Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yes i agree, but the ruling means that even if Trump is convicted of insurrection he won’t be removed from the office of president until congress clarifies the law. That’s the problem. The statute is clear. It’s not up to congress to decide. If he’s convicted of insurrection then he should be ineligible to serve. The constitution and the court should do their jobs and make a decision. Punting the issue to congress is an act of cowardice on their part. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Still tripping over a procedural set of steps. Not quite sure how they will be convicting him as no charges have been filed to date. It seems to me that SCOTUS was abundantly clear that Congress is responsible for charging.

Maybe a finer point, but Trump was President during Jan 6, but is not until Jan 21st, 2025.
ICU 812's Avatar
Excuse me. Trumpf has 91 FELONY CHARGES IN FOUR CASES. He's guilty of ever one of em.
This decision will have long lasting repercussions Originally Posted by winn dixie
What ever happened tothje legal concept of, "Innocent Until Proven Guilty"?
ICU 812's Avatar
Rigged. One more step for trump to consolidate govt to his liking and eliminate political rivals like his comrade putin. Terrible day for America. A ruling for a guy with 91 indictments
Terrible scotus decision Originally Posted by winn dixie
The SCOTUS decision was RIGGED? one might have grounds to believe that if the vote was 5-3 along ideological lines, but 9-0 cannot be seen as a "rigged" decision.

Putin's opposition has either been jailed or killed.
eyecu2's Avatar
What is concerning to all is that while the SCOTUS muddles through it's weighing in on things like the ballot's which I think is moot, the whole idea of immunity should have been the FORCED one to hear first and foremost. Its a political football that has a 1% survival rate after ruling. If any president can have 100% immunity at all times, even while campaigning, or coercing states to throw out votes, then what's different for them vs. a king. The founders didn't want another king, and SCOTUs will end up tossing out the absolute immunity play- They just need to have picked up the case about 3 or 4 months ago.

What American's should be mad about, is how anyone delays the outcomes of trials.

Justice delayed, is truly justice denied.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Still tripping over a procedural set of steps. Not quite sure how they will be convicting him as no charges have been filed to date. It seems to me that SCOTUS was abundantly clear that Congress is responsible for charging.

Maybe a finer point, but Trump was President during Jan 6, but is not until Jan 21st, 2025. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Im not sure if you are being deliberately obtuse or not. SCOTUS deliberately skipped a step with this ruling. They didn’t wait for a case to determine if they should rule on whether someone committed insurrection or not as custom dictates. They immediately passed the buck to congress instead.

The question to be asked is why they did it. My contention is that they were too cowardly to make the hard decisions. The conservative judges are beholden to the right wing institutions that trained and supported them. They don’t want to hear a case where they would have to rule on whether the 14th amendment applies to Trump’s actions.

In essence they deliberately violated custom either to protect Trump or to hide from the consequences of having to make the decision if Trump is convicted on charges stemming from January 6th.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
These guys all went to Harvard or Yale except Barrett who was at Notre Dame, and your contention is that they’re products of right wing training?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The conservative judges are beholden to the right wing institutions that trained and supported them... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Guess I'm just lucky AF to have the high speed internets. Maybe news travels more slowly in you neck of the woods, but is was a(n) UNANIMOUS, i.e. 9-0, decision. Once your dial-up modem syncs up, you'll know what I'm talk'n 'bout..