Waiting for Women to Get Back with You.

pyramider's Avatar
So what? I send her photos of my 1.3" of dangling death all the time.
While at a strip club gathering last Thanksgiving I reached out to Kendal4U. She laughed and told me my penis was so small it might as well be a vagina and I should get breast implants and think about being a Provider in the Freak Section. I still haven't recovered.

TinMan's Avatar
I sent out 4 PMs on Thursday and Friday and got my first response back on Sunday. I was requesting Friday or Saturday. Everyone of these said available Saturday and Sunday on their pages.
I was going down my TDL. I have like ten women on that list. What do you recommend? Send PMs to the entire list and take the first one that responds? Originally Posted by OldLRRP
That's what I do, although I usually limit the number to 2-3. If you're looking for a quick answer, then you may want to up that number to 4-5, or give the first group awhile to respond before you send out the 2nd wave.
Knight2554's Avatar
I've sent PMs to veteran providers who are well known, have been here a long time, and posted ads asking for help and got no reply.

I've sent PMs to a newbie who ask that you communicate only that way asking for reviews and got no reply.

It might very well be whom I'm contacting, but it is frustrating.

  • EZ.
  • 10-07-2014, 07:40 PM
Oops. My bad. I didn't recognize you from your avatar. You usually don't have such a cute smile. back on ASPD your youthful look and smile kept us all in line.

Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Cute. I can still do that as long as I hold on to my walker.
Just today, I had contacted 8 providers, one I traded PMs with, deciding not to see her and another via text and finally set up something, and the others still have not responded.
daty/o's Avatar
And just to show that I know that the providers are not always the problem; yesterday, I had a young lady return my pm's very promptly. I was very impressed and we quickly moved to texting and, soon thereafter, had set a time. It wasn't until she gave me the address that I realized that I had not done my homework; she was traveling and was currently in Houston. Sometimes, you can't win for losing.
  • EZ.
  • 10-07-2014, 10:27 PM
Just today, I had contacted 8 providers, one I traded PMs with, deciding not to see her and another via text and finally set up something, and the others still have not responded. Originally Posted by davidfree986
It is what it is. It is obvious that it isn't going to change or get any better.

Have you ever noticed the number of women, each day, that introduce themselves in the WW? There isn't a lack of providers. The game plan has to be send out a dozen PMs and ignore the ones that don't get back with you. I have numbers of a few cute strippers I haven't seen and there is always the AMPs. It is obvious that we don't need to provide them with the same level of courtesy that we expect. WE ARE THE FUCKING CUSTOMER HERE!

I set something up for Thursday. I am confident that this will materialize. i'm going back and forth, for a session, next week, with another. At this rate, I could be out of the market for the foreseeable future.
While at a strip club gathering last Thanksgiving I reached out to Kendal4U. She laughed and told me my penis was so small it might as well be a vagina and I should get breast implants and think about being a Provider in the Freak Section. I still haven't recovered.

Originally Posted by Von Spieler

Now Von, I did offer to help you come up with a name, pics and show you how to screen properly. I would never just throw you into providing. I'd teach you a thing or two first!
Same thing happened to me recently. It is normal.
It is what it is. It is obvious that it isn't going to change or get any better.

Have you ever noticed the number of women, each day, that introduce themselves in the WW? There isn't a lack of providers. The game plan has to be send out a dozen PMs and ignore the ones that don't get back with you. I have numbers of a few cute strippers I haven't seen and there is always the AMPs. It is obvious that we don't need to provide them with the same level of courtesy that we expect. WE ARE THE FUCKING CUSTOMER HERE!

I set something up for Thursday. I am confident that this will materialize. i'm going back and forth, for a session, next week, with another. At this rate, I could be out of the market for the foreseeable future. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
I agree.

If all the providers that I contacted got back to me and we set an appointment, I would have my hobby schedule full for the 5 years!
txlonghornfan811's Avatar
Ive never not gotten a reply...maybe you arent sending the right message to start ?
melannie_star's Avatar
Ive never not gotten a reply...maybe you arent sending the right message to start ? Originally Posted by txlonghornfan811
You have a valid point..you may be on to something.LOL

Your initial approach means a lot to a lady like me.

Things that turn me on...

1) Hello my name is so and so, I am interested in a visit with you
2) I understand screening is important, here are my references in advance
3) I am interested in such and such time on this day.

Things that turn me off

1) Sup girl, you are bangin hot when can we meet
2) Why are you not responding, are you blowing me off ( repeatedly)
3) I am tan, work out everyday, and have all my teeth, let me know if need anything else
4) How soon can we meet

I am not saying you gentleman may have had wrong approach or not, I am the type of girl to exchange messages and small talk before meeting so can be comfortable, but without proper screening information in initial message, I am a bit more distant until that is out of the way. It is for safety of you and me.

I also have to say, if you already have a certain reputation on the board for being whiney or hard to please, your message may be the first to be overlooked. Just being honest.

