Coffee breath. A question for the guys.

Chung Tran's Avatar
I prefer the smell of fresh vagina on my breath, I think "Stride" is coming out with that flavor in Q1 2016. Originally Posted by Tapper85
we need more Guys focused on having fun, not worried about minor session problems.. Guys like General Fuerbacher and DarkeyKong.. and myself

btw, I know the General retired, but where is DarkeyKong? did he piss off a Provider and take his toys home? LOL.. I don't remember why he's gone missing..
TexasChiliDog's Avatar
I'm pretty easy going, but I hate coffee breath, even though I may be guilty of it on occasion. Its a borderline deal breaker for me. Was in a SC one time and a dancer sat down, too much bad perfume, and bad coffee breath. I couldn't get away fast enough.
we need more Guys focused on having fun, not worried about minor session problems.. Guys like General Fuerbacher and DarkeyKong.. and myself

btw, I know the General retired, but where is DarkeyKong? did he piss off a Provider and take his toys home? LOL.. I don't remember why he's gone missing.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Who the hell is Darkeykong? Haha, that's a dumbass name!
blowmypop23's Avatar
Who the hell is Darkeykong? Haha, that's a dumbass name! Originally Posted by Tapper85

It's Darkeygone now.

Chung, you earn your $$ and have the right to spend it however you like. I earn my $$ and I as well have the right to spend it how I want and have my own expectations.

For me it's a lot about price point. When I pay $ my expectations are not the same as they are at $$ +.
TinMan's Avatar
I will give up sex before I give up my morning coffee. Originally Posted by L.A.

Try asking him if he is a coffee drinker. If he is, ask him to pick up some starbucks for both of you on the way. This is pretty common. Originally Posted by Invisible1
This is a good idea. Kind of like how the taste of gin on my breath doesn't seem to bother the lady if she's been imbibing as well. As long as it's not 11am.

I almost always chew gum or have a breath mint after my morning cup of joe. That seems to do the trick.
TinMan's Avatar
On another note, is it off topic if I bring up onion breath? There is more than once I've avoided scheduling an afternoon appointment after lunch for this reason. No amount of brushing seems to eliminate that after-taste.
As long as it's not 11am. Originally Posted by TinMan
... well there was this one time... at band camp...
TinMan's Avatar
... well there was this one time... at band camp... Originally Posted by thathottnurse
That was vodka, though. Completely different.

Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 10-31-2015, 08:43 PM
Onion breath / food breath subtopic picked up form TinMan

I would prefer onion, garlic, ginger, ( Kimchee ? .... I have to think...) to coffee or smoker breath.( (not a smoker, nor coffee drinker) . If it has to be coffee, then a very strong and top quality Espresso or Cappuccino from a well roasted blend is better than the scent of the diluted lower quality, more acidic coffee...IMHO.

But let's not get too obsessive: One of my ATF smokes and I can detect it on the first kiss, but once we are on our way, I do not pay attention anymore and just go with the flow and I do not sense it. There are other gifts I can allocate my full attention....

Being mostly on the AMP circuit, it is common for the girls to grab some food between sessions... They even brought me some Bulgogi on a little plate YUMMY .... You cannot beat that ... whatever the spicy after taste is... and the gesture was appreciated too.
Chung Tran's Avatar

For me it's a lot about price point. When I pay $ my expectations are not the same as they are at $$ +. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
same here.. and honestly, I don't have enough high dollar sessions to fully evaluate how bothered I might get if a few little things didn't go so well.. theoretically I would expect more..

Who the hell is Darkeykong? Haha, that's a dumbass name! Originally Posted by Tapper85
Ha! yes, it's a stupid name.. he was a fun guy, although basically a Jackass.. that name is cringe-worthy.. on a site where you're looking to score pussy, where many ladies are NBA, and you call yourself DarkeyKong? really? I'm sure he has trouble even buying pussy, he disappeared kind of quick, LOL
blowmypop23's Avatar
same here.. and honestly, I don't have enough high dollar sessions to fully evaluate how bothered I might get if a few little things didn't go so well.. theoretically I would expect more..

Ha! yes, it's a stupid name.. he was a fun guy, although basically a Jackass.. that name is cringe-worthy.. on a site where you're looking to score pussy, where many ladies are NBA, and you call yourself DarkeyKong? really? I'm sure he has trouble even buying pussy, he disappeared kind of quick, LOL Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Quick, I remember years ago when he first joined.
Wheretonow's Avatar
we need more Guys focused on having fun, not worried about minor session problems.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
We spend our money to purchase a fantasy, and anything that detracts from the fantasy makes the session less pleasurable. CT's point that we may be expecting too much is well taken, still we'd like as much of the fantasy as we can get.

The ancillary things associated with a session (TCB skills, geographic compatibility, good directions, timely arrival, incall cleanliness and tidiness, etc.) all bear on the pleasantness of the session. But problems in these areas are easily forgotten if the personal attributes of the provider fit the fantasy.

Coffee/smoker/food breath all detract from the fantasy for me. I probably wouldn't walk away from the session, but I'd never be back.
Don't forget the Balogna/Bacon burps from deep down in the gullet.
shooter6.5's Avatar
Kinda depends on the coffee too. I'll suck a tongue for a taste of French roast vanilla. Originally Posted by Hercules
A wise provider will have a good breath rinse available for both of us to use if necessary.

If not then just go right down south as I love the taste of both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, Darkeykong is a stupid name.......wait a minute!!!