Ottawa under seige by truck protestors

VitaMan's Avatar
Yep, I think you demonstrated quite well that you don't know the difference between a question and a statement. That you are to cowardly to even answer simple questions and then when you do "no, there is no possibility that it was a decision based on polls and not science", you make a fool of yourself with a statement like that. Of course it is possible and evidence suggests that it was but I could be wrong about the why but certainly not wrong about the possibility. Anything is possible in politics. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Try to discuss the thread topic instead of your right wing ideas, which you attempt to interject in almost every one of your posts. You have made a lot of inaccurate statements. You have more thinking to do. By saying "Yep, I think you demonstrated quite well....." that would be your opinion. I do know the difference between a question and a statement. What you have done is combine them to try and project a conclusion. In trial law, that would be called attempting to lead a witness to a conclusion.

You have made up lies in the past too. Your opinion is not very well regarded. In your mind thoughts must exist that you believe it is.

Again, try to discuss the thread topic. I could insult you as you have attempted to do. That is not the purpose of this forum. Apparently you get enjoyment out of it, but you do not do it very well.

Your statement "too cowardly to even answer simple questions, and then when you do", would be an oxymoron and self contradictory. Similar to posting a sign that says "Post no signs."

Hope you get a life.
VitaMan's Avatar
Truckers and supporters gather and discuss their next step after Ontario's premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency, giving the province sweeping laws and fines, as truckers continue to block the access leading from the Ambassador Bridge in protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions in Windsor, Ontario, Friday, Feb. 11, 2022. Ford said violators will face up to a year in prison and a maximum fine of $100,000. The orders will also provide additional authority “to consider taking away the personal and commercial licenses of anyone who doesn’t comply," according to his office.
Your whole post there mighta been a good one, except that
weren't you the fellow that said I was full of shit
about Ray Epps and I didn't know what I was talking of?

NOW the Ray Epps shit is all over the news, and it's
surely hard for you liberal lads to dodge, aint it?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

No, I challenged you to a bet when you said there was video of agents handing out weapons (although many trumpster's say that, and then claim there were no weapons) and that we'd all see it last month. Specifically, this:

We've explained this to you at least three times already.
The DOJ had government agents handing out weapons to
people and encouraging to enter the capitol.

Got 'em on camera doing it... You'll see it in January.
Pelosi's committee wants NO PART OF IT.

It was known that the FBI had already been to talk to Ray. If you read what I wrote, with comprehension, you'll see I posted the federal definition of inciting a riot. What I've seen that Ray said didn't mention violence, or destruction of property. And that I stated I thought it was a fine line and they would probably sweep him up at a later date. I know words can be difficult so here's an example. Rudy said "Let's give them trail by combat", Ray said he was "going into the white house", but didn't.

Now, to an individual of any semblance of intelligence, Rudy's statement is much closer to encouragement to commit violence. He hasn't been arrested for inciting a riot - yet. So by your "logic" Rudy must be an undercover fed, right?

Most call it critical thinking. To make it simplier it could be equated to "don't let Sucker Falseone tell you what to think, ingest facts from multiple sources and think for yourself".

bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Massive crowd standing for freedom in Canberra, Australia.

At what point does the 'fringe element' narrative die exactly? I only ask because the lie is being busted AND exposed worldwide.
VitaMan's Avatar
No, I challenged you to a bet when you said there was video of agents handing out weapons (although many trumpster's say that, and then claim there were no weapons) and that we'd all see it last month. Specifically, this:

It was known that the FBI had already been to talk to Ray. If you read what I wrote, with comprehension, you'll see I posted the federal definition of inciting a riot. What I've seen that Ray said didn't mention violence, or destruction of property. And that I stated I thought it was a fine line and they would probably sweep him up at a later date. I know words can be difficult so here's an example. Rudy said "Let's give them trail by combat", Ray said he was "going into the white house", but didn't.

Now, to an individual of any semblance of intelligence, Rudy's statement is much closer to encouragement to commit violence. He hasn't been arrested for inciting a riot - yet. So by your "logic" Rudy must be an undercover fed, right?
Originally Posted by 69in2it69

I have not followed the discussion of Ray and the FBI government undercover conspiracy theory. Are these the main points:

The government is currently not considered a person of interest in the January 6 conspiracy theorists believe he must be an FBI undercover agent ?

Ray helped to get the January 6 riot underway ?

After Ray got the riot started, the Trump supporters eagerly followed him and joined in....but if Ray had not started it, the Trump supporters would not have participated ?

If above are the points of discussion, it is "far out". No matter what, it makes the Trump supporters sound like sheep to be herded. Or members of a cult unable to think for themselves.
bambino's Avatar
I have not followed the discussion of Ray and the FBI government undercover conspiracy theory. Are these the main points:

The government is currently not considered a person of interest in the January 6 conspiracy theorists believe he must be an FBI undercover agent ?

