Optimistic Observations

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Yeah, i saw it was from Project Veritas by my refusing to look at it. Drink some Clorox, did ya?

Also, anyone who comes to the defense of Donald Trump by calling Joe Biden a senile serial rapist probably ought not throw around terms like "hypocrisy". It's bad form. Originally Posted by Doove
Of course you refused to look at it. Why allow your mind to be poisoned by the unvarnished truth when you can see the world through the filter of Jeff Zucker or better yet the New York Times.

Here's another non-conservative clip exposing Dementia Joe and the moronic democrat party lying about their precious coronavirus story line:


Whatever you do, don't watch this either.

Krystal Ball is a right-wing conspiracist, and holding democrats to their own standards is cruel and unfair.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Here's some optimism.

The staffer that Dementia Joe (allegedly) trapped against a wall and forcefully finger-fucked was an attractive woman who only deteriorated physically and mentally after being (allegedly) sexually assaulted by DJ.

So at least Dementia Joe had good taste in the women he violated against their will. Allegedly.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Dementia Joe will definitely capture the dementia vote. He's got it locked up.

Impossible demographic for any opponent to compete with him among.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Hats off to you NBT. Well done!

Next Best Thing's Avatar

Thank you Willie and here's another classic that the left-wing ostriches will hide from:


It's Tucker Carlson, it's FOX news, therefore democrats can run away, cower, and pretend it's not true even though there is undisputable footage included which demonstrates how manipulative and backward these turds are.

But don't worry, Dementia Joe aficionados - Orange Man still bad according to MSNBC.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Project Veritas
Pretty much gives the game away. Originally Posted by Doove
Why dismiss Project Veritas?
Next Best Thing's Avatar

DO NOT click on the below link, swamp creatures:


These Nazis are way out of line questioning the credibility of a lying white female democrat creep and even moreso in questioning the credibility of a black female democrat creep who is also a fat duplicitous piece of shit.

This type of treatment should be reserved exclusively for evil, old, white men.

Wait a minute...

Isn't Dementia Joe an evil, old, white man?

Of course not.

He's the first choice of the pitiful democrat national machine.

Therefore, like his glad-handing friends, most of whom he has never met before, he is not eligible to be guilty of anything.

It's an abhorrent miscarriage of justice and an affront to the truth to even question his actions.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Why dismiss Project Veritas? Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, who has spent years subpoenaing governmental documents, which are primary source evidence, is also manipulative and untrustworthy according to these morons.

The only genuine news is anything that has first been (mis)interpreted by the TDS media.

The best way to communicate news to democrats is through memeing and through opinion hosts on cable television.

Anyone who does not accept this is a fucking idiot, retarded, racist, draconian, misogynist, homophobic, or a Russian agent.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I am optimistic that no one will say shit about Stacey Abrams and her absolutely shameless hypocrisy.

Same with Hillary Clitoris.

Kirsten Gillibrand they'll probably go after if they remember she exists, she is utterly expendable which came as quite the surprise to her 8 or so months ago.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-29-2020, 11:12 AM
Krystal Ball is a right-wing conspiracist, and holding democrats to their own standards is cruel and unfair. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Krystal Ball is a Bernie-bro, whom you'd be criticizing as a left-wing lunatic if Bernie would have gotten the nomination. So....you were saying about "hypocrisy"?

Anyways, keep posting your links, and going on your crazed little rants. When yo have a legitimate news source to cite, let me know. And don't worry, your seat at the cool-kids table in Cult45 is secure.

Meantime, i'll be contacting Karen to see if she wants to come over and get naked.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-29-2020, 11:13 AM
Why dismiss Project Veritas? Originally Posted by Willie Wanker

Because James O'Keefe is little more than a right-wing Michael Moore wannabe. And he's not even very good at it.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Krystal Ball is a Bernie-bro, whom you'd be criticizing as a left-wing lunatic if Bernie would have gotten the nomination. So....you were saying about "hypocrisy"?

Anyways, keep posting your links, and going on your crazed little rants. When yo have a legitimate news source to cite, let me know. And don't worry, your seat at the cool-kids table in Cult45 is secure.

Meantime, i'll be contacting Karen to see if she wants to come over and get naked. Originally Posted by Doove
I'm saying I don't give a shit about who says it, I care about the content.

This separates me from people like you who are entrenched and invested in a political party.

I sit at my own cool kids table and do not need affirmation, especially from whores with serious personal problems or their worshippers.

Have fun with Karen and don't forget to remind her my offer to adopt her still stands. She has to drop the hoodlum boyfriend first though. Unfortunately for both of us there's no getting around this.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Because James O'Keefe is little more than a right-wing Michael Moore wannabe. And he's not even very good at it. Originally Posted by Doove
Ask Claire McCaskill how good he is at it.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, who has spent years subpoenaing governmental documents, which are primary source evidence, is also manipulative and untrustworthy according to these morons.

The only genuine news is anything that has first been (mis)interpreted by the TDS media.

The best way to communicate news to democrats is through memeing and through opinion hosts on cable television.

Anyone who does not accept this is a fucking idiot, retarded, racist, draconian, misogynist, homophobic, or a Russian agent.

Z2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Judicial Watch uncovers government documents under FOIA that are alleged to not be in existence.
They don't come easy. First requests are usually met with denials and claims that the documents are unable to be located. The Denials are overturned, and lost documents magically reappear when taken to court. The cover up is blatantly obvious.