YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

This could be interesting. Lets give it a sticky and see where it goes. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
You jinxed it!!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Impossible. Carry on
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-26-2013, 04:01 PM
You jinxed it!!! Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Nah, Marie, CC is alright, he hasn't given me any points yet.... lmao
Chica Chaser's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Just passing through to say hello.
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  • Seedy
  • 01-26-2013, 04:12 PM
Yet Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Thats why I said it that way.. lol
Chica Chaser's Avatar
So I was at the grocery store shaking my booty...cause what else would I be doing at the grocery store...

I like big butts and I cannot lie...

Then I got the sads... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I think we need to know more about the booty shaking.....visual evidence preferably

Thats why I said it that way.. lol Originally Posted by seedman55
Okay 3 more really random questions:

1. I have developed an insane/borderline obsession with consuming potato chips and Doritos, especial after loads of sex. I don't mean IMMEDIATELY after, but when I'm up and about and get the munchies. Anyone else experience similar cravings for certain foods after a roll in the hay?

2. How much activity does one have to do and then stop to end up with blue balls? A client was telling me how he couldn't wait to see me cause he has been dating someone and at the end of every date and some drinks they would get it on. But the last time they got together, they had a great night but never got to the good stuff because they had a bit to drink and he fell asleep while he was waiting for her to freshen up. He couldn't understand why she wouldn't wake him, but the next morning she admitted to starting her period. So he says he had blue balls when he woke up and then for most of the day after. I mean, is it just the THOUGHT of sex that sets a guy off? I always thought there had to be a lot more attention given before a guy got worked up enough to end up with blue balls...but what do I know? I don't have a pecker. Anyways, he was very relieved after our time together.

3. I recently went out to a favorite spot of mine. It was always a total hole-in-the-wall. But the last time I went it was soooo frickin crowded and with a new bunch of wannabe hipsters that I couldn't stand it and left early. What would you do if your favorite hole in the wall all of a sudden became too TRENDY?
I think we need to know more about the booty shaking.....visual evidence preferably Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Even if I had visual evidence, you'd need a magnifying glass...no booty here...thus...I...have...the.. .SADS:-(
DallasRain's Avatar
2. How much activity does one have to do and then stop to end up with blue balls? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Sex is very moreish.

My new Uk babe, we went away for a couple of days before Christmas, we had fun both evenings (we have been seeing each other for 4 months, but the first time we really got it on, apart from the previous times DATY etc etc etc, she didn;t want to be penetrated until she was confident in me )

so the next morning, I wake up, terrific hard on, and she then says she doesn;t do sex in the morning, and she goes off to have a shower.

Both mornings.

I'm lying in bed listening to the shower wash over her gorgeous body and I can;t do anything about it.

So blue balls isn;t because of lack of sex, it is because the sex is sooo good.
Few of my favourites
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Even if I had visual evidence, you'd need a magnifying glass...no booty here...thus...I...have...the.. .SADS:-( Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Looks like a pretty nice booty to me, as well as everything else!

DallasRain's Avatar
lol--cool ones Val!
Hey... Nice spot to visit! Thanks Marie!