Ray helped to get the January 6 riot underway ?

After Ray got the riot started, the Trump supporters eagerly followed him and joined in....but if Ray had not started it, the Trump supporters would not have participated ?

If above are the points of discussion, it is "far out". No matter what, it makes the Trump supporters sound like sheep to be herded. Or members of a cult unable to think for themselves. Originally Posted by VitaMan

That's basically it.
The FBI at one point included an image of Epps on a “wanted” list seeking information about those involved in Capitol violence, then deleted the reference in July. But there are plenty of reasons the FBI might remove individuals from the site, including if it no longer needed help locating them or had already interviewed them.

The theory that Epps was an undercover FBI agent grew from a video that circulated on far-right message boards days after the insurrection. It showed Epps on the evening of Jan. 5, urging Trump supporters around him to “peacefully” enter the Capitol the next day.

That video and others of Epps talking to rioters outside the Capitol building ricocheted across social media for months until Rep. Thomas Massie, a Republican from Kentucky, shared the footage in a congressional hearing in October.

Massie asked Attorney General Merrick Garland why the man in the videos hadn’t been charged, and whether federal agents were involved in the riots. Garland said he couldn’t comment on an ongoing federal investigation, per FBI policy, causing claims about Epps to snowball.

Throw in Gaezt, MTG's quacko sidekick, Revolver, and Sucker Falseone talking about it and the sheep rushed to the trough to drink up the kook-aid.
... you left out the fact that Epps and his mates there
were using sticks (uh, weapons) to remove the fencing
there - and moving barriers to make it easier to
enter the grounds. ... And of course, building the gallows.
Was THAT for Pence? ... or Pelosi??

... But ... Surely reckon anything YOU can say now
to save face on this issue is a good thing.

Maybe You can help Sleepy Joe save face
with the American people - though I surely doubt it.

### Salty
... you left out the fact that Epps and his mates there
were using sticks (uh, weapons) to remove the fencing
there - and moving barriers to make it easier to
enter the grounds. ... And of course, building the gallows.
Was THAT for Pence? ... or Pelosi??

... But ... Surely reckon anything YOU can say now
to save face on this issue is a good thing.

Maybe You can help Sleepy Joe save face
with the American people - though I surely doubt it.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Need some rice to go with your crawfishing?

Why would I need to save face? I called you out about your statement that everyone would see film of DOJ agents handing out weapons and to go into the capital.

You wouldn't take the challenge because YOU don't even believe the crap you post. Hmmm...come to think of it wasn't there another Yinzer that wouldn't take a wager?
... You WILL see film about - next year - when Republicans
control Congress... WHY do you think they won't show
all the footage? ... Pelosi and her committee won't
release it.

... Of course, liberals like YOU surely want it hidden.
Jut like you want Biden's crappy poll number hidden.

NOW Biden is advising Trudeau on what to do with the truckers.
Don't underestimate Biden's penchant for f*cking things up.

### Salty
... You WILL see film about - next year - when Republicans
control Congress... WHY do you think they won't show
all the footage? ... Pelosi and her committee won't
release it.

... Of course, liberals like YOU surely want it hidden.
Jut like you want Biden's crappy poll number hidden.

NOW Biden is advising Trudeau on what to do with the truckers.
Don't underestimate Biden's penchant for f*cking things up.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

That bridge will be open before sundown. And from what I hear they were so polite they swept the streets up after taking down their tents.
And it became "next year" when it didn't happen last month and I called you on it.

First JFK and now the film...that damn Qball just never gets the timing right.
VitaMan's Avatar
... you left out the fact that Epps and his mates there
were using sticks (uh, weapons) to remove the fencing
there - and moving barriers to make it easier to
enter the grounds. ... And of course, building the gallows.
Was THAT for Pence? ... or Pelosi??

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Out of your mind on this FBI informant espionage thing Salty

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  • Tiny
  • 02-12-2022, 04:33 PM
Blocking infrastructure passages, bridges, wrecking the economy, causing job losses.

Truckers are only doing damage. Originally Posted by VitaMan
This pandemic is over. We are now dealing with a seasonal flu problem and we don't ask for passports to see if you have had a flu shot. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You're both right. This shouldn't be happening.

Most people who aren't vaccinated have gotten COVID. Many of them have more immunity than the vaccinated. So there's not much sense in vaccine mandates at this point.

And if you're a Canadian trucker, what's the big deal anyway with getting a couple of pricks in your arm? If the the elected leaders of Canada have chosen to require vaccinations for truckers, then, even if it's not going to help much in controlling what's left of the pandemic, there's no point in us complaining about it. The quicker they get the blockades off the road, the better off workers and consumers will be on both sides of the border.