Sucks when you get shorted

LazurusLong's Avatar
I have absolutely NO problem giving any provider his handle.
Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
Sweet Treat.

The problem is that very few providers would bother looking at every thread including this one in Discussions.

Some providers might do a search on a handle in alerts or in discussions but just how would a provider know about this issue in 20 days when it drops to page 10?

Or a new provider who joins next week?

By not putting his handle in this thread so the rest of the vagina vendors can search for it, this thread is about as worthless as teats on a boar.
Hey now, not everyone who mis-reads an ad and shorts a provider fails to make it right. I mailed ColbyDFW her $ ASAP cause she was cool on the spot and I was em-bare-assed.

Not braggin, just sayin. There are times when communication shit happens. I'd hate for all providers to get gun shy over this asshole.
Hey, shit happens. I accidentally shorted a provider once, realized I did when I got home and found an extra bill in my pocket, and immediately called her and ran it back over. She was super cool and hadn't even noticed, or so she said.

This asshole is different, assuming sweet treat's account is accurate. Using "that's all I had" as an excuse and failing to make amends indicates that he did it on purpose and will likely do it again. Not posting his handle is a disservice to other providers, IMO, much in the same way that a hobbyist failing to post about a provider ripping him off would be. If you use the board to avoid these things, when it happens to you you really owe it to the other members to do what you can to put it out there.