pimpin' since been pimpin' since been pimpin'!

yngtxn grow up.. lol
still no reviews eh? we had this discussion like 100 posts ago..
get your chips up babe
yngtxn's Avatar
I am grown..... reviews are over rated... lol plus I had plenty on the other board. So I'm in no rush. Sound like my popcorn is done. Commence clawing!
no, reviews show you're getting pussy..
look somewhere else for catfight. I'm a fuckin pit bull..
Make me some popcorn too
yngtxn's Avatar
Damn you woman for making me share my popcorn. Why yes I was getting some. Broke it off. Review coming this weekend though. Guess I won't see an E-fight. Good night folks, have a very busy day tomorrow.
Htowner's Avatar
Oh hell no , I don't care.
Like she said , pimps come in all variety, boyfriends, husbands and whatever.
You have to be stupid naive to think some of the well established 'indies' on this board keep all their money and don't spend it on a pimp daddy whatever they think he is to them.
Like providers are going to spend it so much more wisely than a pimp does, his money or not. Yeah I am sure there are a ton of charities who benefit from them and they all go to Rice, and it all goes to their offsprings or whatever other heart breaking reason they give you .
There are plenty of unmentionables being bought and paid for. I don't blame them . I couldn't do this job without the unmentionables if I had to do it.
Get real. Take your rosy glasses off. You are feeding the whole system , no matter what the arrangement is between them and their SOs.
You don't care about a provider getting your money but gawd forbid a pimp. Please. Don't get religious on me now.
If you really care where your 'hard earned money' goes, quit hobbying.
Why yes I was getting some. Broke it off. Review coming this weekend though. Guess I won't see an E-fight. Good night folks, have a very busy day tomorrow. Originally Posted by yngtxn
Oh hell no , I don't care.
Like she said , pimps come in all variety, boyfriends, husbands and whatever.
You have to be stupid naive to think some of the well established 'indies' on this board keep all their money and don't spend it on a pimp daddy whatever they think he is to them.
Like providers are going to spend it so much more wisely than a pimp does, his money or not. Yeah I am sure there are a ton of charities who benefit from them and they all go to Rice, and it all goes to their offsprings or whatever other heart breaking reason they give you .
There are plenty of unmentionables being bought and paid for. I don't blame them . I couldn't do this job without the unmentionables if I had to do it.
Get real. Take your rosy glasses off. You are feeding the whole system , no matter what the arrangement is between them and their SOs.
You don't care about a provider getting your money but gawd forbid a pimp. Please. Don't get religious on me now.
If you really care where your 'hard earned money' goes, quit hobbying. Originally Posted by Htowner
What about their money going to a deadbeat boyfriend, unemployed husband, husband that is employed but this is how she choses to earn a living.
What about the money going to the ladies ailing mother, or mother and father so that she can provide them a better life in their golden years?
What about the money going to her ...well anyone in general?

I mean just cuz you label someone as "not having a pimp" doesn't mean they ain't supporting someone off their mouth, pussy and ass.. which is what is happening in the "pimp" situation..

plenty of well known established, good service providing girls have dead beat boyfriends that sit at home all day and mooch off them.. their money may not be handed directly to them.. but if they get to live off her work..no different then a pimp.. other than the stigma that society sticks on the word "pimp"..

a boyfriend that lives off his girlfriends selling off pussy and ass is doing exactly what a pimp does..
i mean most of the girls with "pimps" don't have a guy that is involved like setting up dates.. and you can have the same threat from a angry boyfriend/husband/so as you can a "pimp"..

just saying.. unless the girl is single, lives in a cave and has no outside interaction..the hard earned money clients are paying to girls is generally going to someone, for something at some point.. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Oh, and thank you Deanna, very true indeed. Some of the ladies may be a lil, well perturbed at some of the things you say, but I always enjoy your posts. You speak truthfully, no matter how ugly the truth may be sometimes, it doesn't hurt.
caseytx's Avatar
I'm sure pimps come in all sizes, shapes, colors and genders. There are escorts "pimping" for other escorts. Husbands, boyfriends and even some family members are "pimping" girls.

The ones most of us are concerned about are the ones taking advantage of the ladies....causing them physical pain (or mental) or taking most or all of their money and/or being a threat to clients. If the escort is happy and content in her situation and there is no threat to clients..........all is well. ................{.My 2 cents}
You know what, I guess I have a different perspective now. Never thought about it from the agency/spa side. In that case I guess I would be a pimp because I damn sure have thought about opening up an agency with top-notch, legendary service.

"The IceCream Shop"...soon to come. LOL
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-13-2010, 06:34 AM
Good morning great topic Daphne
When a girl has a pimp, I wonder how safe she is to see. I've never had a pimp, however, my impression is that they don't care much about the girl's safety. I don't see them investing in testing for HIV and STDs. Most professional girls get tested and take care of their health. What is the psycholoigal make up of a girl with a pimp? Is she relaxed and happy with herself enough to have a good peronality and attitude or is her mind focused on her money and her pimp?

I understand why some guys would want their hard earned money to go to the girl and not the pimp, I totally get this. Why should some scumbag get money that he did nothing to earn? If a girl takes it home to a sick relative, her children, boyfriend, etc, thats her choice. Unless she's in a horrible relationship that she can't seem to get out of, what and who her money goes to is her choice. Thats the way it should be. No one needs a pimp.
I said bye bye because I thought I was done posting here but damn Reese that was funny
Hate to keep prolonging the post but...I've been thinking of slogans for my up and coming agency.

The IceCream Shop--"Where you can get a double-scoop of ass!"

The IceCream Shop--"Giving a whole new meaning to banana splits"

Huh? Whudddya think?