Speaking of Idiots, Look who showed up! You know, for such a cowardly cunt, you sure are brave putting up your face in your display II-DOLT! You are a pussy, asshole and a taint all in one! And face down ass up is how you are most of the time! Originally Posted by shanm
Ishanm you will get it soon... your time is coming

The aftermath of a suicide truck bombing of the U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut, Lebanon on Sunday, Oct. 23, 1983. The blast claimed the lives of 241 American service members.
  • shanm
  • 03-07-2015, 12:52 AM
Ishanm you will get it soon... your time is coming Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Sounds like IIidiot is about to go on his next school shooting spree!

Sounds like IIidiot is about to go on his next school shooting spree!
Originally Posted by shanm
Ishanm why do you eat pork?

  • shanm
  • 03-07-2015, 01:06 AM
^^^IIFuckface. You are one creepy motherfucker. Seriously.
Ishanm can you pass this on to Zanzibar... Thanks

^^^IIFuckface. You are one creepy motherfucker. Seriously. Originally Posted by shanm
Everyone has their opinions, Ishanm...

Ishanm why do you eat pork?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Can't help but point this out. That burning alive stunt by ISIS is just what it is, a fucking stunt. What person in their right mind will allow themselves to be burned alive especially when they are unrestraint in a bottomless free standing enclosure that's not even secured. If you look at the bottom of the cage there is no floor and a small space. That cage could have easily been tipped up by the pilot so he could escape. Yes they probably would have shot him but that's far better than being burned alive.

LexusLover's Avatar
As long stoning of parents who allow their children, like Shammoo, to play on their computer on Hooker Boards is still on the table... Originally Posted by gnadfly

*The stoning of ex-wifes can dry up the civie pool of available entertainment.
LexusLover's Avatar
Can't help but point this out. That burning alive stunt by ISIS is just what it is, a fucking stunt. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Apparently they conducted another "stunt" involving 45 +/- Christian "actors."

Was burying him in rubble and running over the pile with a bulldozer a "stunt" also?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Can't help but point this out. That burning alive stunt by ISIS is just what it is, a fucking stunt. What person in their right mind will allow themselves to be burned alive especially when they are unrestraint in a bottomless free standing enclosure that's not even secured. If you look at the bottom of the cage there is no floor and a small space. That cage could have easily been tipped up by the pilot so he could escape. Yes they probably would have shot him but that's far better than being burned alive.

Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
LexusLover's Avatar
Drugs. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It was reported he had not been fed for 4-5 days.

Back on topic ...

IBH ... The news media reports are elevating this group to the level of "court" and showing a "courtroom" with a "jury box" ... and thereby giving the group an appearance of some legitimate body to make decisions regarding people's "rights" ...

.. some of the suggestions in this thread as to "punishments" of persons participating in the "arbitration" system proposed and apparently used amount to violations of the Texas Penal Code not to mention the "cruel and unusual punishment" provisions and case law interpretation, which would be a violation of "public policy" and sufficient to "set aside" the "arbitration award" of the "tribunal" (group of arbiters)....which btw are consistent with some of the "punishments" being handed out by ISIS.

I can envision the Judicial System enjoining this group from conducting "binding" arbitration hearings that are not in compliance with arbitration standards set by statute and stated by "associations" overseeing arbitration proceedings in this country. Without going into details, various "rules" are required to be applied in arbitration proceedings, which would be construed as "due process" requirements. Courts are not bound by the litigants when deciding "constitutional" violations and can review them "sua sponte" when determining if there existed "fundamental error" in the administrative proceedings below.
It was reported I had not been medicated for 4-5 days. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Good to see some kind of law has come to Texas. Does it extend west of the Pecos also?
Drugs. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That would be the only way. Cause I know, I could get out of that contraption. They could go ahead and shoot me but I am not being burned alive. No fucking way.

LexusLover's Avatar
That would be the only way. Cause I know, I could get out of that contraption. They could go ahead and shoot me but I am not being burned alive. No fucking way.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I think with these guys the only way is to not be taken alive in the first place.