What's up GeniusMan/ Do you have a scam that lets you get discounts you don't reflect in your reviews?

Whispers's Avatar
Again Whispers, just trying to look at both sides. Kinda like the old Point/Counterpoint..fuck I'm bored today. Originally Posted by eglrdr
That's how we learn.

As well as how others learn.

For the longest time a lot of issues were never discussed....

Now we discuss just about everything and controversial issues tend to bring out extremists.

But even in the hottest most controversial threads information makes it's way to the community and people learn.....

My posts TEND to be rather long as I try to put a lot of thought as well as view an issue from both sides while trying to get my point across....

I love posts like yours that stimulate a response\counterpoint as you say.

This stuff doesn't HAVE to get ugly..... It's usually made ugly by those that WON'T contribute logically and start whining about negativity.....

if there is something here it is worth discussing......

I've only been in Austin a few years and most of my ASPD years were in Houston, but someone else just PMd me and mentioned this isn't the first time this has come up, although a search of the archives didn't turn it up.

It won't be the first discussion regarding a member trading positive reviews for getting a nut. Although the concept of a member manipulating or scamming a new provider is a bit more distasteful if there is anything to that.
But how do you react when a customer come to you that you have not done business with previously. He tells you that he gets discounts elsewhere and if you give him a discount he will NOT tell people he got the discount and help promote your business? Originally Posted by Whispers
This argument doesn't seem to be applicable to what happened. If GM did get discounts, but still posted a review of regular rates then he did promote business.

Personally, I don't want to know who got a discount. It's quite aggravating to see a lady for set amount then someone else do a review and the rate was less. It makes me feel cheated.

I've seen instances of providers giving a discount then not honoring that price when the client returns to provide repeat business. Bad business move. It's better to have money in hand than not, but I guess some ladies just don't get it.
gman44's Avatar
As it has been said before, if providers feel anytime that a discount is warranted do to lateness or ncns or anything that is between those two and some guy post the actual rate and some post the discounted rate. I'm sure there are some guys who get discounted sessions that I don't and it doesn't seem unfair to me. Maybe they got there first or they've helped the provider get their website or something but everyone's different

Bottom line is providers charge what they charge and if they are feeling generous to giving discounts then that's up to them and shouldn't be debated or questioned by anyone
eglrdr's Avatar
Personally, I don't want to know who got a discount. It's quite aggravating to see a lady for set amount then someone else do a review and the rate was less. It makes me feel cheated. Originally Posted by Sternomancer
So when there used to be pricing in the ads. lets say one week you saw a half hour for $100, and the next week when you were ready the ad was $140, well then your bad for not pulling the trigger @ $100, if you still want it you have two choices, wait and hope it goes down again, or bite the bullet, and pay the freight.

Kinda like going to Nordstrom's and you buy a suit for $900 and 2 weeks later it's the half yearly mens sale and it's $650. You wanted it, you bought it, it is what it is!
Texasquest's Avatar
Speaking only on the discount matter.From a business owners perspective,I too give some customers discounts that are not extended to everyone else.It is my business and i have evey right to give a discount or not give one.There are many valid reason for giving a discount.And Trust me if some of my cutomers start telling others they get a discount I can assure it will go away.And they full well know this.So if someone actually gets a Discount it isnt anyones business except the 2 involved..And If i was the Lucky one getting a Preferential Discount I sure as hell wouldnt Blab it all over a Review I would eith leave the amt paid as "Between US"...or state her Normal rates...
Giving a discount or running a special is totally up to the business owner.

Making a person feel that they OWE a discount for something that was fabricated is bogus bullshit. (My dog never bit you and I'm not defending my dog I'm telling the truth!)

I expect that people will defend their actions or even defend someone they care for but this particular situation is very clear. The facts are laid out. People say they don't really know what transpired since there was only two people present? Not true. But ok. I don't have to take this any further. The point of making it public was to let other ladies know and to let him know and be warned should he ever even think of pulling that shit again.

You know, people try to take advantage of situations or manipulate situations for their benefit all the time. It will eventually catch up to you. you will possibly run into someone one day that will not only show you the door but actually let it hit you in the ass on the way out.

So, IF I have a future party, all attending people should be on fair notice. I will boot your ass out if you act up! I used to own a night club and I have no problems with that.
Whispers's Avatar
Saying "between us" is one way of handling it although I disagree.

Posting you paid $300 and it was worth $300 when you paid $100 and she gave you a $100 session would be out of line..... Because you are reviewing a level of service you would never get for the $100.

I would be willing to bet money that a $250-$300 an hour girl giving a guy a $100 rate is probably holding back a bit and I would also tend to bet he's not getting multiple pops....

are there girls some would see for $50 or $100 that we wouldn't touch for $300? Sure...

Maybe some are missing that GM may have been PUSHING for or manipulating in order to get the discount..... This is more common than some want to think about....

And with 10,000+ posts and close to 100 reviews I would think some ladies new to the scene could mistakenly be led to believe" you have to do it because everyone does it and it will be good for you".

I'm not leveling charges here... I'm expanding on something a Provider brought up that was already floating around the back channels and has uspposedly been talked about or suspected for a long time....

I don't like shills....
eglrdr's Avatar
It will eventually catch up to you. you will possibly run into someone one day that will not only show you the door but actually let it hit you in the ass on the way out.

So, IF I have a future party, all attending people should be on fair notice. I will boot your ass out if you act up! I used to own a night club and I have no problems with that. Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
Nothing like a good looking woman in a cowboy hat that doesn't take any shit!
Maxeen Rules! She's a firebrand...a pistol...a spitfire...

I could go on and on...
missi hart's Avatar
very sweet, yet also very tough. that's a pretty sexy combination.
Texasquest's Avatar
Maxeen is absolutely right Its BS for anyone to /Demand a discount for Bogus reasons is absolute BS. In my opinion anyone even asking for a discount is a lowlife.The point i was trying to make is IF a Provider does feel like giving a discount to someone she feels deserves it for whatever reason.it should be between them..And not be broadcast that So and So gives me a discount...
sixxbach's Avatar
Maxeen is absolutely right Its BS for anyone to /Demand a discount for Bogus reasons is absolute BS. In my opinion anyone even asking for a discount is a lowlife.The point i was trying to make is IF a Provider does feel like giving a discount to someone she feels deserves it for whatever reason.it should be between them..And not be broadcast that So and So gives me a discount... Originally Posted by Texasquest

You tell em Karma......

very sweet, yet also very tough. that's a pretty sexy combination. Originally Posted by missi hart
Sexxxxy as all HELL! Did anyone see how the bathtub looks in the new incall? I am so focused on a nice hot bath...
Demanding a discount and asking for one are two different issues. There's nothing wrong in asking. You either get a "yes" or a "no". No harm, no foul. Considering someone a lowlife for it is harsh. If I could haggle at Target, Burger King, or HEB I would.

Conning, though, is different. It reminds me of working in the restaurant industry of the numerous times of people eating down to the last bite or two of their meal and they just happen to "find" a hair in their food and ask for a refund. It would irk me even more when the owner would refund the money on what was so obviously a scam.
I don't like to be haggled. At all. My rate is very reasonable. Asking for a discount is crass. I will offer one if I screw up in some way. But to ask for one is going to make me upset. If I screw up, give me the chance to make it right and I promise that you will end up being happier than you would've asked for anyway.

One more thing, and I know I'm late on this, but Whispers you pinch my pooch and I will squish your nuts!

Remember, the smiley face makes it lighthearted!