Life After COVID

Ronin3's Avatar
There are trials for hydroxychloroquine Originally Posted by Aoi
Plaquenil works. Had a colleague script me 4 weeks ago. Some are combining therapy with Azithromycin, which I always keep on hand.
Well, right now, nobody is working closely together. If anyone is working, it's not in a spa with a buncha other gals.

But, there will be no Life AFTER. It's here. Eventually, most folks will get it. Somewhere along the way, there will be improved treatments, maybe even a vaccine.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 04-07-2020, 09:09 AM
Plaquenil works. Had a colleague script me 4 weeks ago. Some are combining therapy with Azithromycin, which I always keep on hand. Originally Posted by Ronin3
There are actually a few treatment options that I read are effective at dealing with Covid.

Makes you wonder why the media isn't reporting them at all.

Almost as if they want you to panic....
The media wants you to be on the edge of panic. Their job is to control information enough that you keep tuning in. All of them push themselves as "most trusted". They get you to watch and the advertisers buy the time.

But, the truth is that COVID-19 is the same as every other infectious disease crisis. At first, it affects a large portion of the population in a small area. If it isn't contained AND CURED, it spreads.

Since it's new, or "novel", no one has immunities and the infected population grows exponentially. Health officials throw everything they've got at it, looking to stop it.

Eventually, most folks get it. Some die and the rest build immunity. Doctors see enough cases to understand the life-cycle of the disease and develop standard treatments. Maybe, a vaccine is developed.

Rarely is a cure found for infectious diseases like this. Polio, measles, smallpox, the plague, ebola, swine flu, bird flu, etc are still just as deadly. But, prevention, isolation and vaccination have reduced the cases to rarity.

We will get there on this one, too, most likely. Maybe, Karen will finally get her kids vaccinated. The economy will rebound, barring the stupidity of politicians. And, the leisure lifestyles will return.

It may not be the same way of doing Life. But, it won't be like this, especially for Americans. We've overcome just about everything that's thrown at us. We've learned to arrive at the airport two hours early, to stop spraying DDT on everything, to not give our SS#s to folks on the phone, to cook meat thoroughly, and to never say bad shit about Hillary Clinton. We'll figger this one out, too.

It just takes time.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 04-07-2020, 05:18 PM
Oh my god.

Another red-pilled poster. Brother!
Let me add something. There is a group of politicians that claim our economy has suffered irreparable damage. And, their message is being constantly broadcast by the Media. The goal is to keep Americsns fearful of disaster. But, this one is financial. The message: If the Virus doesn't get you, the failed Economy will.

The Truth is that it is NOT America's Economy that is suffering. It is the World Economy that is suffering. Once we get past the peak of the COVID-19 Crisis, our economy will start to rebuild. The reality is that America's Economy, while it has been deeply affected, is still the strongest economy in the World. We have the technology, the industry and the manpower.

In any fight, everyone gets wounded. But, it is the strongest that comes out on top. Our housing market is still strong. Our agriculture is still producing crops. And, industry is ready to go, as soon as the workers can return. And, much of industry has demonstrated a willingness and the ability to diversify production into untapped markets. Look at how many companies stepped up to make ventilators and PPE. Foreign production in all sectors has faltered.

It is likely America will come out of this stronger, as it will be able to less dependent on foreign imports, and able to meet the demands of exports. If American companies prosper, Americans and the World Economy prospers. History has proven that.

If you are an investor, now may be a good time to look at your portfolio.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 04-07-2020, 08:13 PM
I should also add that the numbers they flash on screen never account the condition behind the death.

For instance, if 1000 people were to die and they happen to be tested positive for Covid 19, does that mean Covid 19 was the reason they passed away? Or is that they just happened to have been in bad shape and was tested for Covid 19 and the credit was given to the virus VS an underlying condition they might have had. People will die, with or without Covid 19 being present. People will continue to have flu's, respiratory problems and other major conditions with or without Covid 19. I wish the media actually reported this rather than flash across the TV screen.

None of this is to say that we shouldn't take things seriously.. we should. It would probably be better not to go to some fucking rave or something in the midst of this.

But you're right, 200 percent.

The media is absolutely emotionally blackmailing you.

And I wish more people would understand this.
theAnalyst's Avatar
The media wants you to be on the edge of panic. Their job is to control information enough that you keep tuning in. All of them push themselves as "most trusted". They get you to watch and the advertisers buy the time.

Originally Posted by Billogoods
Bingo Bill'O !

Panic is good for their business.
they said 60,000 people die of flu each year so far 15,000 peope die of concid 19. so where 60,000 death of flu this yr ?????
they said 60,000 people die of flu each year so far 15,000 peope die of concid 19. so where 60,000 death of flu this yr ????? Originally Posted by TX_hammer
Christ man you do understand that it's this way because of the shelter in place and social distancing being practiced? If we had gone about business as usual they were talking 1.2 million dead in America alone. Oh and Aio they're doing mass burials in New York yesterday does that make you happy there's a more recent article?
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 04-10-2020, 08:50 AM

Also, people die. A lot. With or without Covid19.

I want your article to prove that all of those dying were specifically brought on by the virus itself and not by other conditions.

I lived in NYC for years. I can’t think of a place near the city they would dig a trench for a mass burial when they can easily cremate folks. What little land exist is expensive. Please send a link to this.
Mew's Avatar
  • Mew
  • 04-10-2020, 09:40 AM
Wow. I’ve seen it all now. Hard to believe that many people cannot be cremated but I guess that’s costs too much
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 04-10-2020, 10:06 AM
That same article stated that it is uncertain if those were Covid 19 deaths or not. Some, not even tested.

Again, people die. With or without Covid 19. Should we start listing off deaths by other causes, all of which eclipse Covid deaths by entire digits?