Hooker Church

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 09-10-2014, 02:00 PM
Ah dew wunder, yes indeedy-dew! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Deaf ears my southern fried friend...deaf ears.
Beagle's Avatar
Ah dew wunder, yes indeedy-dew! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
dat der iz perty thack-fool, eef ay shud sez so mahself
Secret_Amore's Avatar
Look I feel like this has turned into one of those moments that the other girls warned me about before i started HC. they said nooo girls can't do groups because... the get jealous can be catty... temperamental... they (as in women) are dramatic and yes women can be like this. but I BELIEVE we (women) and over come this we need to be understanding and have each other backs. HC is a beautiful place it's everything you said it is EFN. and it's good for our lady community. but it was NOT ok for YOU to publicly announce it. there is a REASON, it is PRIVATE; and NO it's not b/c we're "scared" of the (very prevalent) male abuse on this board. tho admittedly i would like to not have to take shit from the guys here. it is because some ladies in our community are just bad apples (i also won't be that bitch naming names) and i don't wanna be that bitch telling ppl that can't join because they would ruin our beautiful positive thing that is HC. we don't have ANY drama in our group. and I speak for every girl in HC when i say WE DON"T want that ruined. that and Honestly we're still kinda in beta testing. I am trying to build a solid trusting community. some ladies have declined coming because they are worried about the safety and security of it. which this spectacle thread definitely threatens.

and Yes, you making this thread is taking away our anonymity. just because you didn't drop names and location doesn't mean you didn't out us >_>

I'm going to be very blunt here HC is NOT a come ye, Come all place. not just anyone can come. ok.

and just so it's on the record. I'm the one who pretty much keep HC going, the invites the planning etc. I agree with claire and YES she has the authority to relocate HC and for lack of a better word Ban those that threaten what we're trying to build. also she's not attacking you or being controlling.

I know you didn't make this post initially with ill intent but you're refusal to move it to the info share section at the request of several ladies. THAT, that right there comes off as ill intent as you are suppose to Have OUR backs. and if the REST of us wish that you keep this private you should keep it PRIVATE out of RESPECT for US.

if we ALL wanna go public as a group together that's ok but we didn't ok this and you ignored our wishes for privacy. we have our reason and you won't even respect that because you think we're scared of the men on this board.

YOU have every right to feel the way you feel and yes you have the freedom to say what you wish about whatever topic, but as the rest of us have made our feelings known everyone at this point should know where they stand.

I only hope this thread dies soon i don't want HC to be know for in fighting or for it to seem like we're stuck up bitches who go around excluding anyone we don't like. I didn't want this, because from the outside that's prolly exactly what this looks like.
AtxTexMex's Avatar
Typical of EFN to take it upon herself to make decisions regarding all for her own attention seeking.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
So, if'n Ah unnerstan' whut yer sayin', sugardoodle (aka Secret_Amore), is thet:

1) jus' like ol' EFN kin do, an' say, an' call 'um like she sees 'um an' do as she durn well pleezes no matter WHO sez uthawise, then all y'all kin do, an' say, an' call 'um like yew sees 'um an' do as yew durn well pleeze no matter WHO sez uthawise, too.

2) An' jus' like she kin tell whoevah don't agree wif her ta take a dang hike, all y'all gots tha same right ta tell ennyone who don't see thangs yer way to keep on a-keepin' on down tha road, too!

Ah bets all y'all vote Libermahtarian, too, don't cha?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 09-10-2014, 02:19 PM
My thoughts are running wild with this...but a question please...will there be any Gang Bang opportunities at a future Hoogar Court sponsored event? Can I pay extra to have everyone dressed in habits? Can we do doggie in the pews? If presented in the proper fashion will you swallow the holy communion? Can we do a family thing? Like the father, son & the holy cawk?
We will talk it over at the next spaghetti dinner, T....
Would someone get me some more Popcorn, this is really getting interesting...
Bob McV's Avatar
Really? I feel bad for the ladies who want to know where they can find support and safety. I feel bad that so many providers are TERRIFIED of the Johns they provide or speak with on the boards. I feel bad that a provider is being threatened by other providers because she wanted to share one of the few positive things we providers have with...more providers.

SMH is right. Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow

yeah I feel bad for those ladies too. Tell me how is it you getting up on a soapbox and co-op an existing group to achieve the goals you set. ie:"take back the control we very much have in this business" which is a joke! the control is always in the hands of the customers, if it wasn't there wouldn't be need to spend billions a year advertising Coke. we all know about it. but with out the constant reminder we might just buy a Pepsi one day.

I feel this had little to do with providing support, and more to do with moving your agendas forward.

Look I feel like this has turned into one of those moments that the other girls warned me about before i started HC.

and Yes, you making this thread is taking away our anonymity. just because you didn't drop names and location doesn't mean you didn't out us >_>

I know you didn't make this post initially with ill intent but you're refusal to move it to the info share section at the request of several ladies. THAT, that right there comes off as ill intent as you are suppose to Have OUR backs. and if the REST of us wish that you keep this private you should keep it PRIVATE out of RESPECT for US.

Originally Posted by Secret_Amore
I admire the work and effort you have put forth, but I have to wonder what the process was to involve EFN in the first place. Even if only 5% of the rumors about her are true that is still a bucket load of crazy.

This will be my last post as I want to respect your wishes to to have this thread die.

We will talk it over at the next spaghetti dinner, T.... Originally Posted by Eryn
My dear Eryn, think of your post to review ratio!... less typing...
Would someone get me some more Popcorn, this is really getting interesting...
Originally Posted by BugleBoy

Here ya go BB --

In all fairness, I've known about "Hooker Church" and I'm one of the loner veterans on this board. One of the worst kept secrets in the Austin hobby, IMO. Maybe even worse than the content of the Men's Lounge. LOL.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
In all fairness, I've known about "Hooker Church" and I'm one of the loner veterans on this board. One of the worst kept secrets in the Austin hobby, IMO. Originally Posted by SecretE
it's not a "secret" we just don't don't make it a public spectacle like everything else on this board. I mean guys have heard me telling other ladies about it at socials. so yea it's not a "secret", we're not hiding it from the male population it just something that's private.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 09-10-2014, 04:06 PM
yeah I feel bad for those ladies too. Tell me how is it you getting up on a soapbox and co-op an existing group to achieve the goals you set. ie:"take back the control we very much have in this business" which is a joke! the control is always in the hands of the customers, if it wasn't there wouldn't be need to spend billions a year advertising Coke. we all know about it. but with out the constant reminder we might just buy a Pepsi one day.

I feel this had little to do with providing support, and more to do with moving your agendas forward.

I admire the work and effort you have put forth, but I have to wonder what the process was to involve EFN in the first place. Even if only 5% of the rumors about her are true that is still a bucket load of crazy.

This will be my last post as I want to respect your wishes to to have this thread die.

My dear Eryn, think of your post to review ratio!... less typing... Originally Posted by Bob McV

Bob & SL, quit cock blocking Eryn & I having fun on the board. Eryn is obviously an intelligent young woman who likely can multi-task. IE Sucking a cock and typing at the same time.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 09-10-2014, 04:09 PM
We will talk it over at the next spaghetti dinner, T.... Originally Posted by Eryn
Let me know your thoughts about the worlds best made from scratch grilled chicken alfredo in lieu of spaghetti?
Still Looking's Avatar
Less typing more sucking IJS