Do You Believe In Coincidences?

Enough of us have heard first hand from the providers accusing him.
We can't make them press the charges that would prove it in a court of law.
But they do exist.
So Johnny what's your fucking point?
Can you prove or disprove the existence of God?
Does that mean it does or doesn't exist?
winn dixie's Avatar
So there's NO PROOF then, right? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
My wife is one of the above mentioned mentor. I know what he did, and have seen the pics. of the violent attack that occurred. I will not divulge any further.. She has moved on from this attack, but will never forget it.. It was a life altering event that woke her up to what can happen in this business. jy you should do yourself a favor and distance yourself from your buddy mata...
Sorry RR i really don't think you had anything to do with banning anyone unless you call posting something out of fear. Originally Posted by DogCatcher
There's where you got banned! Most definitely by my RTM.
5 points too many for your banned ass.
DogCatcher's Avatar
Lol. Your wife huh?. I smell bullshit. Why hate this guy his reviews are awesome, very informative. Its easy to make up stories, I would be more upset that you married a hooker... Lol that's pretty sad. It just seems that trolls just make up stories to make their lies more believable. I thought this was a site to meet women?. I guess I might be wrong. Anyways good night I have bingo.
Your reviews are pimped out lies.
You're a scum that forces women into sodomy.
You are a pussy that tells people to meet you at Starbucks then no show.
You are a windbag that's full of himself, all hot air.
A sad sack... that is here against the wishes of the staff of this site.
You are an exiled troll that no one cares about, that's why you had to make this handle to stick around and stroke your own ego as usual.
winn dixie's Avatar
The late great mata has been reduced to a troll. Definitely not winning. Two bs reviews. Bingo my ass, kc probably called and said her rent was due!!
Nah... bitch ain't calling no more. She's hiding.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nah... bitch ain't calling no more. She's hiding. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Lol. Your wife huh?. I smell bullshit. Why hate this guy his reviews are awesome, very informative. Its easy to make up stories, I would be more upset that you married a hooker... Lol that's pretty sad. It just seems that trolls just make up stories to make their lies more believable. I thought this was a site to meet women?. I guess I might be wrong. Anyways good night I have bingo. Originally Posted by DogCatcher
Here's a story for you Mata, it's the tale of a little pussy that was getting his ass handed to him... So the little crybaby Mata ran to one of his poker buddies and begged him to do something about the big bad rocker that was fucking his shit up by bumping old threads of Mata the crybaby's that made him look like the disgusting vindictive troll that he is.
Unfortunately for the crybaby his buddy wasn't too good at saving his ass.

It's a funny story of a sniveling whimp!
russellevans's Avatar
All I know is Mata was definitely the dumbest poster ive seen on here in years. I heard he failed out of high school too? Makes sense based on his failure to grasp the English language or how to use a cell phone. I think he still pays for AOL also.
Whispers's Avatar
All I know is Mata was definitely the dumbest poster ive seen on here in years. I heard he failed out of high school too?

Actually I was told he never got to go to High School.... One of those "father is a worthless loser" things so he started selling chick-lets in a border town to help raise his mildly retarded sisters....

Makes sense based on his failure to grasp the English language or how to use a cell phone. I think he still pays for AOL also. Originally Posted by russellevans

he definitely took things down to very deep level....

DogCatcher's Avatar
How can he be a troll with 85 reviews?. I think many of you are jealous of that guy, it seems he handed all of you your asses and it hurts.
Whispers's Avatar
How can he be a troll with 85 reviews?. I think many of you are jealous of that guy, it seems he handed all of you your asses and it hurts. Originally Posted by DogCatcher
yet he got banned and here we are.....
DogCatcher's Avatar
I have read all the post and he definitely busted you up. I am unclear why you guys bash him. Did he bang your wives or SO?. Sounds like this guy has some game so haters will follow. In the Navy I had my days, but Iam older and fat and just love cheeseburgers. Things don't work like before.
You busted us up? Then why are you a banned troll?
You will be gone with this one soon, restart on the ban... lol
Then we will continue busting you up.
Then when you get back, you'll still have a shitload of points,,,
And we will do it all over again.
TOCKSTAR... hahahaha