Starting my own thread on Paris (some people have sensitive dispositions)

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
We are a nation of immigrants. Many of our ancestors came to America to escape persecution and war. The rush to block these helpless, desperate refugees who are fleeing ISIS and civil war, reeks of racism and religious intolerance. Originally Posted by WhiteGentleman
we are immigrants?
what country did we all immigrant to?
None, there was no country here.
Yes, there were indians/people here, but there was no country,.
lets say there was a country, so what? they couldnt defend themselves. they were so wear a bunch of white people took it from them

Basically, there was land, some kids were playing on the land, when we came, took control of the land and built a casino/mall.. the kids on the land said "we were here first!" so what? now they want some of the money our "mall/casino" makes?
yeah,right Pass.

Worst case, the settlers invaded the land and kicked them off of it, ie they had a cupcake and we took it, end of story. survival of the fittest. thats how nature works. I bet lots of shit has happened to you that "wasnt fair"

best case: they hadnt established crap,and if they did, we defeated them and they need to leave. if ISIS invaded america and took over the land, its over,we don't expect anything, we don't expect them to be "fair" and give us rights and other crap

so do I want to take care of other people that arent going to help me?
no thanks
I'd never take in a homeless person into my home, why do I want to pay for one to live and be a dependant on me?
I'm all for killing the people who kill others(terristits) but that's mostly out of fear that they'll hurt me.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Come on, America! Show the terrorists and the rest of the world that we are tolerant and generous, not intolerant and afraid of the bogeyman under the bed. Originally Posted by WhiteGentleman
we are more worried about ourselves and keeeping our normal lives than a bunch of peolpe we have never met.
want to help someone? go down find somone who is poor and trying to stay fed and warm this winter.
No? oh really? i dont wonder why
ever ask someone who is pregnant" WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?
why not? it would have the same basis as this little rant of yours
Why is someone bringing another mouth to clothe, shelter and feed into the world when so many others in this country need help
having kids is selffish, and why do we want to bring thousands into this country?
It cost $1-$2k to become a citizen in the US and it takes a huge background check and usually an interview.
why do these people deserve to come here free of charge and no background check?
dirty dog's Avatar
Obviously you didn't want to read or even want to notice "republicans in particular". Vetting ANY refugees or ANY immigrants is a Homeland Security function. I'd wager there is no White House liaison in any INS office anywhere in the U.S.

Blaming O or the WH for that shit is about as stupid as blaming the same for a clogged toilet in a federal building. Originally Posted by dumars
Do you actually believe that the decision to allow these refugees into this country was decided at the local INS office. Do you really believe Homeland security made the decision to allow them into this country without the authorization of the President. As President Truman stated "the buck stops here".
dirty dog's Avatar
24 governors, mostly Rebublicans, have said their states will not accept Syrian refugees. Chris Christy says he will not even accept orphan toddlers. Donald Trump accused the President of the United States of planning to settle refugees only in Republican states. Members of Congress have submitted bills to prevent Syrian refugees from being settled in the US and have even threatened to shut down the federal government over this issue.

We are the greatest nation on earth, the most powerful nation in human history, the world's greatest democracy and the leader of the free world. We are notable for our generosity. We beat our chests proudly about our American values and exceptionalism. Yep until your neighbor gets his brains blown out at the local QT just before they blow up a building, then you'll be beating your chest screaming how did this happen.

We are a nation of immigrants. Many of our ancestors came to America to escape persecution and war. The rush to block these helpless, desperate refugees who are fleeing ISIS and civil war, reeks of racism and religious intolerance. Yeah that pretty much went out the window with the advent of radical terrorism. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck............. Except with all the vetting being done the wolves still walk among the sheep.

The disingenuous argument given is that we must keep them ALL out in order to keep out THE FEW sleeper terrorists who may be among them. But the refugees have already spents months, even years, in refugee camps, and will be vetted thoroughly by several federal agencies before they are allowed to settle here. It is much simpler and faster and less scrutiny for would be terrorists to sneak across the border illegally or enter our country legally on visitor visas or student visas or work visas.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Come on, America! Show the terrorists and the rest of the world that we are tolerant and generous, not intolerant and afraid of the bogeyman under the bed. Originally Posted by WhiteGentleman
Your laying in the hospital and the doctors are telling you that you will live without it but a blood transfusion would help you heel faster. Here is the rub, there are only 9 bottles of blood that is your type, 2 of them are HIV tainted but they don't know which ones are tainted and which ones arnt. Do you have the transfusion?

