Economic Predictions for Summer 2016: The Epocalypse Keeps Crashing

Don't worry, I don't want to own land in Mexico. Not sure where i'm retiring yet. Think I will rent for six months at a time at first. I don't think the cartels own all the land in Mexico, because I know some expats that own land there. Croatia is another place I am considering. The rents are pretty reasonable there also. The ocean is beautiful there.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You're both wrong.

Mexico is in North America. Originally Posted by Revenant

2dogs is technically correct,

Mexico is in Central America as a region even though it is in North America as a continent.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
He got a discounted rate and an extended stay appointment, both long standing, in case you're interested. Originally Posted by SassySue
nice body
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You can't own land in Mexico. The Cartels own it and they dictate what you can do with it. If you grow edible crops you'll be feeding them also, believe me.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
er, that's not how it works. Cartels don't own the land.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Don't worry, I don't want to own land in Mexico. Not sure where i'm retiring yet. Think I will rent for six months at a time at first. I don't think the cartels own all the land in Mexico, because I know some expats that own land there. Croatia is another place I am considering. The rents are pretty reasonable there also. The ocean is beautiful there. Originally Posted by SassySue
if expats own land there, its ikely that they married a mexican who can own land in their name.
I say fuk all these so called Experts... Remember when we used to be afraid of the Saudi fuks with oil?? Guess who is laughing now??? those fukers are going broke by the day....
fuk Mexico. I say we tax the billions their EX-Pats send back to Mexico(that is not spent in the USA).. what are they going to do?? stop crossing the border?? fuk no!! Mexico only has two classes RICH AND POOR...
LexusLover's Avatar
nice body Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
If she's kept it up, it is, and I've told her that before, i.e. she's hot looking.

I was just never sure if you enjoyed DATY, or just put up with it, though.

It's so much better when both parties enjoy it.
LexusLover's Avatar
if expats own land there, its ikely that they married a mexican who can own land in their name. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
She'll find out she won't be buying in "land" in PV....

..... once she discovers where it is .....

..... then she'll find out about the entire infested West Coast in that area.
Lezbocunt 0zombies are as disgusting same as 0jammy-boys...

  • Tiny
  • 07-02-2016, 02:02 PM
Biggest issue is getting your money out of the USofA. The illegal and unconstitutional government tabs on your bank accounts under the false flag of fighting criminal activity makes it much more difficult. Amazing how you can go to jail just because you want to use your money however you see fit. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Getting your money out is easy, provided you can find a foreign bank to accept you as a customer. Many will not do business with U.S. citizens because compliance with the Baucus/Rangel/Obama Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is too difficult.

With regard to reporting the money to the U.S. government, you have two options,

1. File Form Fincen 114 with the Treasury Department, in which you report all your foreign accounts. Also you'll want to file Form 8938 with your Form 1040 for each account.

2. Renounce U.S. citizenship

It's absolutely not worth the risk to transfer the money out of the USA and then not report it. If they catch you they will make you pay more than total amount in your foreign accounts, and a jail sentence is a possibility.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's absolutely not worth the risk to transfer the money out of the USA and then not report it. If they catch you they will make you pay more than total amount in your foreign accounts, and a jail sentence is a possibility. Originally Posted by Tiny
Unless, of course, you are here illegally or you are a Muslim refugee.
Unless, of course, you are here illegally or you are a Muslim refugee. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't have a lot of money to get out, so nothing to worry about.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't have a lot of money to get out, so nothing to worry about. Originally Posted by SassySue
That's probably good where you are intending to live.

You won't be worth kidnapping!
2dogs is technically correct,

Mexico is in Central America as a region even though it is in North America as a continent. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
No, he's not. "Technically" Mexico is part of North America. Its right in the definition. Google it.

Mexico isn't part of anything "as a region". Google Central America. That doesn't include Mexico either.

You are unable to separate the fact that it is Spanish speaking from the fact that it is in North America. So you lump it in with Central America.

North America contains three major language groups, English, Spanish, and French (Quebec).

Central America is the group of small countries between the southern borders of Mexico and Columbia. It does NOT include Mexico.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No, he's not. "Technically" Mexico is part of North America. Its right in the definition. Google it.

Mexico isn't part of anything "as a region". Google Central America. That doesn't include Mexico either.

You are unable to separate the fact that it is Spanish speaking from the fact that it is in North America. So you lump it in with Central America.

North America contains three major language groups, English, Spanish, and French (Quebec).

Central America is the group of small countries between the southern borders of Mexico and Columbia. It does NOT include Mexico. Originally Posted by Revenant
whatever u say dood.

I'm still gonna say Mexico is part of central america!