I have recently maintained a romantic arrangement with an amateur provider/SugarBaby/SO I have known for a long time while she progressed from early pregnancy to delivery.
She was Absolutely Radiant!
Her skin was never more supple,
her hair grew more full and soft every day,
her attitude matured and calmed, and
her face became almost angelic.
I can't even begin to describe the beauty and natural development of her previously petite breasts.
Living with this God-Given creature while her body changed to nurture the new life inside was a real blessing.
Intimate time with her while she was pregnant was Glorious!
Something I never took for granted.
I understood that experience was a once in a lifetime gift to be appreciated and remembered.
Now, having said that, I am a bit more ambiguous about the concept of a provider actively servicing multiple clients while carrying her child.
Reluctant to judge others motives and actions,
I may simply end with the confirmation that
the body, attitude and intimacy of a pregnant woman can be a wonderful experience to be cherished and respected.
(Sorry to go off the deep end, but whew! It was something else...)