Call your representative tomorrow (Monday, 5 Jan.)

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Looney Gohmert got three votes.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This is the time for more conservative voices to be heard in Washington (the rest of you just relax and play with yourselves). John Boehner wants to be speaker again and he is only 26 votes away from that not happening. He has targeted conservatives, called them names, discouraged our candidates, cheated our candidates, and has gotten in the way of any meaningful reform by conservative interests. He has openly agreed with Obama on Obamacare, the Omnibus spending bill (taking us to 18 trillion dollars), and illegal amnesty. Time for him to hit the streets with his sign that says "Will Legislate for Food".

Contact your reps on Monday and tell them that Boehner does not deserve another term.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted them to.
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  • 01-07-2015, 05:45 AM
I hope to Tebow you meant Ted Poe since Cruz is in the Senate.

2 more years of same ol' shit! Originally Posted by boardman
but a speaker does not have to even be a member of the house or an elected official. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ted Poe does have as many slight of hands as Cruz.

I meant Cruz. The Tea Pack would have been thrilled.
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  • 01-07-2015, 05:46 AM
John Boehner is getting revenge. He is already booting those who ran against him and spoke out against him. A pair has been booted from the House Rules Committee and more punishment is to come for others who crossed him according to reports. Originally Posted by BigLouie
That is shocking, shocking I say!
rioseco's Avatar
Johnny's Facebook page... LOL

. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What a disgrace. Another two faced hypocrite ! Boehner is Obama's he-bitch.
Wonder if JD will lose his ass kissing job now? LOL
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Time to find Dan Gilyeat and see if he is interested in challenging Yoder.
So far two reps. have announced their intent to run against Boehner; Louie Gohmert and Ted Yoyo but a speaker does not have to even be a member of the house or an elected official. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm still laughing my ass off about Louie (All I Can Get Is 3 Votes) Gohmert.

Gee, I wonder why LouieIdiot could only pull in 3 votes?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm still laughing my ass off about Louie (All I Can Get Is 3 Votes) Gohmert.

Gee, I wonder why LouieIdiot could only pull in 3 votes? Originally Posted by bigtex
I guess because people realized that Boehner could be a little vindictive!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm still laughing my ass off about Louie (All I Can Get Is 3 Votes) Gohmert.

Gee, I wonder why LouieIdiot could only pull in 3 votes? Originally Posted by bigtex
Maybe because SLOBBRIN declared he was "ALL IN!"

Or maybe because JDIdiot propped him up in the OP.

There seems to be an eerie, creepy sixth sense shared by the idiot Klan, errr, Clan.

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  • 01-08-2015, 09:19 AM
I guess because people realized that Boehner could be a little vindictive!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Boy that was a tough one to figure...:mf_laughbounce 2:

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