Barr's "Don't Drain the Swamp."

You Trump lovers think when the powers that be do not bow to Trump....they are part of the swamp. Originally Posted by WTF
Some are and they really don't hide it.
you don't know shit about Mitch. i'm from Kentucky and every 6 years for decades now bumper stickers and signs come out like this ..

they haven't succeeded in ditching him yet. they never will . Mitch is a political opportunist .. he said it best in 2016 when he said about Trump .. "he won the RNC nomination because he got the most votes".

then he went against Trump after he left office.

mitch is almost as good at going with the political flow as Slick Willie Blythe and that's saying something

baahhahahahaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's because Mitch is in big with Kentucky elitist who own Race Horses and funnel lots of money to his campaign. He's working for them more than he is for the people of Kentucky.
You literally are dumb as bricks lev. You’re smarter than BB Oeb and Bambi but damn not by much.
You literally are dumb as bricks lev. You’re smarter than BB Oeb and Bambi but damn not by much. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You shouldn't go around telling anyone they're dumb. Your intellect is about as high as a blade of grass. You're just a lazy jealous bum.
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President Donald J. Trump

Former Attorney General Bill Barr wouldn’t know voter fraud if it was staring him in the face—and it was. The fact is, he was weak, ineffective, and totally scared of being impeached, which the Democrats were constantly threatening to do. They “broke” him. He should have acted much faster on the Mueller Report, instead of allowing the fake Russia, Russia, Russia, Hoax to linger for so long, but it was the Election Fraud and Irregularities that he refused to act on because he wanted to save his own hide—and he did. He never got impeached, contempt charges never went forward, and the Democrats were very happy with him—but I wasn’t. The Unselect Committee of Political Hacks continues to spin its wheels in trying to fabricate a narrative that doesn’t exist. The only thing they refuse to look into is the massive Election Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election.

... Too Right! ... The FBI/DOJ officials told Barr that they
wouldn't lift a finger to help him investigate voter fraud.

So Barr surely looked his-own career in the face - a 70 year-old
fellow who - if he kept pushing - would find himself kicked out
of the Washington DC establishment ("Swamp")...

And we know the result - Barr rolled over quicker than lightning
and told President Trump - "Just can't find voter fraud"...

And NOW he got a book out - tryin' to save his face for the
Swamp establishment - rewrite history so they'll let him
attend the liberal suppers and events... And of course surely
make the rounds on all the liberal news shows...

### Salty
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In an interview with Savannah Guthrie this morning, Barr said if Trump is the nominee he would get his vote because the greatest threat to our country is progressive agenda being pushed by the Democratic Party.

Savannah said even though you wrote in your book he threatened democracy and lied about the election, you’d still vote for him?
Barr said it’s hard to project what the facts will turn out to be over the next three years.

I think it’s safe to say Barr knows exactly what the facts are. Has President Trump been wrong yet? Optics are important!
... Barr couldn't find THE TRUTH with Hunter's laptop either.

... Just another SWAMP phony after-all.

### Salty