Hobby non hobby question about younger girls

If your the sb of somone really rich or in power if not its still very much taboo unless your friends are aware of sex work world. Originally Posted by dallastxbaby
You're probably correct there. It's very common in my circle of friends but I'd say that the guys all fit into the rich and powerful category.
Two possible reasons: First, you are not a 'threat'-you're just an old guy she'd never consider as a date or relationship, so she's relaxed and gender neutral with you. The previous comments about younger women doting on old guys applies. This is not sexual interest, this is caring behavior to an old man-chances are you also have way better manners than the young guys. Second, you might look like a rich guy. I get this depending on how I dress. I can go all Ralph Lauren or Brooks Brothers-Cole Haan, or I can be give a damn old guy in Nike sweats, T shirts and New Balance. I can wear a good watch and brandish a Mercedes key. Usually, this richer guy persona gets you more attention in a retail environment from either women or men, but there is a very small percentage of women who value meal ticket over six pack. Lastly, there is the smaller possibility that some women just prefer older guys. We're normally more relaxed, often we have better manners, we sometimes have more money and/ or better educations, we've usually done enough in our lives to be at least mildly interesting, often we're pretty stable and sometimes we've retained our sense of humor. Certainly we're often more appreciative if a woman of any age pays attention to us. In other words, maybe she just likes you. I'd not over think it. If a cool woman wants you, let it play out for a while before you evaluate whether she has to want you for your preferred reason. I've discovered that if I'm clean and neat, have good manners, smile at people and dress at least a notch up from going to an outdoor gun range, then I get treated better by both genders. Maybe you are just a likable person. There are such people, you know.
They are like a young animal trying out their strength/power. They know they have it, but just do not know how quite to use it yet.That's why kittens play with objects.
Georgy9803's Avatar
Older guys are better tippers.