Anyone else get aroused when berkleigh types? Her avatar and her straight forwardness in her typing makes me wanna carry a chain wallet and sport a justin beiber haircut.... hotness !
Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
I just like the way she spells 'Berkleigh'. I don't think any other person in the WORLD spells it that way.
For some inexplicable reason that IS SO FUCKING HOT!!!! Makes me.....I dunno, want some of her starfish.
Staying on topic....fuck. Make an effort to display respectable grammar. Hell, we're supposed to be grown, and have SOME level of education that reflects BASIC command of English. A typo here, or you used THEIR when you should've used THERE, or even slipped and used YOUR when you meant YOU'RE ( I've even seen street signs screwing that one up), no biggie. But run on sentences, no paragraphs, TONS of misspellings, etc. Let's just call it what it is. That's some bullshit. For real.
Even after I hit 'submit' I go back and check my post for obvious errors and fix them. Some of you (not all, but some) LOOK like you DON'T do it. If you did, you could probably catch most of them. At least make the effort.