GOP Senator Reaches Out to Blacks and Democrats

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually, they're making the case that the run off was part of the original primary. So if you voted for a republican then you got a chance to vote for a republican again (a run off) but if you voted for a democrat then you're done. They have found hundreds of double votes in one county alone. Each vote is illegal and the voters have committed a crime. We also have the news that one church wholely went into politics in violation of federal law. They could, and should, lose their tax exempt status.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Tea Party leader found dead in "good ole boy" Mississippi. This should make our lefties happy as hell.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, they're making the case that the run off was part of the original primary. So if you voted for a republican then you got a chance to vote for a republican again (a run off) but if you voted for a democrat then you're done. They have found hundreds of double votes in one county alone. Each vote is illegal and the voters have committed a crime. We also have the news that one church wholely went into politics in violation of federal law. They could, and should, lose their tax exempt status. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
actually, that's likely bullshit. In most states, you are eligible to vote in a party primary or a runoff if you hadn't voted in the other party's primary or runoff. You are not required to vote in the primary to vote In the runoff.

These people committed no crime. If anyone did, it was the election officials who allowed the illegal voters. But this is all bullshit.

On another outrageous note:

A church, involved in POLITICS? Really? A CHURCH?

Do you even think about the shit you write before you click submit?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Tea Party leader found dead in "good ole boy" Mississippi. This should make our lefties happy as hell. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
why is that? seems like the RWWingtards are the ones who wish harm on others, at least based on the tone of so many of your ilk's posts. I suppose Obama offed the guy, right?
boardman's Avatar
What everyone is missing is that McDaniel can now enter the general race as an independent and almost assuredly win the seat based on the voting. Mississippi is still a red state by about a 60/40 margin. The Republicans that voted for Mc. will vote for him as an independent and the turnout that Mc. got in the runoff is enough to defeat the democratic challenger projecting forward. In the end the Dems crossing over will have proven to be their biggest mistake.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Actually, they're making the case that the run off was part of the original primary. So if you voted for a republican then you got a chance to vote for a republican again (a run off) but if you voted for a democrat then you're done. They have found hundreds of double votes in one county alone. Each vote is illegal and the voters have committed a crime. We also have the news that one church wholely went into politics in violation of federal law. They could, and should, lose their tax exempt status. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think it is great that the instances of irregular voting are pointed out and put on the record. It is important to protect the sanctity of the voting process. If someone votes in the Republican primary, the he or she should not be able to vote in the Democratic runoff.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-27-2014, 02:30 PM
They could, and should, lose their tax exempt status. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You mean like all these organizations should lose their tax exempt status, including these Tea Nut groups?
Under the proposal, the rules would change for 501 (c) (4) organizations—tax-exempt political organizations. These organizations are often engaged in educating citizens and carrying out grassroots lobbying. Since many of the 501 (c) (4) organizations are those like the tea party, prominent conservatives are viewing the proposed rules as just another way to shut down groups such as the Tea Party Patriots and the American Family Association. If the new rules are put in place, certain political activities would no longer be tax-exempt and would instead be redefined as “candidate-related political activity.” Washington, DC Attorney Cleta Mitchell represents a number of the tea party groups targeted by the IRS. Mitchells says that under the rules candidate-related activities would cover just about everything a 501 (c) (4) typically does, including candidate debates, guides for voting, lobbying at the grassroots, issue advocacy as well as any public statements by officers of 501(c)(4)s that reference incumbents and candidates. Even more disconcerting is the rule that says any event in which a candidate running for office appears, within 30 days of the primary or 60 days of a general election, is deemed a “candidate-related political activity” without question. Meetings with public officials would be considered taxable events even if the appearance is made in an official capacity and not as a candidate. - See more at:
Mississippi GOP Primary Proves We Are Rome: ROOT For America

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Get over it, whiny fucks! why is it when non-extremist Republican primary voters reject your bullshit that someone's got to be cheating?

Isn't there a YouTube that explains your outrage, Bitches?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I thought you were an attorney????? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I am a recovering attorney, enjoying life away from the practice of law. I'm having more fun and making more money without having to sell my soul to the system. It's a great life!