What do you think about Donald Trump running for president?

Barack Obama's Avatar
Can't see him winning the GOP nomination. Although I like his taste in women, I think he's another empty suit.
notnewtome's Avatar
Trump as a serious candidate is comical. Reagan ran and won the California governernship twice. Reagan took 3 tries with the same platform before winning the RNC primary. Trump would need to stop waffling on the main issues and party affliliation and win something first. I doubt he could win any mayorship or governership in any of the northeast states to prove he can win at any level.

Back to the question at hand, no President in the next 20 years is gonna legalize 420 or the hobby by way of laws. Picking Supreme Court justices with a hidden liberal bent like David Souter would be the way to go. You are better off with Obama winning the next round and picking 2 more judges to get these through.
mmcqtx's Avatar
If it was ran like Cuba then we wouldn't be in this mess. They have 0 unemployment, free health care and no homelessness. Originally Posted by Zep
You forgot to mention zero freedom, zero human rights, the dead don't need health care, and does casting off in a raft praying you make it the 90 miles to the U.S. not count as homeless?

Look what people do to come here. Do you see Americans so desperate to leave that they risk their lives to go elsewhere? No, why? This is the greatest country in the world. Our "poor" live better lives than other country's middle class. Cuba, lol
Ron Paul, hell yes. Donald Trump, hell no. He would get crucified.