interesting predictions

  • pxmcc
  • 02-27-2017, 10:33 AM
There's no scientific proof. That is the 1st item. There is no need to prove it is not.

Next, the earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. Humans only around about 200,000 years. How many climate changes have occurred in 4.5 billion years ?

But, as we are, humans want to keep the planet habitable for themselves. So make it fearful. Fear can do a lot of things. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Proof of what? Global warming, or that we are the cause? Tell me which, and I'll provide one peer-reviewed article/expert assessment after the next as evidence, and Sig can refute with his expert reports (if applicable, lol.)

How many climate changes in 4.5 billion years? Tons. It's been a hell of a lot hotter before, like 700 million years ago, 90° versus 57° today ( and a hell of a lot colder too. Right now it's getting hotter, but nowhere near as hot as earth's record hottest climate. Earth will survive one way or another; we may or may not, and if we do, it may look like Waterworld. Mother Nature could give 2 fucks either way about the fate of humanity.
VitaMan's Avatar
Scientific proof that human activity is the or (a) cause, and statistically significant to matter.

If you can proceed without scientific proof, then you may as well believe in the quantum mechanic theories. They will have you believing this must be just 1 of many possible universes or time you are living in, or that you are living in all of them at the same time, or that you are repeating the same time over and over. That is what their models tell them. But - no proof.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-27-2017, 11:23 AM
Challenge accepted. Not right this second, but yes, it's game on.

Sig, you might wanna start lining up your ducks, cause I'm fixin to blow your wackadoodle theory of man's non-impact on global climate outta the water.
Fact 1: The earth is heating up.
Fact 2: Multiple experts have stated that the cause is anthropogenic in origin, due to the burning of fossil fuels.
Fact 3: Sig claims that said experts in Fact 2 are wrong. Where are his unbiased expert reports to refute said experts in Fact 2? Donald Trump does not count, nor "scientists" employed by oil companies. I'm talking about academic researchers who have no dog in the fight. Where are his expert reports? Does he even have one article published in a peer-reviewed journal, such as Science or Nature, supporting his position? If so, he should put up, or shut up. As i said, I can cite 7000+ articles supporting the opposite conclusion. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Mate, did you find a rock in your pipe? Step away from the pipe!!!!

Unbiased reports?? Did any of them receive grants? Fucking A they did. It is horseshit material. Read all you want. Man made global warming is fucking funny. You need you a good whore to fuck some sense in your ass. Lighten up.

The 'experts' you lean on are qualified because they have initials after their names? Use logic and common sense sometimes. Here's a good example of how 'end of conversation' their info is not.

PHD's at MIT say the electron microscope can detect the smallest matter in existence, the atom. When you look at an atom under it, you see the nucleus (draw a dot on some paper right now', make a circle around it with another dot on the circle, which is a neutron or proton.

There it is mate, the smallest matter in existence. Now look between the nucleus and the circling proton....... uh oh.... what's that space right there? They have named it 'ethereal matter' What's that? (def is 'of the Heavens) THEY DON"T KNOW!! Neither do they know my AMG is killing fucking polar bears!!! You can choose to be locked on their opinions or open your fucking mind a little without the pipe and enjoy the ride.

Even Bobby Lee Swagger grinned when he heard, " That's what they say, but they also said artificial sweeteners were safe, there were weapons of mass destruction and Anna Nicole married for love."
  • pxmcc
  • 02-27-2017, 11:33 AM
So is it fair to say you believe "facts" stated by Donald Trump are more reliable than facts reported by Harvard reseachers who spend their entire lives studying complex, detailed questions? If so, I won't bother making the case; it's hopeless. You would be in that case clearly irrational.

Attachment 623589

Glad you agree, "it's hopeless". Never said one word about the President.
Cheers mate. We need some pussy!!
  • pxmcc
  • 02-27-2017, 11:53 AM
^^ TFF!
Trump calls man-induced global warming "fake news invented by the Chinese for trade advantage." lol
oilfieldscum's Avatar
The human body is a heat engine so if you're really worried about global warming you should just kill yourself.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-27-2017, 02:29 PM
The human body is a heat engine so if you're really worried about global warming you should just kill yourself. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Thx Oil.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-27-2017, 02:42 PM
Attachment 623634 Originally Posted by Sig9er
Why would I hate Trump? He's the most entertaining president of my lifetime. That said, I'd like to punch him in the nose.
VitaMan's Avatar
Say mankind decided to stop everything they are doing to heat up the earth (include cow belching if you like).

Wouldn't the impact be something like jumping as your drop in a 15 story elevator and are about to crash ?

Then you could say you helped a little bit - but you're still dead
  • pxmcc
  • 02-27-2017, 11:53 PM
I'd predict that the earth would recover. But it would take a while. But I'm not a climatologist, so that's just a best guess.
I dated a girl in college who became a vegetarian because of global warming. The theory is cut the cow/pig out of the food chain and eat the grain/veg that those animals eat. She could feed herself and use less resources. She was batshit crazy but the sex was great!!!
Caligula1's Avatar
I dated a girl in college who became a vegetarian because of global warming. The theory is cut the cow/pig out of the food chain and eat the grain/veg that those animals eat. She could feed herself and use less resources. She was batshit crazy but the sex was great!!! Originally Posted by Snafu75
Bio fuels have lots of energy too.. Lol...seen that in great use in brazil and Argentina....but again logistical costs and production costs hampers the economics....