Say you are at a brothel and see the lovely ladies walk out.. would you pick the lady who is rolling her eyes and yawning without a smile..
Or would the one with a pretty and perky attitude and smile catch your attention first.

Same goes for us females.

In all fairness I believe it is always respectful to give a response.
Through out my time on the board, I have always responded with a, not available, at the very least. It is common courtesy. So I do sympathize.
I know the only gentleman I have not responded to in my experience are ones who have stalker tendencies or creep me out. Just saying.

Sorry this topic caught my attention and thought it might be helpful to get a womans perspective as well.
txlonghornfan811's Avatar
You have a valid point..you may be on to something.LOL

Your initial approach means a lot to a lady like me.

Things that turn me on...

1) Hello my name is so and so, I am interested in a visit with you
2) I understand screening is important, here are my references in advance
3) I am interested in such and such time on this day.

Things that turn me off

1) Sup girl, you are bangin hot when can we meet
2) Why are you not responding, are you blowing me off ( repeatedly)
3) I am tan, work out everyday, and have all my teeth, let me know if need anything else
4) How soon can we meet

I am not saying you gentleman may have had wrong approach or not, I am the type of girl to exchange messages and small talk before meeting so can be comfortable, but without proper screening information in initial message, I am a bit more distant until that is out of the way. It is for safety of you and me.

I also have to say, if you already have a certain reputation on the board for being whiney or hard to please, your message may be the first to be overlooked. Just being honest.

Say you are at a brothel and see the lovely ladies walk out.. would you pick the lady who is rolling her eyes and yawning without a smile..
Or would the one with a pretty and perky attitude and smile catch your attention first.

Same goes for us females.

In all fairness I believe it is always respectful to give a response.
Through out my time on the board, I have always responded with a, not available, at the very least. It is common courtesy. So I do sympathize.
I know the only gentleman I have not responded to in my experience are ones who have stalker tendencies or creep me out. Just saying.

Sorry this topic caught my attention and thought it might be helpful to get a womans perspective as well. Originally Posted by melannie_star
Yes ma'am ... its called mutual respect and not coming across as a drunk, druggie, pimp, or thug.

See just because she is a lady of the night... doesn't mean she is a dog you can order around.

For instance... If I was able to break free which is rare the last couple of months and I desired to spend some time with Melanie (who is beautiful I might add) I would possibly comment about something she had posted lately and then mention that I was interested in meeting up with her and that I had a time in mind and when. Not coming across as pushy or demanding but friendly and interested.

Its rare that the ... YOU-Me-Fuck-60min in 2 hours... works as that would not work on anyone with self respect.

Not to mention the complaints I read around about not getting the same service as reviews. Now I dont review too often but ocassionally. Mostly when you dont get the same as another...it is due to behavior or your being a first time with the lady and the review maybe a repeat customer. Sometimes YMMV happens, and sometimes its an off day for the lady... gotta admit we all have them or maybe she isnt feeling well but doesnt want to break a commitment. So many factors go into things... and you can be wild and kinky but also remember a little care and respect goes a hell of a long way (that and good hygiene)
doug_dfw's Avatar
You have a valid point..you may be on to something.LOL

Your initial approach means a lot to a lady like me.

Things that turn me on...

1) Hello my name is so and so, I am interested in a visit with you
2) I understand screening is important, here are my references in advance
3) I am interested in such and such time on this day.

Things that turn me off

1) Sup girl, you are bangin hot when can we meet
2) Why are you not responding, are you blowing me off ( repeatedly)
3) I am tan, work out everyday, and have all my teeth, let me know if need anything else
4) How soon can we meet

I am not saying you gentleman may have had wrong approach or not, I am the type of girl to exchange messages and small talk before meeting so can be comfortable, but without proper screening information in initial message, I am a bit more distant until that is out of the way. It is for safety of you and me.

I also have to say, if you already have a certain reputation on the board for being whiney or hard to please, your message may be the first to be overlooked. Just being honest.

Say you are at a brothel and see the lovely ladies walk out.. would you pick the lady who is rolling her eyes and yawning without a smile..
Or would the one with a pretty and perky attitude and smile catch your attention first.

Same goes for us females.

In all fairness I believe it is always respectful to give a response.
Through out my time on the board, I have always responded with a, not available, at the very least. It is common courtesy. So I do sympathize.
I know the only gentleman I have not responded to in my experience are ones who have stalker tendencies or creep me out. Just saying.

Sorry this topic caught my attention and thought it might be helpful to get a womans perspective as well. Originally Posted by melannie_star
Right on. Respect works both ways. I ask nice; you reply nice. We meet; I am nice, and you are nice. Then if in the next few minutes depending upon first, or 4th meeting, all is still nice, all is cool. It stays nice, repeat visit. So simple. Manners and attitude count. The converse is true as well.