let's test the new rules out

It is not to censor the important information and opinions of those on the boards. It is to stop those who cant express an opinion with out going straight to personal attacks and insults. Originally Posted by Britttany_love

Time will tell. I just hope if it does happen, it is brought to everyone's attention.

I probably sound like a broken record. But look at oh2, half the coed threads are closed down. No one is starting new omes because they will likely just get shut down.

Seductive Selena started a harmless treAD that showed no signs of an Ad, but they still called it one and closed it. The mod did it out of jealousy I suspect.

The point is that place is dead because of censorship. We dont want this place to follow suit.
Little Monster's Avatar
Time will tell. I just hope if it does happen, it is brought to everyone's attention.

I probably sound like a broken record. But look at oh2, half the coed threads are closed down. No one is starting new omes because they will likely just get shut down.

Seductive Selena started a harmless treAD that showed no signs of an Ad, but they still called it one and closed it. The mod did it out of jealousy I suspect.

The point is that place is dead because of censorship. We dont want this place to follow suit. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Not to mention that site Banns people for absolutely no reason at all.
Eccie wants to be ourhome2 2.
It’ll be the same dead as fuck barren wasteland as the site it aspires to be.

I’ll say goodbye to it now

Rest in pieces Eccie.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-13-2018, 06:24 AM
First of all ztonk.
YOU added fucking a corpse to my post.
It’s not there!
Quit adding shit faggot! Just because you want to fuck corpses doesn’t mean you can impose your sickness on others buttmunch.

How do you know it didn’t really go:
Fucking old women is akin to digging up corpses and well...
telling them my you look lovely tonight Dear.
Both are quite sick to me.

If you’re always going to fill in the blanks and make shit up just ban me and let’s make the next handle.
We all know how difficult that is going to be.

By the way did you 5 point yourself for your disgusting fucking corpses post? Originally Posted by WARHEAD
Such a charming display of emotion. But given the other posts of yours I have seen, not surprising at all. You post as if you think you are the predator and any who disagree with you deserve to be prey. It does make me laugh to envision what you are actually like in person--I know so many people whose on line persona is a huge overcompensation for how they see themselves in real life.

There is a quote about Isaac Newton that comes to mind when I read your posts. Not the most flattering one, but quite apt. 🤣
Didn’t know NOT giving a fuck is an actual emotion.
I really am emotional lol
Why don’t you come and find out what I’m like in person?
I’m definitely not the type to sit behind my keyboard thinking I’m superior like some folks.
Anything I have to say, I will say to ones face.
And still be standing.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think that 99.9% of the posts on the Austin forum are respectful to others. However, try visiting the national political forum and see the amount of respect given to others. I agree with Old T that the number of threads that are fun to participate in have declined over the years. Maybe I'm just getting old.
That’s because they have chased off all the ones who wrote threads, all that will remain is those who post ThreADs.
Those are neither thought provoking or entertaining.
Samcro84's Avatar
You say They? How about you?
Nah... no one but staff can chase someone off.
The way you react to things said are on you.
No one can make you do anything.
Only you can make yourself do something.
The sooner people realize that and react differently, there would be no reason for censorship.

It’s real easy to place someone on ignore.
But nooooooo they choose to be offended, they choose to respond.
Nobody made them!

By the way... where’s the OP at?
Drops a ThreAD and vanishes.
Not going the way she expected I guess.
+1 from the old hoogar here. Oh I love the national political forum. I believe in freedom of speech. Now I don't think you should be nasty or rude however, censoring of speech or opinions is not the American way.
Here's an idea - if you do not like what is being posted - DO NOT RESPOND. That's the fastest way to clear this up - I know,I know - some people can't help themselves. I have that problem in the political arena myself. And speaking of - if you like freedom of speech - vote Trump.

I think that 99.9% of the posts on the Austin forum are respectful to others. However, try visiting the national political forum and see the amount of respect given to others. I agree with Old T that the number of threads that are fun to participate in have declined over the years. Maybe I'm just getting old. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Little Monster's Avatar
+1 from the old hoogar here. Oh I love the national political forum. I believe in freedom of speech. Now I don't think you should be nasty or rude however, censoring of speech or opinions is not the American way.
Here's an idea - if you do not like what is being posted - DO NOT RESPOND. That's the fastest way to clear this up - I know,I know - some people can't help themselves. I have that problem in the political arena myself. And speaking of - if you like freedom of speech - vote Trump. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
If you believe in free speech vote against Trump. Every time someone speaks against him, he lashes out at them, when someone calls him out on his lies & BS (which is 100% of the time) he cries "Fake News". So I think it's safe to say Trump is only in favor of free speech when it works in his favor.
LM, calm down my little snowflake - it was suppose to be sarcastic. xoxo

If you believe in free speech vote against Trump. Every time someone speaks against him, he lashes out at them, when someone calls him out on his lies & BS (which is 100% of the time) he cries "Fake News". So I think it's safe to say Trump is only in favor of free speech when it works in his favor. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Little Monster's Avatar
LM, calm down my little snowflake - it was suppose to be sarcastic. xoxo Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And I was just jabbing at you darlin

Enjoy the rest of your day sweetie, I'm off to the Square Peg to go get a tall glass of some John Smith's Smooth Ale

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not to mention that site Banns people for absolutely no reason at all. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Treetop78759's Avatar
Sue should be given five gold stars because she trolled the trolls and won this battle.