When you can tell me which refugee is a refugee or a which one is a terrorist then things would be different but why expose the country to further risk when it is not necessary.
Looks like the majority has turned into a bunch of pussies. There were 85,000 Iranian refugees brought into the USA.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Looks like the majority has turned into a bunch of pussies. There were 85,000 Iranian refugees brought into the USA. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'm all for being a pussy

pay me enough money and I'll let you enter

First nation should have thought of that .
People should note the current refugee process takes 18-24 months.

It is 100x as difficult for someone to gain access to the U.S. as a refugee than a simple tourist visa.

Why would a potential terrorist go through the refugee process when they could simply enter the U.S. as a tourist?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
People should note the current refugee process takes 18-24 months.

It is 100x as difficult for someone to gain access to the U.S. as a refugee than a simple tourist visa.

Why would a potential terrorist go through the refugee process when they could simply enter the U.S. as a tourist? Originally Posted by PizzaLover
whatever gets the job done
how long did it take to plan/do 9.11?
Yeah. Sure. Lets bring them here. As if our own people aren't entitled enough.

Pizza, I don't know where you are getting your facts, but even our own State Department acknowledges that we cannot vett 10,000 refugees effectively. It is not a question of IF some of these refugees are jihadists. The only question is HOW MANY of them are, and how high the body count will be WHEN they strike out.

Actually though, I had an epiphany this morning. If we are going to bring 10,000 refugees here with their ingratitude, entitlement attitude, and with some jihadists mixed in, I do know the perfect place to send them. Lets send them to Mizzou's campus, so that we can have an entitlement off. Lets see which group - the Mizzou Cry Bullies vs. The I-Need-A-TV-And-A-Private room refugee's can out complain the other.
coolsperman's Avatar
Yeah. Sure. Lets bring them here. As if our own people aren't entitled enough.

Pizza, I don't know where you are getting your facts, but even our own State Department acknowledges that we cannot vett 10,000 refugees effectively. It is not a question of IF some of these refugees are jihadists. The only question is HOW MANY of them are, and how high the body count will be WHEN they strike out.

Actually though, I had an epiphany this morning. If we are going to bring 10,000 refugees here with their ingratitude, entitlement attitude, and with some jihadists mixed in, I do know the perfect place to send them. Lets send them to Mizzou's campus, so that we can have an entitlement off. Lets see which group - the Mizzou Cry Bullies vs. The I-Need-A-TV-And-A-Private room refugee's can out complain the other. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Pretty devoid of facts, but that is how you roll.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Yeah. Sure. Lets bring them here. As if our own people aren't entitled enough.
. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
doesnt matter if the people here are "entitled" or not, the issue should be there is people here

america is a lifeboat, we don't have enough room and supplies for everyone, so either you contribute or we throw you overboard(even though we dont,) if we take all the parasites/people we feel sad for onboard and only a few people do the work(middle class) then we are all going to fail
do we all slowly fail together, or do we dump/avoid the extra people and give ourselves a chance
life isnt fair
sorrry, you can't come here, GOOD LUCK
Honduras stopped five Syrian men with stolen passports attempting to fly here. That is quicker than trying to slip in as a refugee.
dumars's Avatar
Ok, I'll play.

Where did I even suggest HS or INS decided anything?

I haven't caught up with the latest news yet but why exactly are you RWNJ so caught up in Syrians? Most of the Paris attackers were European, that is Belgian and French, i.e. white people. Seems to me you all should be bitching and whining about French and Belgian tourists and immigrants. But that ain't happening!

Do you actually believe that the decision to allow these refugees into this country was decided at the local INS office. Do you really believe Homeland security made the decision to allow them into this country without the authorization of the President. As President Truman stated "the buck stops here". Originally Posted by dirty dog