have a CH license of course)."

"I wonder if any of the ladies carry."

Do you even know who this guy is? He's "baiting"!

And you say I have "comprehension" issues?

*With some of these ladies on here, no offense Fancy, a referencing to "strapping" might get a surprise visit from a "strap on" instead of a back rub, as the unintended consequence of a language barrier! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes he did and then he asked another question directed to me which I answered but I guess you were too blnded by your constant need for attention that you overlooked so do you feel better now? You spew so much shit but have very little to actually say so I'll make it easy for you. win...back and forth over. ..I'm over you so there ya go. Next time you wanna start some keyboard shit read the whole thread and then maybe you'll have a better understanding of what people post.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
...With some of these ladies on here, no offense Fancy, a referencing to "strapping" might get a surprise visit from a "strap on" instead of a back rub, as the unintended consequence of a language barrier! Originally Posted by LexusLover
My, how language does change with the times. The only thing "strapping" ever meant to me was when I had to go out to a tree and choose my own switch for a good "strapping" after I had been particularly naughty as a child.

Obviously corporeal punishment didn't do a lick of good for me.
LexusLover's Avatar
My, how language does change with the times. The only thing "strapping" ever meant to me was when I had to go out to a tree and choose my own switch for a good "strapping" after I had been particularly naughty as a child.

Obviously corporeal punishment didn't do a lick of good for me.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Fancy, that was a "switching" .... and time has changed that meaning as well.

I suspect today a good "licking" might "calm you down," wouldn't it?
LexusLover's Avatar
Next time you wanna start some keyboard shit read the whole thread and then maybe you'll have a better understanding of what people post. Originally Posted by poppy71
Because if I read the whole thread I have to wade through shit like this.

And it's shit. But I am glad you are "over me" ... I was concerned.

I've a few girlfriends in my past who get all pissy like you do.
I've a few girlfriends in my past who get all pissy like you do. Originally Posted by LexusLover
This brought to you by the King (or Queen) of "pissy."
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Fancy, that was a "switching" .... and time has changed that meaning as well.

I suspect today a good "licking" might "calm you down," wouldn't it? Originally Posted by LexusLover
My grandparents were from Ireland and spoke Gaelic before English, so probably got quite a few words wrong, but they always called it a "strappin'."

Yes, I'd like a good "licking" right now, as a matter of fact. There's room under my desk.
LexusLover's Avatar
This brought to you by .... Originally Posted by bigtex
And some stalked me like you do.
LexusLover's Avatar
There's room under my desk. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
You must have a huge desk!
And some stalked me like you do. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Don't flatter yourself. It's not very becoming!
LexusLover's Avatar
Don't flatter yourself. Originally Posted by bigtex
Speaking of not flattering oneself. You really are a fool.

Your as bad as cat shit.

Can't get rid of the stink, even when it appears the substance is gone!

Now, did you have a substantive contribution on "carrying" ...

... and the topic is "firearms" I "believe."

Now Fancy and I are having a light, more interesting conversation.

Now Fancy and I are having a light, more interesting conversation. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That being the case, it's Fancy's loss not mine.

Meanwhile, you have my permission to "carry on."

(Damn, I am easy to get along with!)
LexusLover's Avatar
Meanwhile, you have my permission to "carry on." Originally Posted by bigtex
Still being presumptive, I see.
Still being presumptive, I see. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did I remember to say, "carry on?"